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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. For the record, I voted whole heartedly for Songbird over Banshee and would do so again. Aside from finishing the long-in-the-tooth Giant Sized X-Men set, I don't have any desire to add him to my collection. Personally, I'd rather have a Siren before I we got a Banshee, but that's my classic X-Force fan talking. Plus, with Songbird we're that much closer to finishing that awesome Avengers Forever team. We just need a modern Wasp (or, modern 5 years ago...), Clint as Goliath, and (my personal fave) Genis-Vel.
  2. Totally stoked for this wave. Just one thing: When is it due out? By my math, it'll be out in October. Tell me I forgot to carry a two or something.
  3. So happy things are back online! Last week was rough with no one to talk to about all of those fantastic reveals except for my wife. God bless her, but she doesn't understand the sickness. Needless to say, it was a long week...
  4. This is such an awesome idea! I would love to see some... improvised weapons (girders, pylons, railings, bits of rock, upended trees, etc) to make some of those fight scenes more organic. OH! and Tentacles. Like tentacles from the deep, called upon by Dormammu to subdue an usurper.
  5. Last night as I was falling asleep and thinking of minimates (you know, like you do) it hit me. I know what the big reveal is going to be: 2001 A Space Odyssey. Stick with me here: 'universally' beloved, an older movie, and (in another thread) Zach talked about trying to do something with Astronauts. It's a big enough property that could warrant a small toyline, but small enough that it could be just one wave and be done with.
  6. I picked one up tonight along with the AvX set, so I thought I'd post a photo to give people an idea of how the compatibility with these works: Personally, I'd say they're a pretty good fit together. There's just enough room inside the tube for one of the base/stands that Protector is standing on (thus giving it a 'suspended animation' type of effect) and it's just big enough overall to fit the average minimate. Thanks for the suggestion, funk! Dude, that looks awesome. I'm really glad that it worked out. Looks like I'm off to go pick up one or two of my own. Thanks for being the guinea pig!
  7. I'm curious as to how you can say this isn't creative. If anything, it's the most creative thing they've done in a long while. And Slott is proud of it, so you know it isn't editorial. Well, I've never subscribed to the notion that shock value equals creativity. This is nothing but "Hey, look what we did! Are you shocked and appalled?" writing. There's no real substance to it. To pick up on TTF's point: Out of curiosity, what makes a story like this substantive? I mean, I'd agree with you if it was something akin to what DC did when they turned Hal Jordan evil, but this is a storyline that's been percolating for literally 100 issues. It's shocking for say you and I because we haven't been reading the book for however long, but is it really that shocking to the people that have been reading? And even if it is shocking, isn't that a good thing? Weren't killing Gwen Stacey, Jean DeWolff, or Jean Grey all shocking events? I'm just very interested as to what makes this specific event less legitimate than those others, aside from the sands of time. You should go back and read some Marvel solicits from the 60s. Everything was some kind of Earth shattering event in the Marvel Age of Comics.
  8. I, too, read the leak and don't necessarily like what they're doing with Spider-Man, but... You gotta give them credit for trying something new. For all the complaints that all Marvel does is rehash the past, this is a great example of them trying something completely new and going off into uncharted territory. Personally, I stopped casually buying Spider-Man books after OMD because I liked the marriage and didn't want to see it end in such a stupid manner (and honestly, most of those stories in the first year or so could have been told with a married Spidey) so this new change doesn't affect me at all. However, I applaud them for shattering the internet in a way that I haven't seen since the height of Civil War. Here's to a strange, new 12 issues before the status quo returns to normal.
  9. Does anyone know what timezone the Mayan's would have been in? I mean, I assume the giant earthquake that's sure to hit will let me know, but I just wanted to be prepared.
  10. Wow! That Firelord looks great. Almost makes me wish we got him last year in the heralds set. But then, I wouldn't be as excited for wave 15, so there's that. When are these supposed to hit again? January?
  11. I was at Michael's last night (you know, like you do) and found this thing on the shelf: It seems to be a pretty awesome looking containment unit and in an appropriate scale, but I don't know if I'm ready to burn 15 bucks to find out. Anyone have any insight on this thing?
  12. So guess what I found at TRU Burbank today? Walking Dead series 2. Well, the zombie packs at least. I picked up one for me, but there were at least three others on the shelf (in the video game section for some reason). So if you're looking and you're in the LA area, get yourself to Burbank in a hurry.
  13. I've been checking all over LA and haven't seen a lick of them. Last time I checked was Tuesday though...
  14. Hey, thanks Zakkatz, Mystery Man. Also: Totally right. Propped up at an angle with a few bricks from the ML Thing set and a skyline from Luke's.
  15. I love that Venom TTA set TOO MUCH! I took pictures!
  16. For Marvel, I would totally recommend Hawkeye and Daredevil. Those are two of the greatest books published in the last five to ten years. As for other less strongs recs, I'd go with Wolverine and the X-Men, Venom, Thunderbolts (maybe, it's a bit slow for my tastes, we'll see what issue 2 brings), Avengers, Young Avengers (because I'm a sucker for that team), and Thor. It's tough to give good recs right now though because of the NOW! initiative. I'm still in the process of trying out a bunch of books and most of the ones I really dig are ending (I'm looking at you Secret Avengers...)
  17. What delicious carnage! You should eat some of the house and take another picture in the post-apocalyptic candyland.
  18. That's a really good question actually. With all of the 'big name' through the ages boxsets we've gotten, I'm kinda shocked that we haven't gotten a Spidey set. It'd be, what, The Iron Spidey, the Amazing Bag-Man, A classic (either red/blue or black), and Ends of the Earth? Maybe a new 2099 in there? Or, maybe still, they could go with an alternate reality thing and involve some of those forgotten What-If variations. It'd be fun to see them try something. Then again, the initial griping around here would reach epic proportions if the character selections were too vanilla. Back on topic, I sincerely love this set. I was prepared to love the Flash Thompson Venom, but was totally taken by surprise at how awesome the rest were. (Although it woulda been cool if instead of Brock's ex-wife they gave us either a 'The Madness' Venom or a Mac Gargan redo)
  19. there’s four of them, so.... box set, please! Uh... Seconded! Looks like a perfect wave for next halloween... just saying.
  20. Here's my official predictions for these couple of waves. I may have gone a little too crazy with it, but whatever. I would buy the hell out of these waves LCS Wave 49 Iron Man / Beast Cyclops / Doop Hawkeye / RAID Solider Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) / RAID Solider TRU 16 Captain Marvel / Spider-Man Nick Fury Jr. / Invincible Hulk Darkhawk (a man can dream, can't he?) / Legion Rocket Raccoon / Star Lord
  21. Wow. This set is awesome. I'm officially in love with this Dazzler/Longshot combo. And that Brood figure.... Man, truly amazing what they're doing with the line nowadays.
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