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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. Thanx for the compliments! I need to get down to work and make up Series 4 and the SDCC 4 pack
  2. I was thinking there was just a problem with attachments today but since I can't see the pics either, we'll just go with photobucket versions
  3. Like Zach said, this is the main place. I've been taking everything we ID here and make pics to post on a friend's site as well
  4. Hmmm, I can see a transforming Spider-Hulk where all the bulked up parts look like the cover there and underneath you have a plain spider-man mate. Make it a two pack with Bag Head! (I know, it'll never happen )
  5. That was great! Hope you all had a wonderful christmas
  6. A friend of mine pointed out one of those sets with a motorcycle that looked like it'd work well with minimates (I haven't bought it to try out yet)
  7. Just finished up my Star Trek Movie Crew minimate group! A lot of this is what many others before me have done for years, but I just had to make a robe version of Spock
  8. I just finished a group, I don't need to see something awesome like this to make me make another custom group! Stop being so good at this! Really digging them all
  9. I had the handle on the shield for the Scavenger fall off, but a little bit of glue and that'll be just fine
  10. Been over a year since I posted a custom in here. I need to finish up one custom I've been slowly working on, but in the meantime, here's a quick Invisible Man. I was happy to find that the Cobra Viper goggles slid right over the minimate head and stay in place with no problem
  11. Seeing that robe with a clear head is making me want to make an Invisible man minimate now
  12. OK, I'm not even a fan of Wrestling, but that Macho Man set up is awesome!
  13. Comedic timing? The skull was the only clue I could even think of (though now that I type that I've thought of at least one other I might have to try next year)
  14. I believe I'll be doing this as well
  15. Saw the Zombies set today at TRU. I really wish they had given them the same or even similar articulation they've given the other minifigures. Sadly, the zombies look like they have Lego minifig articulation (Elbows and knees would have helped me want to buy them)
  16. Found a Minimate scaled cycle today in a Thrift Store (Unfortunately I have no idea who made it, just says China on it) Daryl fits better on the cycle I also found a Stargate made by Best Lock at Target last night and it works pretty well with Minimates
  17. So wait...if this is "unhinged Morgan" then what's the Morgan we already got? I wonder if this Glenn will be a TRU exclusive too? YAY! We finally get the Tyreese we've seen since series 2!
  18. Saw the Calico Jack Pirate Ship for $4.98 Haven't seen any Max Police sets since I bought the last two almost a year ago
  19. I never even caught that there was a Mecha Rhino in the trailer til I saw you guys mention it (I had even forgot Rhino was supposed to be in the movie) I think I'd really like that suit for Minimates. A small vehicle version would be pretty cool but I can see a "Transforming" type of minimate like the Robot Hulk working for Rhino
  20. Big thanks to my Secret Santa (I'm assuming it's Minijeff ) I'm enjoying every one of these guys!
  21. Congratulations guys! Very cool entries all around
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