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Captain Paco

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Everything posted by Captain Paco

  1. I never knew this thread was out there. I guess my Children of Oberon would sort of fall under this thread. While the characters are not my original ideas, the minimate embodiment of them is. I may have to tinker some and share but since Photobucket now charges, I am not sure how to get Google Photos to show properly.
  2. I would really love to get my mitts on that Battle Beast Black Bat. I have been wanting it since it was supposed to be part of the next wave of Battle Beasts that was cancelled. I did not have an extra of the first bat released or I would have customed it to look like this Black Bat. I did work a number on one of the extra Merk's I have and made him look like the Robin that was to be part of that wave, but I really would die for a Black Bat. If there was any way someone could get me one I would make arrangements to cover the purchase price and a fair shipping price. God Bless you if could arrange this with me. Have a great day.
  3. Okay, since I have not had much luck lately with getting pictures to share on this site, I am going to list a many of my customs as I can. Okay I will also include the DST/Art Asylum mates as well so I don't forget anyone. This is only a listing of all my Star Trek Minimates and the Customs I have made for the Star Trek Universe. Rand, Sulu, Uhura, Spock, Kirk, Dr. McCoy, Scott, Chapel, Chekov, Mirror Sulu, Mirror Uhura, Mirror Spock, Mirror Kirk, Custom Mirror McCoy, Custom Mirror Scott, Custom Mirror Chekov, Marlena Moreau, Sickbay McCoy, Spock's Brain Spock, Command Warp Kirk, Kor the Klingon, Custom Marlena Moreau, Custom Mirror Chapel, two Custom Andorians, Vina the Orion, Custom Bele, Custom Lokai, Fencing Sulu, Custom Shanna, two Custom Romulan Males (TOS), Custom Female Romulan (TOS), Gorn, Sarek, Custom TOS redshirt, Custom Dr. M'Benga. Custom City on the Edge of Forever Spock, Custom City on the Edge of Forever Kirk, The Cage Spock, Pike, Custom The Cage Number One, Custom The Cage Tyler, Custom Gladiator Spock, Gladiator Kirk, Custom Gladiator McCoy, Dress Uniform McCoy, Custom Dress Uniform Scott in kilt, Dress Uniform Kirk, Dress Uniform Spock, Custom Where No Man Has Gone Before Kirk, Custom Where No Man Has Gone Before Sulu, Elf Spock, Battle-worn Kirk, Space Seed Khan, Custom Red Shirt Khan, Custom TMP McCoy, Custom TMP Duty Uniform Ilia, Custom TMP Spock, Custom Nazi Kirk, Custom movie Romulan Ambassador, Engineering uniform Scott, Field Jacket Kirk, Custom Mugato, Khan (in gold jacket), Custom Wrathful Khan, Movie Khan, Decker, Probe Ilia, Custom TMP Admiral Kirk, Custom movie Spock, Admiral Kirk, Captain Scott, Custom movie Uhura, Custom Yesterday's Enterprise Picard, Custom Living Witness Janeway, Custom Dolim, Custom Orion Slave Woman. Custom Salt Vampire, Custom Commander Shelby (from Luke), Custom Ro Laren, Custom alien Captain, Field Jacket Kirk with alternate head, Kirk (came with Enterprise), Custom ST4 Spock, Admiral Kirk alternate field jacket version, Return of the Archons Kirk, Mirror Kirk (came with Enterprise), Custom Augment, Custom Female Orion Starfleet Officer, Custom Orion Slaver, Custom Orion Female, Custom Orion Slaver II, Custom M'Ress, Custom dying Red Shirt, Custom Gladitor 1, Custom Gladiator 2, Custom Insectoid 1, Custom Insectoid 2, Custom Gorn, Custom Trelane, Custom TOS Harry Mudd. Custom DS9 Keiko O'Brien, Custom DS9 O'Brien, Custom Jadzia Dax, Captain Sisko (season seven uniform), Custom Kira, Custom Paris, Custom Chakotay, Janeway, Seven of Nine, Custom Guinan, Custom Mayweather, Custom Reed, Custom T'Pol (in white uniform), Archer, Custom Tucker, Custom Sato, Custom Yar, Custom TNG O'Brien, Custom Dr. Crusher, Custom Data, Picard, Custom Riker, Custom Troi, Custom LaForge, Custom Wesley, Captain's Jacket Picard, Variation Captain's Jacket Picard, Custom Vest Picard, Custom Tuxedo Dixon Hill Picard, First Contact Picard, Custom First Contact Dr. Crusher, Custom First Contact Riker, Custom First Contact LaForge, Custom First Contact Borgified Data, Borg Drone, Hugh the Borg, Borg Queen, Gul Dukat in black, Gul Dukat in grey, Jem'Hadar, Custom Commander Sela, Custom TNG Romulan Male, Unification Spock, Custom Blue Seven of Nine, Dolim, Commander Sisko, Captain Sisko, Vested Sisko, Custom Trials and Tribble-ations Sisko, Custom Mirror Sisko, Custom Mirror Janeway, Custom Mirror Broken Picard, Custom Mirror Broken Riker, Custom Mirror Broken Dr. Crusher, Custom Mirror Broken Troi, Custom Mirror Broken LaForge, Custom Mirror Broken Data. Worf is a work in progress as is Locutus of Borg (just need to grey wash the face and he is finished.) Also have a Tuvok or Harry Kim in progress. Also have a T'Pol in bluish purple uniform. Also working on Yesterday's Enterprise Yar or a Mirror Broken Yar, not sure which I want more. Have an idea for a Garak but not sure how to complete him either as a Mirror Garak or standard Garak. Also looking to make a Nazi McCoy but not sure, could try to make a Nazi Vosk from Enterprise, but not sure about face. So sorry for no pictures but not having the best of luck with it. If you would like to see pictures, I can always send you an e-mail if you share your e-mail with me via PM.
  4. I have been collecting Star Trek since I can really remember collecting anything. I have all but four of the 4.5 inch Playmates Star Trek Action Figures. I typically keep a full crew on display but we are preparing to sell our house so they are all packed up now. At my office, I have most of my displays. I have my Lego Minifigures. I have the complete Justice League as complete as I think it is. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Robin, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Wonder Twins, Shazam, Apache Chief, Black Vulcan and El Derado all in one case. I have the blind bag minifigures that represent holidays: Santa, Elf, Gingerbread Man, Leprechaun, Easter Bunny & Chicken, two different Werewolves, two different Witches, Dracula, two different Frankenstein Monsters, Skeleton, Ghost, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde (one figure), Fortune Teller, Scarecrow, Mummy, Cat/Tiger Lady, Fly man, Man-Bat, Spider-Boy, Dragon Guy. I also have the Pretzel Guy and Gal, Caveman and Cavewoman, Lady Liberty, Abe Lincoln, two different Sombero men, Robot guy, Robot gal, Brick Man, Brick Woman, Cyclops and Ms. Cyclops, Medusa, Neptune, Mermaid, Yeti, Bigfoot, Minotaur, Fawn, Evil Goblin, Gnome and several others. The Tron light cycles set is also on display. Also have a set of the Little Green Army men from Toy Story since I do work for the Army ROTC office at the university I am an employee of. There are just too many to have all on display at my office. I also have nice sized set of the Kreo Star Trek figures. My main collection on display at my office is my Star Trek minimates. I have all the Star Trek Minimates that were released and then a slew of customs. I have Decker and Ilia that were released from DST, but I have acquired enough parts to make Admiral Kirk from The Motion Picture along with Spock and Dr. McCoy and Ilia in duty uniform. I have made Spock and Kirk from 'The City on the Edge of Forever'. I have made Uhura in the later movie uniform. I have made Riker, Data, Dr. Crusher, Deanna Troi, LaForge, Yar, O'Brien, Guinan and Wesley from TNG. I made Tucker, T'Pol, Sato, Mayweather and Reed from Enterprise. I made Kira, Jadzia and O'Brien and Mrs. O'Brien from DS9. I made Chakotay and Paris from Voyager. I have Mirror Chekov, Mirror Scotty, Mirror McCoy, Mirror Picard, Mirror Riker, Mirror Troi, Mirror LaForge, Mirror Data, Mirror Dr. Crusher, Mirror Janeway, Mirror Sisko, Yesterday's Enterprise Picard, Living Witness Janeway, Locutus of Borg, Scotty in Dress Uniform (with kilt) and lots of other Star Trek Universe Customs. Luke was a big help for many as I had acquired decals from him for several of the customs. I have a nice collection of Deadpool minimates, mostly customs inspired by the Deadpools Assemble box set. I have Thorpool, Captain Ameripool, Cablepool, Phonics-Killerpool and then the figure you can make with the parts in the Phonic-killer figure. Then I have several Deadpool minimates (they yellow one, the grey one, the Thunderbolts one, and seven others. But I made Spider-Pool, Iron Pool, Falcon-Pool, Wolverine-Pool and Dare-Pool. I even have a web-incased Deadpool. I have two Borg-pool inspired by Prowl-Ar's Borg-Pool. I have even made a few customs with my university's logo and the ROTC logo on them. And I am working on a custom mascot for my university as well and he is on display even though he is not finished. Have Alien Xenomorphs on display as well as Predators. And I have a collection of custom Borgs. I have a custom He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and Beastman on display. I do have a custom Faker He-man but he is not on display. And to wrap this up, I have several Nightmare Before Christmas mates out for Halloween along with the Ghostbusters team and a ghost and the Universal Monsters minimates. These will all go away and then I will bring out my custom Pilgrim and Native American for Thanksgiving followed by my custom Santa and then NBX elves for Christmas. I am working on a Leprechaun.
  5. I am happy that we could all connect on another front. I enjoy your posts about MiniMates but I do like having you as friends on Pokemon Go as well. I only wish we were close enough to actually trade pokemon as I am sure you all have many that I don't have.
  6. Okay so here is a status of what Star Trek minimates we have (and I am not counting any 3 inch mates). Kirk in essence there are 8 different Kirk minimates. There are two versions of Mirror Kirk and two versions of Tribbles Kirk and then technically three versions of the basic Captain Kirk. You have Captain Kirk (x3), Battle-damage Captain Kirk, Dress Uniform Kirk, Gladiator Kirk, Mirror Kirk (x2), Trouble with Tribbles Kirk (x2), Admiral Kirk and Field Jacket Admiral Kirk. We four Sisko minimates: Commander Sisko, Captain Sisko (VGR style uniform), Captain Sisko (First Contact style uniform) and then Vest Sisko. We have three Picard minimates: Captian Picard (TNG Uniform), Captain Picard (First Contact uniform) and Captain's Jacket Picard. We only have one version of Janeway and one version of Archer. Spock has move versions than Picard at seven. We have Spock, The Cage Spock, Dress Uniform Spock, Mirror Spock, Spock's Brain Spock, Unification Spock and Elf Spock. Doctor McCoy has three versions as well: Dr. McCoy, Sick Bay Dr. McCoy and Dress Uniform Dr. McCoy. As well as three versions of Sulu: Lt. Sulu, Mirror Sulu and Fencing Sulu. We even have 3 versions of Scotty: TOS Scotty, Movie Dress Uniform Scotty and Movie Duty Uniform Scotty. We even have three versions of Khan: Space Seed Khan in red, Space Seed Khan in gold jacket, and Wrathful Khan. We have two versions of Uhura: Lt Uhura and Mirror Uhura. We even got two versions of Dukat. We only have one Chekov, Chapel, Rand, Mirror Marlena Monroe, Seven of Nine, Hugh, Borg Queen, Dolim, TOS Kor, Decker, Ilia, Borg Drone, Vina, Gorn, Jem'Hadar Soldier, Pike (x2 as there are two version of really the same character in the same uniform). So it is only fair that Picard and the Crew of Enterprise-D get there spots in the world of Minimates. If they do Box Sets of say 4 figures with lots of parts they could make almost all the normal characters in two sets. If they do it like the BAF waves, they could still include extra parts to make multiple characters but have the BAF be a specific that you would not necessarily want an army of. So I would think a BAF wave for Star Trek TNG could be as follows. Set One: Deanna Troi and Commander Riker: with parts to make Dr. Crusher and Q. Set Two: Worf in his gold uniform and Gowron: with parts to make LaForge. Set Three: Data and Guinan with parts to make Barclay. Set Four: Tasha Yar and O'Brien: with parts to make Yesterday's Enterprise Yar and DS9 O'Brien. The BAF could be a Picard from Tapestry or Picard as Galen or Picard as Dixon Hill or Commander Shelby or Ro Laren. I just think this would work and be successful for all involved. Could do Aliens this way as well. A BAF wave for aliens could work if you did properly. Set One: Romulan Picard and Romulan Troi: with extra parts to make Commander Sela. Set Two: TOS Romulan Male and TOS Koloth: with extra parts to make TNG Romulan Male and TOS Kang. Set Three: Cardassian Kira and Quark with parts to make regular Kira and TNG Ferengi. Set Four: Enterprise Andorian and Vedek Winn: with extra parts to make Vedek Bareil and TOS Andorian. Then the BAF could be General Martok or Kahless. Just would like to get more Star Trek parts for the series that are not just for TOS. There is more to Star Trek than Kirk and Spock and the Original Series. All the series need their time as minimates and I am running out of parts to continue customizing.
  7. Tapestry Picard in the old uniform and then Tapestry II Picard in the blue science uniform could be in a set for the TNG series. Also Picard as Galen or as a Romulan to give us a Romulan base for an extra Romulan head and hair. It could work but the key is to figure out the parts that could make the most to reuse the key base parts in the set. Could even reuse the body from Unification Spock to make a Klingon Torres from Voyager or a Romulan from TNG. Could even get Picard as Robin Hood and then have Worf as Will Scarlet with extra parts to make him in his Operations Uniform from the regular run of the series. Then we would have a Klingon finally with ridges. We could then get Klingon Warrior Worf and then an extra head to make Gowron or Martok. Not sure about Sisko, unless you make Klingon Sisko then the extra parts for a regular Klingon. For Janeway, you could have her as she was in Macroism and the the parts to make another character. For Archer, you could make him in his Mirror Uniform and then have the parts to make another mirror universe crew member. But the focus needs to be on the Non-captain characters and the extra parts to make more of the crews with the fewest sets overall.
  8. I would think that if DST were to make Anniversary Box Sets that had lots of extra parts to make different characters that would help sales of that line to those of us that are into the collecting of Star Trek Minimates. I would buy as many sets as I could to make the whole range of available characters from the parts included. For example: A Next Generation set could have Worf, Data, Troi and Yar, with parts to make LaForge, Barclay, Dr. Crusher, and Lefler. Could even have a second set to make aliens: Senator Vreenak, Chancellor Gowron, a TNG Ferengi, and Ambassodor Sarek, then could have parts to make Commander Tomalak, General Martok, Bartender Quark, Ambassodor Soval. Would even be beneficial more to for a DS9/Voyager Crew box set: Kira, O'Brien, Jadzia Dax, Odo. Then extra parts to make Dr. Bashir, Vedek Winn, Ezri Dax, Changling or such. They could even have parts to make Voyager crew since uniforms were similar enough at points in the two series. Paris, Tuvok The Doctor, Neelix. Could almost have Neelix and Quark use the same base body parts but change the heads and hands. Paris could be parts from a DS9 Worf from when he first moved over to the station. Tuvok could be sharing parts to make O'Brien or Kim. Kira and Kes could almost use the same base body parts. I just wish I had the resources to purchase all of them at once but would need to be spread out over time for me to get the finances to do this.
  9. I would be happy to have you all as friends in Pokemon GO!. My trainer code is 4653 3661 2760.
  10. Hello, Just stopped in the only TRU in Bloomington, IL. Since it is now announced that all is 40 to 60% off, I found it odd that Legos were only 30% off but everything else was at least 40% off. I likely will not go back again because there really is not much left to draw me back in for any price. I got a couple of the remaining Minimates, but mainly to disassemble them for customizing. The Walgreen's (believe there are 7) in Bloomington/Normal, IL are starting to thin out their Minimates, so hopefully we will see the new wave hit there. However, I will miss TRU and the luxury of getting Minimates on a slightly regular basis.
  11. As always, really enjoy your customs. On thing I noticed is that Old Man Logan Magnus and Old Man Whitman look exactly alike. But I like the story for each. I am really liking your Galactic Avengers. I have been inspired by some of your customs and have been tinkering with some variations or copies of them for myself. I like your "Frost" enough that I tried to copy but didn't have all the parts so I made "Chill" who has some of the same parts but not all. I made Sharon Carter for my collection based exactly on your design, thank you. I am now working on the Hydra Avengers or at least my versions of the characters. I have Hammer (Thor), a Hawkeye, a Falcon, a Black Widow, an Emerald Witch (Scarlet Witch), Cable, Quick Emerald (Quicksilver). and I even have an Iron Man which I used parts of an Iron Man and a Vault Guard. I hope to be able to make a green Captain America but will likely settle for the CA Agent of Hydra that is already made even though he is not green. But thank you so much for sharing your customs and inspiring me to do something with my extra minimates parts.
  12. I never say the Star Trek Enterprise vehicle at any TRU i have visited in the past. Nor have I seen any Deloreans at TRU. I would like to see a Lost In Space set of minimates, while I have not seen the Netflix show, yet, I have heard wonderful things about it. And you did the Robot and Dr.Smith from the Original in both B&W and Color. So we could get the new series in a few two-packs and then the original series in say a box set of Will, Penny and the Robinson Parents with parts to make Judy and Major West to join the two pack already made.. This would get people to buy two sets to get the whole family. For the series, you could do: Dr. Robinson & Penny Robinson Mrs. Robinson & Major West Will Robinson & Robot Dr Smith & Judy Robinson.
  13. So today I ventured to my local TRU in Bloomington, IL. I found on package of the Spider-Armor Spider-man/Superior Foe Beetle from this TRU25 wave. Never saw any other packs in the store. I wish I had known a little sooner that some new stock would reach my local store, or I would have gone everyday to get these when they came in. I will try back but likely will never see them in stock again at my local TRU.
  14. Any Chance the Teenager Groot & Rocket two packs will be made available at Walgreen's due to TRU not getting them in stock before starting their closure process? I would have paid $9.99 for a set at TRU since they raised all the Marvel Black Panther 2-packs to $9.99 the same time they are trying to sell off the merchandise. I would have gotten at least two sets from Luke's but he is sold out.
  15. Had the ability to visit the TRU in Lexington, Kentucky on March 31st. It was a store in neglect. The isles of action figures were half bare. The Lego isles were still rather full but 5% off is not much at all. (Besides I think Lego will have all remaining merchandise shipped back to them as they seldom ever let items go on clearance.) The collectors section was terrible. 10% was all that was still offered as the close-out sale continues. I got two Beatlejuice 2-packs, two Watchmen 2-packs, and two Predators 2-packs and a single Pirates 2-pack. I wanted to get a set of the Dark Tower minimates, but did not have the funds to do so at the time. The cashier was nice and had shared that they were told the next wave of discounts likely would not hit until after April 16th, However, she said her store would likely close by the end of April. I went to my local TRU on the 23rd of March and got a few 2-packs of minimates but I will hold off going back until later in April. I hope to get a few more 2-packs at least for fodder to my customizing. But still trying to look ahead and plan out my ordering from Luke as that will be my only outlet for the mates I want. Walgreen's is nice but they are slow to sell and sometimes my local Walgreen's just don't get every wave they are supposed to get. Just sharing.
  16. I just opened one of each 2-pack I got in my case from Luke's Toy Store. I really like the Moon Knight and Punisher set. I have not been following any of the Netflix shows, so I am not familiar with Jessica Jones, Power Man, Iron Fist or Daredevil as they are on those shows. But I will say that I am impressed with the minimates. They are some good looking mates. The Ghost Rider in this wave is one I really can't say much about as I have no idea to the story of this version of the character, but it is a nice looking mate. I would say my favorite mate in the set is Purple Man followed closely by the BAM Quake. Just thought I would share my views of this wave. I do hope that the Buld-A-Mate, theme continues to other waves. As it would work well for lots of other franchises not just for Marvel.
  17. My case from Luke's Toy Store is on its way to me. I hope to get it Tuesday when I get back to my office since I sent it there due to theft in my neighborhood form doorsteps. Can't wait.
  18. Nice artwork for Maleficent. Disney should do more with Minimates. They had the Peter Pan sets (two four-packs and a ship with a figure). They were nice pieces. Disney owns Marvel, so they inherited those figures when the took over the Comic franchise. But they could have some very nice looking minimates if they did more of their fairy tales. I know they have Kingdom Hearts coming out, but imagine all the characters of Cinderella, Snow White, the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast and so forth. They could do it all very similar to how they did it for Peter Pan. Cinderella: one box set could be Cinderella in her everyday clothes, and her evil step-mother, one of step-sisters, and a servant of the Prince. The other box set could be Prince Charming, the other evil step-sister, the fairy god-mother and a guard of the prince's Then there cold be a Pumpkin Coach with Cinderella in her gown she wore to the ball. Snow White: 1 box set: Snow White, Doc, the Prince & Dopey, The other box set: The evil queen, Bashful, Sleepy, Grumpy. Then we could get a mine cart with Happy and Sneezy. Little Mermaid: this one could be done with one box set and a vehicle set. Box set of Ariel as mermaid, Triton, Ursula and Prince Eric. Then we could get Prince Eric's ship with Arial as a human. Flounder and Sebastian could be minifigures with the ship. Beauty and the Beast: 1 box set: Bella (town attire), Maurice, Gaston, Lefou. 2nd box set: Beast (with parts to make him human), Cogsworth, Lumire Mrs. Potts (all three would be their human counterparts.) but set could include minifigures of them as the clock, candle opera and teapot.) For the set it could be Maurice's invention with a minifigure of Chip as the cup and Belle in her ballgown. There are lots of possibilities.
  19. So today I just went to local TRU, only really 10% off most things. A few things are 20% off but not many and nothing I was looking for. Legos and construction toys are only 5% off. I snagged a couple Jessica Jones box sets, a couple Alien sets and a couple Pirates sets. I know I will now never see Jack O'Lantern and Negative Zone Spiderman. Noticed they have signs that say they no longer accept checks and they would no scan my rewards card either, which I do understand is now worthless due to the failure of their business.
  20. I would like to see all of these guys made and even the Trix Rabbit, Lucky, Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Boo Berry the ghost. But likely never to happen as I am not talented enough to custom make these guys.
  21. I think I have a Mirror Broken decal that I can use that looks almost as good as Linney's or Luke's Star Trek decals. I will likely print them tomorrow and start applying them to my customs. I am now looking for Star Trek Enterprise Mirror Uniform decals as well as Star Trek Discovery Uniform decals.
  22. Lego sets rarely get discounted and they would likely ship the Lego stock to the closest store remaining open. (From my experiences.) Even when holiday themes sets of Legos have passed their holiday, they most likely remain at full price even in the Lego Stores. (from experience.)
  23. I am very surprised my local store is not on the list. They seem to be only getting every other assortment of Marvel Minimates and usually never get a second shipment of them once they do get them. But I will consider myself lucky and maybe with the closure of stores in the Chicago Suburbs that maybe my store will get more minimates.
  24. Okay, got images of a few of my other recent customs. Yesterday's Enterprise Picard Easy custom: painted on the cuffs at the wrists and painted a holster white and added a gold arrowhead (similar to what was in the episode). Living Witness Janeway, aka Warship Janeway Easy custom: I really just replaced her hands with black hands for her black gloves and swapped her hairpiece with a hairpiece from a Mass Effect Jane Shepherd. I was originally going to make a Mirror Universe Janeway and that is why she has the belt/sash around her waist. I like it and forgot it was on there. I left her wrist beacon on as well. I know in the episode of Living Witness, none of the crew have their commbadges on but I can't bring myself to paint over it just yet. This image is of the Orion Slavers I made after getting the character in my Star Trek Timelines game. I added a couple of Orion Slave Girls in the picture for a bonus.
  25. Here are the pictures of my Custom Mirror Broken MiniMates from the limited series comic Star Trek the Next Generation Mirror Broken. These are all a work in progress, but I wanted to share them anyway. This picture is Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Chief Engineer La Forge from Mirror Broken; and you can see Inquisitor Troi on the edge. This picture is Inquisitor Troi, Commander Data and Doctor Crusher. This picture is Mirror Sisko as best as I can assemble at this time and a Mirror Janeway as seen in Star Trek Timelines as best as I can assemble. These are works in progress. I am awaiting a Borg MiniMate I ordered from eBay to use for the Borg implant that will go on Data's face to complete that look and may use some of the other parts on is arm. I still have to finish Troi's details on her skirt and the wrists. I still need to work on their chest emblems but that may be awhile, unless I can get a friend who is great with decal to make some for me (in all three divisions and in both genders). Mirror Sisko was just a quick custom as I am sure I will find a better chest block for him. I am also looking to get a green captain's tunic from Trials and Tribble-ations Kirk to make a Mirror Archer. I have also made "Yesterday's Enterprise" Picard and Warship Janeway from "Living Witness" but have not removed the commbadge from her yet.
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