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UK Collector

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Everything posted by UK Collector

  1. Completely understand, they'd also look weird next to other mates if they we're all black and white.
  2. Agreed! Struggling to keep up with everything as it is. A con pack would be great. Don't get me wrong, I love these mates, and understand why they are in colour, but when I think of TWD I think of black and white.
  3. Really loving this thread Rob, and enjoying seeing the piles of stuff you have. I barely have room for my Marvel collection anymore, so seeing your "warehouse" of minis is giving my eyes a lovely green hue. Also nice to see some others share their rarities and curiosities with us. Much appreciated all!
  4. May have missed this, so apologies if this has been raised/answered before: are we likely to get Black and White variants of these? As in, just like the inside of the books?
  5. Or a covert ops to storm bhm's bunker of toys collectibles I've never seen that display before. Would love one of those. Rob, very much looking forward to seeing what else is buried in the bunker under your lake! That's a lot of Hulkbusters!
  6. All very good points, I'd have preferred that ending too to be honest. Common sense did seem to go out of the window at a lot of points in the movie. If I could figure out how to do "spoilers" I'd put in my 2p too, but don't want to ruin the film for those that haven't seen it yet.
  7. Also enjoyed the movie. Great visuals, great creature design, good concept and decent acting. Fassbender stole the movie IMO. He was great. Warned my girlfriend off of seeing this, I don't think she'd sleep for a week. Some of the things in this film were just freaky. Ady, I'd also be interested in your "rant" if you'd be happy to send it to me?
  8. You mean a character developed for the show? No... an existing 60's character from another show featured in an episode ...he fought Robin. The actor that played him has been Minimated . Bruce Lee! Urban legend has it that the idea was for Robin to beat Kato, but Bruce Lee said there was absolutely no way he was going to lose a fight to Burt Ward. Therefore Kato and Robin have some sort of gentlemans agreement draw if I remember it right? As for the Bruce Lee minimates, never managed to get them. Seen them on eBay every now and then, but always a bit too expensive for me. Edit: back on topic, I would also buy mates from this show and would buy so many Batmobiles it might as well be an army builder!
  9. its random parts thrown on a custom wolverine mask xD Ah cool. Bane is brilliant too, great work....again!
  10. Wow that is amazing. Great job. Which cowl did you use/modify?
  11. Seeing it tomorrow and really looking forward to it. Me and my chums have had this one in the calendar for what seems like a long time now.
  12. A very good point. When you hear about something like this it's easy to forget that there's actual people involved. Hopefully the state will look after him and help him recover in some capacity.
  13. It's all a bit odd isn't it. I'll dig the cricket bat out of the loft tonight, and stock up on some bottled water.
  14. Had to be Falcon and Banshee for me. Both looooooooong overdue.
  15. I got a few. Mostly the Arsenal squad (my team) Wright, Adams etc before moving onto the wonderful side of Henry and Pires. I had a bit of a thing for Italian football when I was a kid too, so had Batistuta, Totti and a few others of that era. Who do you remember having? And who's your team?
  16. Yes he's an odd one. As far as I can tell the name started because someone said he looked like Lou Ferigno. Don't see the similarity myself, but he even has Hulk as the name on the back of his shirt nowadays.
  17. Wow. Makes me feel better about how much I've been spending on eBay lately.
  18. So thats what my license fee is being spent on! Saw this earlier. He actually comes across quite well in my opinion.
  19. Great news. Excited to cast my vote. Thanks for your hard work on this Zach, you are one cool dude. Roll on May 16th!
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