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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. awesome work! Love the lanterns, you make me want to start customizing Lanterns.What a group of customs!You got me excited for the next factory update for sure :biggrin: .
  2. very awsome!! I had to look around and see certain folks with that look and my wife and i were just busting up. LoL :biggrin:
  3. I love it theres 13 episodes total the custom i did is actually Alucard the main man.its dark ,gritty and fast paced and the plot is pretty damb good to its about the Hellsing organization and Alucard being the eldest vampire and of course the most powerful and his missions and back history and his 2 guns are just awsome.I dont want to spoil to much. again it only being 13 episodes i think it got cut way to short but hey we have 13 :biggrin: .I think you would like it
  4. A update of customs from all over the galaxy Cad Bane Anakin Skywalker Helsing Teddy & Yeti Dhalsim Guile She Hulk In Fantastic four uniform Cad Bane- He is A custom that took quite a while.His arm hoses,face hoses and ankle jet packs come from the 3 3/4 figure that came out late last year his hat is all sculpted his jacket modified to give him his tailes Anakin - One of my favrite versions of him for sure. I love how he gets his blue tattooes.Little slug like creatures leave the blue trails on him as they slug across him,so fun to watch happen.this version of Anakin comes from my favrite of the 2 clone wars cartoons.anyway he was super fun to put togeather.Anakin and Cad also mark my first starwars customs Helsing- One of my favrite Anime mini series.I tryed somthing new with him his hair is a part of his face decal.I think it turned out pretty good then for fun I had to make a second head without his glasses.I could not just do one face with him!! Teddy & Yeti - I honestly dont read the comic I stumbled across the pair surfing the net and thought to myself.(Know these two would make for some awsome minimates).With beast's parts yeti turned out just as i was hoping. Dhalsim & Guile- with the street fighter minimates i think it got cancelled a little to early so I have been working on building some favrites that were never made.Dhalsim Guile are my first two.currently im working on Balrog and Zngief so hopfully these are the first 2 of many to come.Guile is made from decals from the minimate factory and Dhalsim's decal is made from scratch She-Hulk- A quick custom I put togeather so she could hang out in uniform with the rest of the team in my display On to letting the pictures tell the words I hope everyone likes and as always comments are most welcome Thank you to everyone who has been leaving feedback its very Inspirational and it does not go unnoticed!!
  5. thank you for sharing that link, I just spent some time at that guys site and got lost for a long while.That is just amazing what he has done he truely has done the Muppets justice with that it is a masterpiece!!
  6. I got a couple sets and all were about the same as you explained.Nightcrwaler's red on his chest could have been brighter to match his shoulder thingies .Two out of three Meggans I have open her heads are also loose.I know this is nitpicking a little but on meggans hair in the front theres a tiny little piece of plastic that did not get cut off when her hair was being made at the factory i took a knife and shaved it and it realy helps make her look better.All 3 of my meggans had this on her hair
  7. Very Very COOL-I had actually never heard of Axe Cop before.Thank you for the links .Axe Cop is the man
  8. I am curious about the cassette player and headphones. Does it fit well on Marty? My question goes out to anybody who has the set. The pics so far are fantastic - I just have not seen any with the cassette player.
  9. Watchmen Wave 6 Night Owl 1 Silk Spectre 1 Bernard Bernie Lawrence Michael in this wave I blended comic and movie a little Michael and Lawrence I went for there comic look but as far as how Lawrence gets killed I went with the movie version (Angle grinder) The two Bernies I went with there comic look for sure but as for Bernie the kid I went with the movie attire.I loved how they gave him Veidt sneakers I had to make those Silk Spectre is all comic inspired her stockings were the biggest challenge she actually has fishnet and I knew i wasnt going to be able to pull that off so I went with this look.Night Owl 1 is all comic inspired his owl mask-hemet was the funnest part. this wave also completes the minutemen and Big figures trio so I included a couple group shots of the Minutemen and Big Figure with his two thugs I hope everyone enjoys the pics.As always questions and comments are most welcome.Time to let the pics do the talking
  10. WoW I just got home from work and I almost didn't believe my eyes. This is one awesome upgrade - it's just excellent. Like getting a new toy :biggrin: GREAT JOB
  11. I voted and I must say that was realy tough but in the end I went with 1 Alpha Flight - One of my dream teams to be Minimated 2 Blak Cat T.T.A.-I think it would make for a fun & awsome box set 3 Brotherhood of Mutants (Original)- another one of my dream teams to be Minimated and there long over due(I.M.O) I promise I only voted for 3 ,no toothpicks for me
  12. When this thread started I knew I had one group I wanted to add to it "THE MINUTEMEN".I actually have not had a chance to add Silk Spectre or Night Owl to my customs yet so this is a little sneak per say of my next wave I just got done with.I hope everyone likes :biggrin:
  13. very nice group shot. Bummer it has to be brought down . All the group shots rock ,this has been my favorite thread the last couple days for sure :biggrin:
  14. I use Kaspersky its been great for me and i also use the program Karamazov gave the link to.This sucks to here i hope you get the bugs out quick.
  15. 1 Alpha Flight 2 Wrecking Crew 3 Brotherhood Those are the three id love to see made for sure.
  16. If there has been one in the past and I didn't dig deep enough I apologize but I think this would make for a great little tutorial,A how to tutorial with dye.I have been seeing just killer work for months with the stuff and there seems to be more and more use of it.I have never used dye personally but my curiosity is just through the roof with the stuff,I just thought it would make for a great little tutorial at the factory.
  17. He looks awesome.Can't wait to see him done.I have been wanting to try RIT dye.thank you for the water tip.
  18. Hellpop Im excited to see more for sure!Luke thank you again for having me over at the factory.I can't wait to put together some 5th Element minimates.
  19. Great news, thanks. What part of WA? Kitsap county (silverdale-Bremerton)
  20. Siriusly? siriusly Im a fan of the Order in general.
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