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Everything posted by karamazov80

  1. Well, I personally have enjoyed the DC mates moreso than their Marvel counterparts over the last year or so. I think the last announced wave is a misstep (Batwoman? Female Question? Another Supes/Wonder Woman repaint?), but I've enjoyed the line as a whole, and hope that it can move forward so that we can see some more cool, innovative figures of cool characters. At least the old school JSA and Teen Titans members that haven't yet been released (plus maybe some more JLAers?--Manhunter, Plastic Man, Firestorm, the Atom, Black Canary, or something along those lines. . .). C'mon DST, box sets of those particular teams would sell like hotcakes---read these boards, that's just a fact!
  2. Does make me realize how much I would love a Tick Minimate. . .but damn. Seriously, who thinks that anybody would buy those things? Words honestly can't describe how ugly those things are.
  3. If not for those amazing 13 inch deluxe figures, I would 100 percent agree. . .so I guess I agree 90% or so with you there. . .DCD does most assuredly suck if they cancel the Minimates while trudging out more stupid "armored Justice League" figures or whatever the hell that crap is.
  4. Just give me a good Jeff Bridges face so that I can do a "Dude" custom (no evil smirks, please), and I will be content. Now that I think about it, though, seeing Ed Norton and Tim Roth in Minimate form would be so strange to me. Similar to the forthcoming Eastwood-mates, I love both of those guys so much as actors that this would truly be bridging two loves of mine (film and Minimates) in a wonderful, yet bizarre way.
  5. Speedy/Kid Flash (Wally West New Teen Titans version) Dr. Midnite (golden age)/Hourman (golden age) Elasti-Girl--2.5 inch--/Mr. Terrific (golden age) Reverse Flash/Obsidian and if they could release Wildstorm or Vertigo figures: Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams/Elijah Snow
  6. Well Neolego, Of those games, I've only played Elder Scrolls, but I lost interest after playing it for about 5 or 6 hours. If you don't need instant gratification, you might get something out of it, but I didn't enjoy the game enough to justify spending the innumerable hours that would be required to get through that bad boy. Having said that, I did enjoy killing a knight on horseback, and then stealing his armor, weapons, and horse. . .and the option of just about killing anyone that you want to, even friendlies. . .
  7. The easy customization of Minimates seems to be a big reason why some people love them so much. I was personally struck with the fact that those wearing helmets or masks had eyes underneath, and sometimes an extra hair piece! They're just neat little guys. Welcome, Danger.
  8. That War Machine (comic version) is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. Not completely sold on the obscure, late-80s/early-90s characters so much, but at least the Marvel line is still going. I guess the guys at DST really enjoyed making us sweat the last couple of months. . .
  9. Well, I guess the "Susan" mates aren't exclusives, anyway. . . And I see the "Living in America" Apollo Creed from Rocky 4, but I see no Drago. . .whatsupwitdat?
  10. I might be alone in this, but I actually think that Nightwing is the ugliest figure of the bunch. He's got probably the smallest mouth of any human Minimate that I have, which somehow makes his face look strange, and I don't dig the 80s/90s pseudo-mullet hair-do at all. I know that's what the character's hair looks like, but I think it makes him look kind of silly. (also, Gorn has nostrils, so there might be something to the animal-like Minimate hypothesis)
  11. I dig the transparent appendages on Vision, as well. To me, it makes a heck of a lot more sense than a transparent Kitty Pride (who didn't turn the least bit transparent in the comics I remember, she could just walk through things). If the vision has light up eyes, that would be a cool bonus, too. I'm also digging the early 60s Spiderman. Though I know a lot of people are tired of Batman Minimates, this makes me realize that I would love to see how DST would handle an original Bob Kane-type Batman Minimate.
  12. Minimate Chewbacca would rule the earth.
  13. Just got these two wacky novelty toys on sale at FYE (one was 3 bucks, the other was 4). They are awesome--watching my Jack Russell go nuts when I shoot the missiles at him is well worth the price: If you see these on sale, you should buy them. Again, they are awesome.
  14. I know the old Super Powers Flash toy had treads on his feet, so it seems that that would stay the same, anyway. I hope that DCD will still somehow release a Wally West Teen Titan, though. If they eventually release a Kid Flash, but go the lame-o Impulse/Kid Flash route, then I will not be happy.
  15. Gotham Knight sneak peak trailer:
  16. I think the wave 3 pics had an old-school Klingon included (unless I'm mistaken). I agree about the Kirks, though. Now I could see myself spending some money on TJ Hooker, "get a life" comic convention Shatner, and older musician/commercial spokesman Shatner.
  17. Man, that sucks. I'm actually surprised that my comic shop gets so many (they must have had 3 cases of DC Minimates last night when I got there, and that was right before they closed), because it sometimes seems like I'm the only person in town who buys their Minimates.
  18. That would make for a mean, gruff-looking Barry Allen. I think that the Bruce Wayne's head (from this series) with Jack Bauer's hair actually makes for a pretty good Barry Allen (though the mask has some difficulty getting on there). I had actually assumed that this would be Wally because of the smiling face. One little thing that I really like about these figures (having just opened them up) is that Bruce Wayne's hair-piece, with just minor changes, is about 100% better than the version that came with the Batman from wave 1. Now, it really looks like Bruce Wayne when the mask is off to me. And with the mask on, I think that this Batman has already become one of my top 5 or 10 Minimates. This, to me, is the iconic Batman. I also really like the treads on Wally's shoes.
  19. I'm a very casual comic book reader nowadays, but I just found out that Clan Destine has returned, and I'm very psyched about it. I haven't read the new comic yet, but I loved this series when it first came out in the 1990s (and I re-read it all about a year ago, and was surprised at how good it still was--I think I actually enjoyed it more reading it as an adult). I'm biased, because Alan Davis is my all-time favorite artist (I can't remember reading anything that he was involved with, from the old Captain Britain stories to Killraven, that I haven't really enjoyed), but I'm betting that this will be a fun read, about a "super-hero" group that many here may have probably never heard of before. I just wanted to let you guys know about it, and to suggest that you pick up the original series (plus the X-Men/Clan Destine cross-over) if you get a chance. Alan Davis is a god among mere mortals. . . Scroll down this link if you want to see a review of this recent book:
  20. When I first saw this, I thought of the dried up/tree root version of Swamp Thing from the old 90s cartoon. There was a figure made that looks very similar to that one. I thought one of the main problems with the first Hulk movie is that they took too many liberties with a wacky villain. I hope that this won't ultimately be the case here (though I fear that it will). edit:
  21. If the "modern" Havoc that you are referring to is the 90s Havoc from X-Force, then I must say, I much prefer the classic look. The old school Havoc was a very distinctive look, which was very bold and interesting. The guy in the 90s with the blond hair and the jacket with rolled up sleeves looked about as generic as a 90s guy could, IMO. Of course, you guys could be referencing something more recent that I'm unfamiliar with, and if so, I can't comment. . .now that I realize it, I guess that I really hate X-Men costumes from the 1990s generally
  22. When The Batman first appeared, I did not like it at all. However, some of the more recent episodes with the Justice League guest stars have at least been watchable, in my opinion (I actually really liked the Superman 2 parter, even though they completely ripped off the idea of Poison Ivy controlling Supes from Jim Lee's run on Batman a couple of years ago). Its still not even in the same league as Timm's Animated Series, obviously, but from what I've seen, the new episodes could be worse.
  23. Though I wouldn't say that its his "best" film, my favorite is Peter Pan. I watched the heck out of that and Robin Hood (and the Shaggy Dog )on the Betamax growing up. On a side note, I bet a lot of younger people here don't even know what "Song of the South" was, for better or worse. What's your favorite, Trekker?
  24. Those look pretty dang awesome. Though as far as Leone flicks go, I would prefer some Once Upon a Time in the West figures over "Fistful".
  25. I would go for the Power Man/Iron Fist 2 pack. I was obsessed over that thing for awhile, and was happy when I got it. Iron Fist is pretty great. However, if you only have 30 bucks, maybe you shouldn't buy either (though I'm hardly one to talk. I probably spend 30 percent of my measly income on toys )
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