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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. To add a little more here, When I got my WD Mates at TRU in Winston-Salem, NC, the worker opened the case in front of me (Case pack was the same as previously mentioned) However, I'm pretty sure there was only the one case. Part of me would be really surprised if this is it for the first wave considering how abundant other Minimates always are in my area, but then I just found out the McFarlane Walking Dead Daryl Dixon figure I saw all over the place in January of this year is crazy rare and sells for over $100 now so maybe Walking Dead is a wild card. Guess I need to make sure to get wave 2 pre-ordered soon
  2. I think the easy fix would be to just shave out the inside of the front of the jacket. That seems to be the problem.
  3. Here's some pics. Worst/thickest jacket on the left and Shane's jacket on the right
  4. I just looked at the 3 jackets I have (2 Ricks, 1 Shane) On both Rick jackets the front flails out at the bottom of the coat. It looks like the front is really thick on one of them and not as thick on the other. This appears to make it jut out a little but when the head is put on, it pushes the collar down a little and makes the jacket jut out more. This isn't as noticeable on the slightly thinner jacket. Shanes jacket is much thinner than either of the Rick jackets and doesn't have this problem at all. I'll try to take some pics when I get home later
  5. Exact same Ball cap piece, just painted differently
  6. Huh, and here I thought you were just holding Wolvie by the claws just out of frame
  7. I love the "meat" accessory that comes with the Nerd Zombie!
  8. Huh, I forgot Tyreese was shown. I guess he'll be in series 3? I wonder if Morgan replaced him in series 2 for some reason since both Morgan and Michonne aren't in those Toy Fair pictures.
  9. My only complaint with the variant Dale pack is that I don't want Dale in a winter coat. An extra Female zombie is just fine by me. The Nerd Zombie and all 3 Max Zombies have the same skin color as the Female and there are more then enough Minimates out there with generic clothes on that one could use parts to make a completely new looking female zombie. Now with wave 2, it looks like I'll be hunting for the variant so I can get a whole new character (Amy) especially if she still has the alternate scared face.
  10. Ran by my local TRU yesterday and they just put out a case! Unfortunately it appears my Shane came with two left shoulders for his white T-shirt arms Thankfully, one handed Rick's arm works as a substitute I also took a cue from Luke's blog and bought a second Rick/Zombie pack and did some part swapping
  11. Huh, well if I hadn't already shown off my Batman Beyond Minimates, I could just enter them. I had never heard of this, but then I've also never really looked at fwoosh either
  12. I'm digging the Bat and will have to get a second one to make a mutated BatmanBeyond as well
  13. It's funny, I showed this set to my wife last night, she pointed to Dr. Strange and said "he looks like that guy on Venture Brothers" (She couldn't remember Dr. Orpheus' name at the time)
  14. Never really got it, already was kinda annoyed at the memes and such but...... the Deadpool video is funny and I think it's because it's Deadpool doing it
  15. I need two Morbius' so I can use some of the parts on him. Those wings would be great for my Batman Beyond and that collar is a dead ringer for Destro, if only I didn't also like the Morbius figure too!
  16. SECONDED! Mainly for the Werewolf by Night, but the others are great additions too!
  17. I too missed getting two figures, but the Mummy set is still worth it to me, just look at the sarcophagus as a mini playset.
  18. I did not need to see these, I'm broke enough as it is I think I need the Fly the most but he'll have to have a mod to his hands (one human colored and one a fly leg shape)
  19. That Captain N is awesome! I was just telling a coworker about this show today
  20. Thanx guys! Two of the 3 Blight pictures are glow in the dark pics (with the help of a blacklight) The only photoshopping I did on any of the pictures is the names and red background lines with a shadow gradient over the figures in the named pics.
  21. Newest group of customs have been posted! Batman's ears might have gotten a little long on me but I still like how he turned out. I've been working on the whole set for a little while and unfortunately didn't write down the exact parts I used while making the figures so I don't remember what half of the plain black parts are
  22. You can also check your local thrift/goodwill store, there's no guarantee the SNES will work, but typically they can be had for $9-$25 each when they have them (at least out by me, I assume most Goodwills have similar prices)
  23. I agree, quick and to the point is good. I'm a more visual type so I usually have more pictures than words. Reading your review, you talked about the Logan hairpiece, I would have liked to see a picture of the figure using that hairpiece.
  24. Well I was going to mention the new Rocketeer costume set for Captain Action, but apparently that's been cancelled
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