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Everything posted by WookieFodder

  1. i thought i had mono once for an entire year. turns out i was just really bored
  2. A set with Stallone for 1 Dollar, but the Guns are Free
  3. They look incredible Silk and Ozy are my faves. How hard was that Ozy to make?
  4. The color version of Jay and Silent Bob is one of the best overall two packs I think DST has ever produced. Thank You DST, I wasn't even expecting these until 2014. I kinda wish I left the black and white ones in the package now.
  5. I like Martinez the best in this wave. Yes winkerbean is right, Maggie looks to be doing a Kyle-Reese-Cosplay. Tyreese looks exactly like my QC i did of him using Terry Crews expendables, so go make that if you can't wait. 3 Army Builders? Prison Outfit, Riot Gear, Zombies I'm not blown away by the wave but I still think it's pretty cool. Love me some new civilians. There's about 3-4 characters from the current issues that i want minimated real bad.
  6. Got mine today, these all look great, really solid movie wave. Heimdall is so cool, I've been waiting for him. And Thor is actually way better than I expected; excellent all around. Yes, Darcy is a very welcome addition; very. I would've included a loose Shoe for her to throw through the portal. Even though Loki is the one who is most similar to something previously released, i would've switched Selvig out for Kurse. A Kurse minimate would be badass.
  7. Garfield seemed too cool to play Peter Parker. Tobey was great, although I think him creating his own webs was gross. What does that even mean, like when he gets older he can't produce as many webs? I like him creating web shooters, plus bc he's damn near unbeatable, creates suspense when he runs out.
  8. I like the Wolverine Deadpool from the Deadpool kills Deadpool comic that just ended. His only dialogue was naming types of beers.classic. Just don't make the WolvieDeadpool that's pictured on the Deadpools Assemble box bc he should be Black and Red not Yellow. And I think everyone wants a PandaPool. Nintendo would be sweet. Would most of them like Mario characters all be shorter too? Wouldn't standard Link be a little smaller also? METROID is the one to have though!
  9. Have yet to find this wave anywhere in Northeast Ohio or Akron. Just found TRU wave 17, so maybe this passed us by? Really wanted that Scarlet Witch, but I'll settle for Robot Hulk and Rescue I guess.
  10. Not getting the rest of TNG crew is like a bunch to the gut. I'm not crazy about the JJ movies, I would love for a TV Network to take a chance and make a Next Next Generation or remake TNG somehow. If we can't get any Americans on it, what if BBC was allowed to take a stab at it, that would be cool. Let's say they did remake TNG, how would you cast it, what changes would you make?
  11. all your toys are exposed to poop. i haven't bought any of your stuff on ebay, have i? It is weird but most of us are weird. I used to love reading ToyFare and Action Figure Digest on the bowl.
  12. I commissioned TonyStark to make me Mother Russia from the Kick-Ass comicbooks. He also made me a couple Sting the wrestler from WCW faces. I used Loki's hair and some black parts to finish him. TonyStark is selling a similar looking version of his Sting on ebay. I like mine better. Mother Russia is especially impressive. Decals on front and back, the eye patch, Stars tattoos on her forehead and all the way up and down her arms and legs, boots and an extender to make her taller. Finally, my Hit Girl custom has a decent sparring partner.
  13. yeah some people just can't have fun. Just watched the bluray, but it was way better in the theater. Does it make less sense to use Giant Robots against Giant Monsters or that after years of doing it cut the funding when the world is ending? My strategy would've been use of Jets/Heavy Helicopters which could be Drones. Same thing with Naval Ships. Torpedos and Missiles are more economical than Robots just not as much fun. I think the Giant Robots could've had some backup from Helicopters.
  14. Deadpool the Kid is a great custom. I def want to make one.
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