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Everything posted by karamazov80

  1. I went to my LCS last night, just as they were about to close, and when I asked about these Minis the guy there said, "we're not getting them. However, we just got Marvel Waves 17 and 18 in. . .wait a minute, it says Spiderman 3, maybe these are the ones you were asking about." He opened the cases that moment, and I got the two packs with the Venom transformation figures (Eddie Brock variant and Peter). These and the Venom figure that I got are super awesome. I got those and the Spidey/Hobgoblin packs on the same trip to town! And earlier that day I found a Wii for my nephew. A good day for me. . . --edit: I also noticed that the mad Peter with symbiote outfit under his jacket allows for a pretty good Hal Jordan casual clothes Minimate--
  2. I think a thread that was started recently re: a question that should be addressed here was merged into this thread.
  3. Though I agree with Cappy, you may note that I was the second poster of the day. . .
  4. Just saw this, and wanted to comment. My Colonel America was missing his shield arm-ring thing. I sent DST an e-mail, and they never responded. I give their customer service a thumbs down for my single experience
  5. I also saw the Golden Compass, and I will quickly score it a 3. . .out of 10. also, if you can read this before the suits do: --edit: here is the official trailer for the Dark Knight: --
  6. If I could make wishes a reality, then I would create Minimates based on the following MGM/MGM-owned characters (they could be mixed together. . .I think that releasing just the best characters would sell better than individual sets for individual movies): The Pink Panther-Inspector Clouseau POLTERGEIST-Carol Anne and that creepy short, fat, psychic lady Robocop-Robocop and the evil dad from That 70s Show Misery-Kathy Bates w/sledge hammer The Silence of the Lambs-Hannibal the Cannibal w/liver and wine The Usual Suspects-McManus (Gabriel Byrne), Stephen Baldwin and Verbal Kent (Kevin Spacey) Fargo-this one should get its own set, with Francis McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare and William H. Macy Singing in the Rain-Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds North by Northwest (!)-Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint the Americanization of Emily (!!!!!--one of my all time favorite movies)-should get its own set with James Garner, Julie Andrews, and James Coburn the Dirty Dozen-Lee Marvinmate 1, Telly Savalas, Charles Bronson, and John Cassavetes Point Blank (!!!)-Lee Marvinmate 2! Network-William Holden, Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway
  7. I checked both my FYE and Suncoast today and nothing, but if I can get my hands on some, I'll help some of you guys out. I'll ship internationally as long as Canadians, UKers, etc. are willing to pay the int'l. shipping rates.
  8. I went to the local Suncoast yesterday, and while they had a few of the 24 2-packs, there were no Spidey/Hobgoblins
  9. Tim Roth, Tim Blake and, of course, Ed Norton are all amazing actors. I'm really curious to see how this all turns out. . .however, I think Bana was a terrific Banner, and as much as I like Norton, I would have preferred to have seen Bana and Connelly reprise their roles than Norton and Tyler taking over. Regarding the Leader, I see this as being similar to having Curt Conners in the Spiderman movies, or Harvey Dent in Batman Returns--maybe setting up a sequel, maybe just giving a nod to the fans. Not sure they should pull out their two biggest guns in the first of the new series of Hulk films (I'm sure that's how they're viewing it, anyway).
  10. I forgot to mention, supposedly those pics only apply to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. The version being released on the Wii and PS2 will be a completely different game that looks much more cartoony in nature, and presumably won't have the same storyline or voice actors involved. They have some pictures of that in the Game Informer magazine (or whatever it was) with the huge Ghostbusters symbol on the front. . .sometimes I'm really glad that I got the 360
  11. I'm a casual baseball fan at best, but one thing I'm not surprised about is seeing Clemons' name involved here. Following what he did to Piazza a few years ago, I've only thought of that guy as a complete scumbag. . .and only scumbags do drugs, kids!
  12. The fact that combined shipping seems to be the norm suggests that this is a conscious decision on their part (they did this to me, too). However, I personally have no problem with it re: Web Armor Spidey. In fact, I prefer it. By giving you a shipping refund for two orders, you essentially get back most of the excessive shipping charges that you would otherwise have to pay if they were shipped separately. . .
  13. Ghostbusters is probably one of my top 5 movies ever (I have a Ghostbusters poster in my room). We had it on Betamax when I was a wee kid, and I watched the hell out of it. I even had and loved the tape soundtrack and the Genesis game. Based on the screenshots/interviews, I am very, very psyched about that game. There was a video leaked last year (I think) from a would-be Ghostbusters game that was a first person shooter, which looked pretty awesome. However, the creator didn't have the license to make the game, and those videos were quickly pulled off of Youtube. Those videos sparked a lot of interest from 80s nostalgia geeks like myself, and I'm glad that they are making an official game at this point. If it doesn't suck (gameplay is everything), then this could be really, really cool. If you don't know, the forthcoming 360 game is essentially going to be, according to Dan Aykroyd, "Ghostbusters 3." They say that a 3rd movie won't be made (no CGI, damn!), but this is essentially like an extended third movie. The reason for this is that the original voice actors from the movie (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson) are doing the voices, and further, the script is written by Aykroyd and Ramis, who scripted the first two movies (!). I don't want to have high expectations, as games based on movies almost always disappoint, but I can't help it with Ghostbusters. --edit-- Here is a link with some pictures:
  14. I don't typically feel a need to brag, but I've recently done something worth bragging about, in my opinion. Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I reached the final boss on the NES version of Double Dragon (the evil twin), and I beat him on my first attempt. . .he was surprisingly easy in relation to Machine gun man, or even to the Abodo twins. Games nowadays, with your fancy saves and whatnot, are a cakewalk compared to some of the old NES games like Double Dragon, where you had 3 lives and no continues. You die the third time, you start back at the beginning. Then tonight, for the first time ever, I beat Mike Tyson on Punch Out!! It was by a decision, but still. . .it was a win, and he congratulated me and gave me a wink. I'll TKO him on another day . Punch Out had a famous code (007 373 5963), but it didn't matter, as I thought that it took superhuman reflexes to even get to the second round with Tyson. I'm psyched about this, because when I was a kid, these were always two of the harder games to me, and I never thought that I could beat them. . .just wanted to share .
  15. I don't think the Speed and Racer X figures sold very well. They were on clearance at TRU recently. Given that, I don't see more figures being released.
  16. Well, I found 2 more tonight that I picked up for fellow board members. If someone is interested, PM me and I'll ship one to you at cost. --edit: both are now on hold--
  17. Though I haven't watched season 3 yet (I have only watched the DVDs of BSG), Six also appears to Gaius Baltar as a kind of vision. No one else sees her but him, and she makes him, or persuades him to, do bad things to the humans. From the episodes that I have seen, it is unclear if Baltar is actually a Cylon, if Six implanted something in his brain when he was having relations with a real version of her on earth prior to the nuclear attack by the Cylons, or if this is something else altogether. . .
  18. That's just a couple of dollars cheaper than what you would pay to get them separately through the "gift shop". . .if you did that, and got two shipments, you would be getting two Spideys (and if they ship them together, as they probably would, you could get back nearly half of your "shipping" costs). If they were to give it some thought and knew about the 25 dollar deal, I don't see why anyone would buy that lot as is. . .now if they added 2 Spideys, the total and shipping prices would be a little less, so that would be more reasonable. . .
  19. Here is the first 5 minutes. . .looks promising, I must say. However, I still want to keep my expectations low. That Paul W.S. Anderson crap-fest left a pretty bad taste in my mouth: After it ends, an unrated trailer plays, where you can see Michelle Dessler kickin' alien booty.
  20. I played Resident Evil 4 through on the Gamecube and it was amazing. Supposedly the Wii version is quite good. If you haven't played a previous version, that would by my recommendation. Monkey Ball is pretty fun, too.
  21. I'm getting Contra for the NES, and probably some candy!
  22. I would also rather see more classic characters rather than their "Ultimates" incarnations. For Minimates, the more iconic and classic the figure, the better, in my opinion.
  23. I think I mis-phrased that. That 2-pack is going to be released obviously, I'm just wondering if it will be released to the same stores as the 24 2-packs. If it is, and if a lot of people here have a hard time finding it, then that would be a problem for DST methinks.
  24. Huh. My FYE isn't exactly "super." Its just a converted Blockbuster Music/Wherehouse Music place, but maybe it's big in relative terms. They have plenty of toys, anyway (DC Direct, Marvel Select, NECA, wrestling, and SOTA, mostly). Next time I'm over there, I'll see if they have some more that I can get for some of you guys that aren't receiving them. . .does anyone think that this does not bode well for the prospects of getting the Spidey/Hobgoblin pack?
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