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Everything posted by IndieMate

  1. I thought these were gonna be boring, but now I just might pick up a set. They look pretty cool!
  2. Well, now I need therapy. Thanks Dino! Also, I went down the page and got this: Please note that link is NSFW, or anywhere for that matter.
  3. Death of Captain America Young Avengers Four Horseman Those were my choices!
  4. If you have 5 dollars and Chuck Norris has 5 dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's Computer, Chuck Norris is always in control. Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he stares them down until he gets the information he wants. Chuck Norris can eat just one Lays' potato chip. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognises the element of surprise.
  5. Chuck Norris once decided to sell his urine as a cold beverage. We now know this beverage as Red Bull.
  6. Wow, Fin is really awesome! I love the sculpted head! I know you wanted a drum-roll.
  7. Exiles Longshot Mimic Morph Nocturne Secret Invasion Spider-Woman Elektra Captain Marvel Cobalt Man Punisher Punisher Barracuda Ma Gnucci Jigsaw
  8. Marvel Zombies Zombie Mr. Fantastic Zombie Thing Zombie Human Torch Zombie Invisible Woman
  9. Shouldn't the Death Of Captain America set have Crossbones? Winter Soldier Falcon Sharon Carter Crossbones
  10. You mean Jin Jang Joom? Wow... that'll be epic. Zin Zang Zoom? Min Mang Moom? Lin Lang Loom? Nin Nang Noom? Vin Vang Voom? Win Wang Woom? Ha, that was fun.
  11. Those are awesome! Keep up the good work!
  12. Come, now, we weren't all that pathetic, were we? Yup, we were.
  13. Can I add another suggestion? House of M Hulk Inhuman Torch Iron Man It I know you're thinking "Oh, we already HAVE those characters!" Well: So they're pretty interesting variants.
  14. these guys.tom jane punisher and video game titanium man ps.told you guys i got better! Wow, the Minimate looks better.
  15. Alpha Flight:Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Guardian Four Horseman: Gambit, Polaris, Sunfire, Gazer Inhumans: Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Maximus Classic X-men: Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman Brotherhood of Mutants: Toad, Pyro, Avalanche, Mystique, Magneto
  16. Why do so many people say it's not a superhero movie? I mean, it has guys in costumes beating up bad guys, so that's a superhero movie in my book. I actually never read the book, and when I saw the movie, I didn't look at it as a big "psychological thriller" like the fanboys (no offense ) here did, I looked at as a big, epic, bloody, gory, graphic superhero movie. And that's the way I like it...
  17. The only boardgames I play are Heroscape and Risk, mainly because of the little figures.
  18. Here's a cool set: Aliens of Star Trek Klingon Borg Romulan Andorian And whatever that thing is...
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