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Everything posted by Mattallica

  1. oh, I didn't realize that's what he looks like in the comics now too
  2. found these in Seattle area fyi also for those that care Cap does not have an alt look, as besides the head he is just a blue blank figure under the armor
  3. just looking at these again and noticed that all panthers have full white(gold) eye coverings when they should have open eye holed masks > visible eyes with pupils. even the movie BP pic on the package has visible eyeballs.
  4. Son of Satan just because it would be awesome to see him on TRU shelves
  5. cool story, ive never met any other MM fan face to face
  6. i really liked it, my only "complaint" is the name of a certain someone gives away the ending if you're a die hard punisher fan
  7. really? where i cant find them in your shop
  8. so all we really need to buy to get them all is : the 4 pack, TRU nakia and okoye, killmonger/klaue Walgreens ross/powered BP, tactical killmonger /casino T.challa
  9. his hands like most? minimates have 3 fingers and a thumb yet the "hand shape" made in his scary head (that he made by sticking his hand up in it) has 4 fingers and a thumb like a normal human
  10. he has the head piece and two hammer hands in the tru pack
  11. I found the TRU sets today in Seattle, are the mates in them identical to the 4 pack ones? they sure look it, so you can buy the 4 pack for $23 or two 2 packs for $15 and get the same 4 mates?
  12. these are gone!, if ive sent you a pm about being in line that still applies. ill try and find more if i can
  13. i just picked up 3 sets of these to help out, cost plus shipping PM me
  14. Actually that's quite a bit different as the "twinkies" in that case do not have the ingredients and nutritional info printed on the individual bags only on the outer box and food items(in the US at least) require said info on any packaging that they are sold in. you could therefore buy a box of them and legally re-sell them as an entire box just not individually
  15. Semantics! the end result is that scalpers ended up getting alot of these.
  16. Not a surprise, as they apparently were letting people help themselves to them, and a quick check on ebay shows several sellers with multiple sets .
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