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Everything posted by Lurch77

  1. ^why do you think he has those guard llamas (check right side of the pic)? you'd take two steps out with stolen goods and they'll take you down
  2. New Review here & one more gif with rest of my shark pics
  3. ^I don't see an option on that pluggin to allow viewers to control the speed. Right now it's at a 2 second delay; even if I drop it down to 0 there's still about a second load-time delay between the slides so it never really makes it to realtime speed. If anyone knows of any other WordPress slideshow pluggins with better/more controls we're open for suggestions.
  4. ^Where's the translucent yellow blank from; is that homemade?
  5. Glad to add Geo/TTFC to the MMC family! That slideshow plugin is really cool. If you hover over it, it lets you control forward and back, along with double click on the desired position (little circles below) and it'll take you right to that slide. Also added star rankings to the post so you can rate your favorite fighters.
  6. I'll echo what everyone has already expressed; you're a good man GH and a valued part of this community. This board will be a little less bright and unfortunately less nutty (pun intended) without you. Good luck and take care of your family and yourself.
  7. Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BOM BOM dun dun dun dun dun dun doo dedoo doo dedoo dede doo dede doo dededoo .... Shark Week!!!
  8. So this would be the second to last iteration of the doctor, right? 1+12 regenerations or is it just 12 versions; I can never remember. I'd go for a more serious direction; they've had two fun ones in a row. I kind of miss the more serious Eccleston version. If he wasn't so busy with movies and the awesome episodes of Luther; I'd say Idris Elba would be an excelent choice.
  9. Some armor designs from the movie (better angles and unused suits). He also has some for The Wolverine too.
  10. Agreed, but still, I would love to pick del Toro's mind to see what ideas he has in store. He has an incredible imagination and ability to bring good ideas to life on screen; much more so than a majority of other writer/directors nowadays.
  11. Revisiting old story ... so could Diesel be Ultron (or at least the voice of Ultron)? His voice-work was perfect for the Iron Giant; something similar would be great imo for Ultron.
  12. NOTE: This thread is for pics and links to pics only for the 2013 SDCC. For discussion/comments please post in main 2013 SDCC discussion thread or threads for individual lines. Links to different galleries:
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