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Twisted Two-Face

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Everything posted by Twisted Two-Face

  1. Considering we've seen an official teaser with what is basically comic Ultron's face, if this is the face they use instead then color me disappointed. But it's the first picture, so i'm sure nothing is remotely final. Love the shots of Clint with the Maximoffs though. Gonna be a lot of fun interaction there. REALLY hope we get the classic bit of them claiming to have been heavily involved in the battle of New York like in the Ultimates.
  2. Same issue with most of Hasbro's females, small eye paint on sculpted eyes, with little to no make-up for definition. Then again, looking at the eyes on some of the Star Wars Black figures, i'm not sure i want them to try. Amazing paint on that Jean, either way. A little too much "mascara" but VERY nice.
  3. E-mailed one of their service reps, she sent me a template fill out and mail the defective Jon back to them, and they'll send me a new Jon from their improved batch when it arrives in April. Not a terrible deal, and they were very apologetic. Funko's great to work with, at least.
  4. Rooted hair is interesting to me. The Winter Soldier Widow's hair isn't something i'd want to deal with, like Iron Man 2's Widow. I guess the longer the hair, the bigger the risk of it getting messed up and difficult to keep looking right, or even just "good." The longer the hair does make it seem more Barbie-like too, but I'm the kid who used to ask for the mini Barbie in the Happy Meal instead of the Hot Wheels when he was a kid because his action figures had no girls, anyway (i bet mom was thrilled with that one). I barely even notice that the Avengers Widow (wow, are there really 3 already?) has rooted hair. It's so heavily styled and gel'd or whatever they did to it that it doesn't move and feels solid. It also look REALLY nice on the shelf. I mean, i don't understand why they even bothered with rooted hair when even Thor has longer sculpted hair, but the Avengers one doesn't look bad or seem too "dolly." Regardless, it's the face and the hair together on this one that's really throwing it off for me. Even the Hasbro figure looks better, i feel.
  5. I like the costume, but the head isn't doing anything for me. Pretty glad i went with the Avengers one.
  6. Pretty sure that's the thing for Winter Soldier too, the Batroc bit.
  7. Totally unrelated, but how do you like your Select Picard, Ten? The articulation was putting me off from buying him.
  8. NEVER order from KMart's website. They send you an item from the line you ordered, but rarely the actual item you ordered.
  9. Didn't Whedon say that BW is supposed to have an even larger role as something with her backstory comes into play? Or at least an important one. Also, i love that the Daily Bugle has a shot of Cap AS he's getting assassinated.
  10. That's immensely lucky. I can't wait to find her. Granted I'll use her as Julia Carpenter because honestly it's not that big a difference to me, but still. Boomerang too, should look great with the TBolts. Managed to get Winter Soldier and Cap on Amazon the other day for $12 a piece. Missed Widow, but i paid and extortionist amount that i'd rather not say for her from eBay. Just feel better knowing i don't have to hunt for her, and i was feeling better about the $12 for the other two.
  11. Does all of Battlestar count? Those TRU waves are just incredible. As was the Razor box set. Still love Justin Hammer, too.
  12. Han is absolutely worth $20. Go for it, TM2. I've nearly bought another in waiting for Bespin Han.
  13. Well it took 2 weeks, but Jon Snow's arm just sheered off his peg. There was NOTHING wrong with this figure, so i'm a little confused, but i'm more pissed that Barnes and Noble has a 2-week return policy and now i'm screwed. That's lovely. Honestly shocked it was Jon and not Dany, he has much thicker elbow pegs and they were moving fine. Ugh.
  14. Is her hair cast in green plastic? Could you just use Goo Off or something?
  15. NECA's Twitter has some of the best customer service around, better than DST. They practically guaranteeing getting back to you that way. I wouldn't let that one ruin NECA as a whole for you, i certainly can't speak for everyone but i've had no problems with any NECA figure, including Aliens.
  16. Not even Whedon thinks another Hulk movie is an easy task. I'd LOVE to have a movie based on the arcs of the recent Brubaker Winter Soldier run, Broken Arrow and Black Widow Hunt. What a great story that was. They'll never do it, of course, because of the drastic changes it made to both Widow and Bucky by the end, and i doubt Bucky will get his own film sadly, but that was a FANTASTIC story. So claustrophobic and personal; really loved what it did to the Winter Soldier Program, too. And it even had Hawkeye. Honestly, just make it a SHIELD movie. Axe Nick, and give us a great SHIELD spy flick with equal parts for Widow, Hawkeye, Bucky, and Maria Hill. I smell Oscar.
  17. Not even worth continuing the debate if we can't agree what "opinion" means. Renders everything pointless, "let's be honest." ANYWAYYY... I'd love to see Yelena as the villain, but not the main villain. Could get too "Winter Soldier" to her "Captain America" role very quickly. I really wish we could get Viper back to Marvel proper, but would anyone be against Madame Masque? Granted, i don't want it to be like "oh we have a female hero so here's a female villain" but i could see this as being a great way to bring Masque in if we're done with Iron Man for now.
  18. Okay, how is Marvel having a major spy-thriller film that uses Black Widow that comes out this year not evidence of them handling a Black Widow spy movie correctly? That's literally all i'm saying. They made a big spy thriller. It uses Black Widow. They want to pursue making BW her own spy film. They know how to make spy films. So why would they half-ass it and shoe-horn in the SHIELD cast? I'm just really curious why you'd immediately think that.
  19. You said "let's be honest, it would be..." that as if everyone believes that and agrees with you. That's what i'm addressing. There's no justification for that "theory." But hey, thanks for ignoring all of the ACTUAL evidence we provided in the realm of a Marvel spy story to the contrary. "Sorry if that deeply insults you," ha.
  20. Why would it ever be this? There's literally no evidence to support that, at all. Cap 2 is a bigger SHIELD movie and the SHIELD cast isn't in that. What we know is that it would be a film about Black Widow's history, not a SHIELD movie. As we saw in Avengers, when she's interrogating the Russians, she clearly still has a freelance spy career not involving SHIELD. Hawkeye i'd expect to at least cameo, but with Cap 2 we already see they're capable of a superspy political espionage thriller, so i'm not sure where that claim even comes from. If you want a Hulk movie, fine, but i'm not sure why a BW film hinders that in any way.
  21. Bespin Han Boushh Leia Lando Grand Moff Tarkin Count Dooku The Emperor (Original and Prequel red robes) Qui-Gon Kit Fisto Bossk Yavin Ceremony Luke Old Ben Bolded priority, but I sadly don't see Tarkin being a major possibility for the line, so...Anyway, everything else is icing for me. If they ever go expanded universe, i'd love Admiral Thrawn, Clone Armor Obi-wan, and Asajj.
  22. There's a still-blurry pic of the wave from head-on, so you can see pretty much everything, but aren't there not supposed to be pictures taken of this one? Don't want to get anyone in trouble for linking to it.
  23. The Johnny/Sue thing is such an...unnecessary angle to add. As much as i love Kate Mara, at that point they should have just cast a black actress for Sue too. Love Miles Teller and i get a serious Ultimate Reed vibe from him, so that'll be great. He can definitely carry the movie if he has to. Never heard of Jamie Bell. I'm iffy on this. It feels like a quick grab to keep the license like ASM for Sony, but i just don't have any concrete feelings yet.
  24. They're main characters in that Disney Spider-man cartoon. And we have a LOT of comic stuff to look forward to. Just haven't see pictures yet.
  25. Han is one of my fav 6" figures of all time. Only Bespin Han could surpass him; he's just fantastic.
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