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Everything posted by homestar17

  1. In the immortal words of Strongbad.... "A-Holy Crap!!!!"
  2. You're very welcome! There was a moment when I saw it was you that I went "Oh, crap! There's no way this'll be secret or hard-to-guess!" (Mostly because we've had several trades, tho not recently.) Glad you like them! It's funny, because every time I see any of your posts I immediately think of Gary Oldman in "The Fifth Element." I saw the skull & laughed, because I knew right away it was you. (For some reason, in several topics lately, your posts have been at the top of the pages.)
  3. So a package arrived today from my Secret Santa. There was a clue in the return address -- a hand-drawn picture: When I opened the box, here's what I found: Based on the clue (which was super-familiar) I knew it was Shogi. Thank you so very much! I love them all!
  4. Best cake ever! I would've killed for a cake like that! (Great find, J!) Happy birthday, Dino!
  5. Damn you, HP, for including that link! I've been holding out all this time, but seeing the robots may make me break down & buy the #$@&% things!! Because we all know that chicks dig (giant) robots.
  6. Sorry I was tardy to the party, but I'm glad your day was great! Here's to many, many, many more!
  7. Thank you to all of those in the miltary (past & present)! Hope everyone's day is filled with BBQ, beer & dangerous (but entertaining) explosives!!
  8. Not that I really like necro-ing threads, but I just got another spammy email from Reideen. I have to admit, I was kind of happy at first -- cuz he's been gone so long. But then I realized his email got hacked again. Be careful, guys.
  9. Happy Birthday to my 2011 Secret Santa!! Hope you have a great day!!
  10. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..... Have a great day!
  11. Sucks that you went thru all that work & had that happen. Like Shane, that is the type of stuff that happens to me, too.
  12. Yet again, happy belated birthday!! Here's hoping you had an amazing day & got everything you wanted.
  13. Thanks, everyone! I love the SB cake -- would have loved to get a real one like that today. I appreciate the kind words & warm thoughts. Happy birthday to my fellow bday-ers as well!!
  14. I love checking this thread to read about everyone (even if I don't always comment), It's fun to see where people are from & what they collect (& why).
  15. Happy belated birthday to you (& everyone else I've missed while I've been away)! I hope you had a blast!!
  16. Welcome! Hope you have as great a time around here as I do.
  17. Here's hoping that your birthday is magical, Dino!
  18. Name changes confuse me, too. Happy Birthday, DJ! Hope you don't get those combined birthday/Christmas gifts!!
  19. So I received a bubble mailer today with no return address. At first, I was all "I haven't traded or bought anything lately, so what gives?" Then I opened it & saw the very little hint (I sing). If I hadn't seen the postage label from Alabama (& the coded way the hint was printed), I would have been stumped. Thanks, Hav! Very clever of you. In my package was the Lego collectibles bunny guy & the blue cheerleader that I wanted, along with evil Ryu (whose face tampo is straight on -- most I've seen are off a bit). Happy Holidays, everyone!!
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