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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. Well then, I can't wait to see him and his stump of a hand. With that, I'm officially making no more 'jokes' until we at least see a line up.
  2. Although, really, we've already seen DST is making stump-arms for the zombies, so i don't even get why "how will they make Rick's stump??" is a big deal at all. It was me making a bad joke about the depths of variants we'll be getting. Maybe I should have gone with "I can't wait until the 'Depressed and Despondent' Rick Variant" 'joke' instead.
  3. I've always wanted to make my own versions of The Slingers (Huge fan here), but I never got out of the planning stages. I'm not one for painting or decaling, for fear that I'll mess up one of my precious mates forever. Maybe we should start a petition to get these amazing Spider-Man variants made. They deserve it way more than any lame-o time traveler...
  4. Spoiler. I'm all the way up to Volume 13, so I knew about this already, but what if someone came in here who wasn't? Given that it happened roughly, what three years ago, I figured it wasn't a spoiler. I tend to believe that if something is over a year and a half old, there's no need for spoilers anymore. Also, given the record of that series, Rick losing a hand is low on the totem pole of spoiler-ific things. Like what happened when they left the prison, anything about The Governor, or a certain event that happens at the end of Vol. 14 (I think). Just my two cents.
  5. Fixed. Now you look like a crazy person. Imma blame the mispunctuation on my utter shock at the announcement. I'm super stoked for all of these. Can't wait for that Handless Rick Variant!
  6. OH SNAP! Looks like those new MAX zombies are going to have something awesome to feast on.
  7. Thanks for all the love guys! I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you sir. Does he have a costume of his own, or is he limited to wearing Hawkeye's fatigues? Hey does indeed have a costume of his own. One that he's worn in a total of three issues before he was drafted by Osborn. You can get a great look at it here.
  9. Hey Guys! I'm back with another big batch of QCs. Check it out! First up, Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive. All I did is toss the SWAT agent vest onto the existing Black Panther with some pads from the MAX Search and Rescue guys and blammo! Also, I added the X-Force Wolverine treaded boots for some added texture. Next up is my version of the Sharon Carter that everyone has. For added umph, I designed her after her outfit in Secret Avengers 18, in which she wore a funky gauntlet and had a bit more silver going on in her costume. You can see what I'm going forhere. Finding the best use for that Civil War Cap Jacket, here's Marvel Universes greatest sidekick (Sorry, Bucky): Rick Jones. With a torso from a BttF2 Marty McFly, a head from one of the Angels, and some kind of hari, I think he's ready to run alongside my heroes into battle. I missed the real release a few years back, so I have to make due with my off-duty Nick Fury. Using a Patch head and a MAX Search and Rescue torso, I feel like I nailed it. I got this idea from someone here, I think. Basically, by using the Lady Loki torso, some bare legs, and some left over Namor ankle wings, I was able to make a semblance of her. I took some liberty with the hair to make it a bit more modern, but that's only because I didn't want to take the ponytail off of Sabertooth or Thunderstrike. Hey look, it's everyone's favorite Not-Thor, Clor! I just grabbed a head off of a T2 Arnold and stuck it on the old, bulkier Thor body to get the right look. As an added detail, I gave him the movie Thor hammer because it looks more Tech-y than the full on stone Mjlonir in the recent releases. Finally, I took a page from undeadpool's QC, and made myself a Headsman. Thanks for checking it all out. I hope you dig it!
  10. That'd be Barney Barton, CLint's thought deceased (until recently) brother who has taken up the name Trickshot when not prancing around as Hawkeye in Osborn's New Dark Avengers. So yeah, that'd probably work.
  11. I believe you mean: "Meh. They could have been better."
  12. Them are some nice pictures, TM2. Good job on the light box. As for the darkness, you might want to check your ISO settings (set it higher to make it more sensitive to light), your shutter speeds (the slower it is, the more light you'll get), and your F-Stops (the lower the number, the more light you'll get but your depth of field will be altered, so watch out) to try to get those pics brighter on the next go around. Also, very much like Rheul mentioned, the problem might be with the light temperature. Make sure you white balance the camera in your light box before you shoot next time and it should be fine. I'm excited to see more!
  13. Just a heads up: I found these little guys in Los Angeles tonight. Specifically at the store on La Cienega where they had just put out a fresh box right before I got there. Good luck out there.
  14. Or better still, what about Luke in his Thunderbolts outfit. Yellow shirt, huge gauntlets, no tiara, and he doesn't look like some random black dude. everybody wins!
  15. I'd plotz if we got a Cobra/Mr. Hyde set. That'd be the bees knees. However, if it were a more modern wave, I'd love to see a Typhoid Mary, Nuke, or an Echo figure.
  16. Color me excited for The Worthy. I'm surprised we didn't see these earlier. Color me lukewarm for The Mighty. I hope it does well though, because I really want a Red She Hulk and her, to quote Matt Fraction, "Big ass sword" to become a reality.
  17. Call me crazy, but I think it actually looks kinda cool on the covers. Very sharp and modern. As a stand alone logo though, like say in front of a movie or tacked onto a press release, it seriously needs some work. Who would have ever thought that I would miss their swoosh logo?
  18. I've been using a program called handbrake for a few years and it's totally great! In fact, it even has a preset for things like ipads and ipods. Totally easy, totally recommended. Check it out here.
  19. Yes, and original just because of the Burns thing. Cool, thanks. I ended up voting for Darkhawk (because he's totally awesome and incredibly toyetic. Plus, it'd be cool to have something to compliment that new Marvel Universe figure I picked up), Deathlok, The Winter Solider, and Songbird. Also, for the record, that new Venom series is really awesome, Lee Burns aside. I think what bugs me the most about him isn't so much his incessant and rambling questions, but rather the bad name he's giving that truly great book. I'd love to see a Flash Thompson Venom Mate, but I really don't want to reenforce his behavior. *sigh...
  20. two questions: 1- can I vote for more than one? 2- What version of Jack O'Lantern are you referring to? The classic or the new totally tripped out and awesome version currently in Lee Burns' favorite title?
  21. Today I learned three things: 1- The Wave has yet to reach the TRU in Burbank. However, there was a fresh batch of wave 11 there, along with plenty of First Class and Captain America Movie mates. 2- Hitting that place before noon is totally the way to go this time of year. I think I might check the other, closer, TRU tomorrow right before I treat myself to breakfast. 3- I experienced first hand (via evesdropping) the power of the big name redos that are somewhat loathed across the board. As I came to the collector's aisle, there was a mother and son standing in front of the minimates with very unhappy looks on their faces. The mother ran off to grab an associate and ended up asking if they had any minimate Wolverine's. "I want on that looks like this," she said pointing to the Wolverine squaring off against Ryu on the MvC3 packs, "I don't care who he's with, but I need that one." The associate, of course, had no good answer for her and I believe they without getting anything (I kinda walked away before the very end of it, I didn't want to be some creeper). Point is, I saw in motion, exactly what Zach's been talking about in terms of why we see so many Vanilla editions of the big guns every wave.
  22. that's awesome guys. Thanks. I'll keep you posted to the progress
  23. Question: has anyone tried to size up those Super Hero Squad motorcycles (Cap's or Ghost Rider's) with our favorite 2 inch figures? It struck me the other day that the sizes kind of line up, but I'm not so sure when it comes to vehicles and such. Has anyone else had the same thought and the 6 extra bucks to find out if it works?
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