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Everything posted by Mnemosis

  1. Seconded. Haven't played the new one yet, but the series has been impressive so far and this one looks magnificent
  2. Senator Kelly. Bigot... innnn... spaaaaaaaace!
  3. I had the same thought, so I cut JUST the bandana out and applied it over the existing forge head
  4. Bwahaha... "Please, call me Nick. My FATHER was Mr Shredder."
  5. I'm not sure they trust him to carry a two pack...
  6. Of my two blobs, one was way misaligned as well. I also found the leg straps of my X-Menwere mostly affixed due to paint drying and - on some figures - where I've moved the straps or tried to move them more into place, there is now paint rub
  7. How many years has it been and I never realized his first name was Nick?!
  8. NOICE! I'll be posting my creations tomorrow and Sunday. The 8 sets of series 60 will have netted me roughly 20 new, upgraded, or custom figures when all is said and done, plus a whole slew of customs I made expressly BECAUSE this wave was coming
  9. I suppose you're be okay with Sicklops and Wolvereyen, too? WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE!?
  10. Oh, right, maybe Jean's in his head?
  11. Nessex, brother, you make me wish I'd ordered more
  12. Is this modern Bobby talking to young Bobby?
  13. I could NOT get Gateway's legs the right shade of brown. They DO look better in person, though, as I'm sure many of you know from your own prior experience with photos and paint color matching. Gateway is T'Challa's head on ToS Blade's chest with alt arms and, of course, a spinning Mjolnir with a little pink paint. Add Werewolf by Night's hair piece, painted grey, and some legs painted to match his skin tone. Ta-DA! For the sitting pose, it's not TOO hard. - Bend your mate's legs at the knee, lay them flat on their side (socket joint facing up) and approximate where the hip ball will line up. - Make two incisions down to the bottom of the socket, roughly an eighth of an inch apart (wide enough for the hip peg) and carefully cut out what's in between (making a small rectangular notch). - Now, even if everything is cut and lined up perfectly, the leg won't fit on - the top of the leg is too thick to fit between the crotch and ball (that's... what she said?). You need to cut this down, little by little, till you get a good fit. - Finally, cut the heels off of the feet at an angle so they can fit together along the new plane you're creating. I recommend starting with a mate you don't care about sacrificing, as the first attempt may be rough. I recommend the OTHER version of that Cyclops, and drawing in musculature. It will still look rough, most likely, but better than this. Otherwise? LOVE IT!
  14. Mine arrived! I'll be opening and getting wrist deep tomorrow!
  15. OMG... All good, but yes... the novice Silver Paddler is a damned riot.
  16. As others have said, I'd consider Marvel characters in this format for upscaled figures like Giant Man or a Sentinel, based on how the end product looked. But... would DST go with any such characters IF they had the chance? They don't seem like big draws.
  17. I just ended up using Justice for Black Widow
  18. Cut a hole in the cape, cut down the jump stand, cut grooves into the thigh holes, cut panels out of the lower tunic, and cut the feet at an angle. Very happy with the result! Thanks for the kind words. Then I used the same leg trick on... ...Gateway, to round out my Outback team
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