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Everything posted by SErge

  1. Nice!!!, funny I just saw aliens last week! can't wait to see the marines!
  2. I agree with trekker 42, not a fan of the new series, kinda unexciting and team members are kinda blah, but in this week issue they go up against songbird and thats awesome!
  3. Amazing simply amazing, i love that black hand and Sinestro is just perfection! Makes me wish DCD would start making mates again!
  4. black bolt!! and captian marvel no way! and a playset nice!
  5. I agree northraider, I loved their first funky albums, while love grenades was a cool cd, it's nothing like their earlier stuff, back when they used have heavy riffs and bass slapping, to me science is their best cd, I almost learned every song on guitar, I still know how to play "a certain shade of green!"
  6. isn't megalomaniac a incubus song?
  7. love the war of light mates, one question what brand and type(acrylic/enamel) paint you use?
  8. Nice!!!, I love Muse,best concept album is absolution!!, every song ,every verse, every second was sheer musical bliss! definitely on my music buying list favorite songs excluding the absolution album: plug me baby, showbiz, muscle museum, new born, maps of Problematique, and starlight(the gwen stefani version ,never heard it look it up on youtube!) why I like em, the vocals are the best, I call him one of the best singer alive!, and the guitars and bass are just the mindblowing!
  9. Geez only one bullseye/moonstone, thats sucks, since one of my local TRu never has exclusives, for example: I never found union jack, stealth iron man, punisher, but I did find zero,silver fox, and all the terminators, but I think those weren't that popular anyway, So basically I gotta rely on here to get one or dare I say it EBAy!
  10. I second this! and how about a jim carrey thru the ages with ace ventura Llyod christmas the grinch Walter Sparrow but seriously a mask would be the best moviemates ever!!
  11. YEss!!!!!!!!!! i'm so going to my local TRU this week, i want that bullseye and moonstone!!!
  12. that nacho is the best!!! I just saw that movie last night...great funny film and your mate does it justice, altough i would've made a him chubbier,still an amazing mate though
  13. Whoa, your sinestro is amazing!!!, I love it!!!, I suggest a black hand, or a superman prime in sinestro uniform
  14. New edit: all I need is the dark avengers set with iron patriot that is all!
  15. clayface1 I've seen some spot customs before, but your's is the best I've seen, definitely count me in for a vote!
  16. I'v been looking for a sinestro minimate, can't wait to see your version!, your Atrocitus is just amazing, can't wait to see more corps customs!
  17. I have the last issue of infinitely gauntlet, since a friend gave to me, never read it,but now I may check it out, these mates do look cool, but all I really want is thanos
  18. love it, soo funny, i don't use twitter or anything,but this is just funny, especially "harley quinn:true love" and it has jokers face on it
  19. Radioactive Man, Sure I would've voted for karla or iron patriot, but I liked the thunderbolts story better, and that radioactive man and songbird romance, though down played, was something I enjoyed. I found radioactive man to be a pretty cool character, and basically the only character that kept his cool during the series. I really hope he has some cool accessory or somethings, maybe a classic costume I dunno. But what I do know is I'm going to planning a songbird and swordsmen custom! Twisted Two-Face: I feel the same way, she sooo damn evil, and wicked yet you can help but to love her, I too never read ms.marvel till karla came to the story, now I buy it every month! It's sweet where getting a moonstone too
  20. Love em, they look incredible, my fav so far is iron, karla(so of her pics show her with no pupils so I can live with that!,) but all these look great no matter, definitely can't wait to pick em up!
  21. That slash is awesome!, can you do a buckethead one?
  22. Thunderbolts are amazing!!!!!!, Thanks to them I got into the thunderbolts story and fell in love with it, even bought the book,s definitely can't wait! champions look amazing aw well, but sadly i won't buy it, already broke thanks to the other three sets!
  23. I think it's a Daken's mohawk too dude
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