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Captain Paco

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Everything posted by Captain Paco

  1. Has this question been answered? I would like to know the answer. I am considering painting an Easter Bunny white to try to make the White Rabbit. I am even considering using the lost boy from the Peter Pan wave to make the March Hare to go with the Mad Hatter.
  2. I am so upset that the MotU minimates were a hoax. They looked so real and I was so hoping for them to be real. Especially Orko.
  3. I really need a Zoot and Lips. I loved Electric Mayhem and really want to have them all on display. I have everyone else except Zoot and Lips. Sam the Eagle would be a great addition to the line and Rizzo would be nice but not a requirement on my part.
  4. Dave: I have ordered parts for the ones I felt comfortable with making. I have Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Faker, Man-at-Arms, Teela, & He-Man. I have my version of Beast Man and Clawful and Buzz-Off. I want the Official MotU Mates to rework using your parts to enhance the look of them as I like your parts a little better than some of the official parts.
  5. I have my custom MotU mates but I would buy both of these sets twice over and use the extra set to improve my custom mates. I would like to see more characters in the MotU series. Teela, Zodiac, Man-e-faces, and many more. But we do need a Battle Cat/Kringer which would open the concept of a tiger up for other lines........Walking Dead, for one.
  6. Prowlar, I always enjoy seeing what you come up with. I admire your creativity. You have inspired some of my customs. Thank you for sharing your customs with all of us. Looking forward to future customs shared by you. Captain Paco
  7. I would love to go since it is so close to home but my wife always has to 1/2 marathon or triathlon scheduled the same weekend. I only live two to two and a half hours south of Chicago and yet I have never been able to attend C2E2.
  8. I could enjoy some Planet of the Apes MiniMates (Classic not the new ones). I would like to see some of the classic cartoons done in MiniMates form since we are getting Muppets. We could do the characters from Hanna Barbera (Yogi, Boo boo, Grape Ape, the gangs from Laff-a-lympics:The Scooby Doobies, The Yogi Yahooeys and the Really Rottens). Then we could get the Blue Falcon and Dyno-Mutt.
  9. Hello, I have been tinkering a little with Minimates since my last post. I made some quick customs for my Secret Santa and a few for myself. I had gotten a custom of Barack Obama and so now I wanted a custom of Donald Trump. So I made one. My recipe was: 24's David Palmer: arms, hips, legs, feet and jacket (because the jacket has what looks like a flag pin on the lapel like Trump wears.) Senator Kelly: hair piece (tinted orange) John Talbot: head and hands (but I just used a flesh colored pair of hands.) Dr. Peter Venkman: Torso with the tie painted red I used the podium I had for the custom Obama, I bought so reused it for Trump.
  10. Still looking for Man-Thing. Haven't seen this wave at all in my area. But just found me a Squirrel Girl pack, but that was all other than leftovers from wave 1.
  11. Still looking for Man-Thing. Haven't seen this wave at all in my area. But just found me a Squirrel Girl pack, but that was all other than leftovers from wave 1.
  12. I am so blessed. My Secret Santa was very kind and generous. I got more than I expected. I got full set of eight Dr. Strange Mates. I got the full set of eight 2016 Ghostbusters Mates. And I got a WONDERFUL bonus. And my bonus was a Custom Character from Star Trek the Next Generation I was so excited to see this custom. I have been working on Star Trek Customs and could never find the right look for LT CMDR Shelby. This is perfect. There was a note: He even used a clever return address on the package: The way the box was packed, if I had not seen the note, I would have missed Shelby. I am totally thrilled and glad the package got to me at my office before I left today as I am off work until January 3rd after today. This totally made my Christmas. I really do feel that my Secret Santa is none other than Luke Porter. The handwriting on the note matches a custom sketch card he sent me a while back. Thank you so much Luke. Thank you for Mysterious Stranger for running the 2016 Secret Santa. I appreciate everything. I hope that next year will allow me more time to be a larger part of this community. Merry Christmas and Bless you everyone!
  13. Here is my attempt at ugly Christmas sweaters, Rough but I may only keep the Star Trek one as is. Here are a couple of blanks I made to hang on my little tree I use in my display at work.
  14. Thank you si very much MMMV Elves. I got my little stocking today. It was a nice little stocking with a bite sized Twix, a Rolo, a mini candy cane and a Blain minimate from Predator. Can't believe I got him. I already gave my nephew the candy. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
  15. I would love me a few of this 2-pack. I loved that movie and Robby the Robot was my favorite.
  16. Thank you. I appreciate all who helped make this contest and all contests for this community possible. Happy holidays!
  17. Thank you, it is the head from the Arthur Minimate. I was not sure what to do with all the heads as I got a bunch of Arthurs to use the suit of armor for other customs and I figured one would be great for a Leprechaun.
  18. Here is my WIP Leprechaun. I had already made my own witch. and I have also made my own devil of sorts I like the idea Rex had about the Ugly Christmas Sweater. That could be cool because you could do a male and a female each year and make them collectible like Hallmark ornaments and I would so buy them every year to use as ornaments for a Christmas tree in my office. Heck I may steal that idea and start making some now.
  19. I was blessed to be able to run an errand already today. I was able to get to my local TRU and found they just stocked a case of Series 3 Nightmare Before Christmas MiniMates. I was able to get two packages of the Witches, but one was really beat up. Since I open one set, I will open the beat up pack and keep the other for my MoC set. I wish they had more of the Witches but clearly someone beat me to them. I will keep looking out for them and let you all know if I get some to share with you. I hope to find the again and I will share. Series 3 is six minimates in three 2-packs. Jack and Sally in one, Unraveled Oogie Boogie and Glow-in-the-Dark Pumpkin King in one, and Big Witch and Little Witch in one. There were only two Witch packs on the peg and there were four of the other two packs. So Series 1 at TRU was Jack & the Mayor, Sally & Dr. Finkelstein, Green Elf & Pink Elf. Series 2 at TRU was Pumpkin King & Zero, Santa Jack & Easter Bunny, Wolfman & Mr. Hyde Series 3 at TRU is Jack & Sally, Big Witch & Little Witch, Unraveled Oogie Boogie & Glow-in-the-Dark Pumpkin King I find it interesting how Jack (or a variation of Jack) has been in all the series sold at TRU. I understand he is the main character, but to have the Pumpkin King twice at TRU is a little much in my opinion. Couldn't they have substituted GitD Pumpkin King with say an exclusive character that we have not gotten yet, or a variation of Sally? Anyway, I am happy they are making more MiniMates, but I thought I read somewhere that TRU will not get Series 4 of NBX. I hope they change their minds.
  20. I would really like to see the Presidents all made into MiniMate form. Someone did a custom Barack Obama and I would love to see George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and the rest all made in MiniMate form. I guess that is just the geek in me. But I think Historical MiniMates would be a great thing. I would even go as far and saying Biblical MiniMates would be interesting as well. Adam & Eve, Moses, David & Goliath, Jesus (not the Dashboard Jesus either) and even a Nativity Set all in MiniMate form would be cool. Noah and the Ark full of MiniMate Animals would be a first and so cool. But I would like to see More Star Trek MiniMates as well. I will never get tired of asking for more Star Trek MiniMates.
  21. I didn't get a "Source" button either.

    I merely copied someone else's list and pasted it in my reply.  Then submitted it and then went in to edit it to make it my list.

    Hope that helps.

  22. I really like all my Star Trek MiniMates. However, my ultimate favorite is Scotty from Series 1 from August 2007. I have made a great deal of the Star Trek Universe in MiniMate form. I would have to add that I love the original Scotty with the custom Mirror, Mirror Scotty and the Dress Uniform Scotty both coming in second place. The Three Inch Star Trek MiniMates got me started in the collecting of MiniMates and I loved the series, so when it was cancelled then reborn in the two inch form I was surprised but loved it all the same. I generally purchase MiniMates at my local TRU that are on clearance throughout the year and donate them to Toys for Tots which is a cause I support every year. I even shop for the local branch every year when they need assistance to get toys with funds donated to them. Great organization and lots of joy to know I am helping children get toys for Christmas.
  23. I would love to see more Holiday Inspired MiniMates. I made my own Santa, Pilgrim and I have been working on a Leprechaun, but having trouble matching greens. I would love to see an official Santa, Mrs. Claus, Leprechaun, Cupid and so forth. Maybe even a reindeer that is not a skeleton could be in the Christmas Set. May even be something they could do that the leftovers could be stored to reissue the next season it is eligible for so thus not much to hang around on pegs at stores. I would likely buy a couple of each holiday themed sets.
  24. Thank you so much, I can't believe I won one of the $20 gift certificates. Happy Thanksgiving to all who were a part of this contest and to all at MiniMates Multiverse.
  25. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for times I get to spend with my father and hope that I get more time with him as what time he has left is limited. I am thankful for the reunion of my brother-in-law with my father-in-law; the years apart were hard on my father-in-law and now that my brother-in-law has moved back, their relationship is getting stronger. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good feast. My hand turkey is an attempt to make it look like it has the coloring of a real wild turkey with what coloring I had available. I moved my hand to add extra tail feathers.
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