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Everything posted by karamazov80

  1. No kidding. I thought it was next up after the Batman DVD. Sucks big time.
  2. I actually liked "the Death of Superman" far more than the comic, but I also thought that the voice acting was a little wonky. This probably has a lot to do with our familiarity with the traditional Timm-verse voices, though. On the other hand, I thought the voices on the "New Frontier" were terrific for the most part, so maybe the ones on "Death" were just bad. Regarding movies I would like to see, I am actually getting my dream film in the Judas contract, as the Wolfman/Perez run on New Teen Titans is probably my favorite DC run, period. Apart from that, though, I would like to see a take on Batman: Year One, or maybe the Killing Joke, so they won't have much overlap with any existing movies (since Batman Begins seemed to be directly inspired by Year One at various points). I also wouldn't mind seeing something looking at Barry Allen's trial over killing Professor Zoom, a story surrounding the 1980s Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League (Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Justice League Antarctica, etc.), something on the "hard traveling heroes" of Green Lantern and Green Arrow, or something focused on the original Justice Society of America. . .if they ever developed a Planetary film (a series would be even better), then I would probably just up and die after that.
  3. Let me also give big, generic "props" to everyone who runs and/or frequents this site, for making it one of my favorite places on the web. I think it's the fact that us Minimate lovers are just better than everybody else. Also, props to the Hawkeye minimate. He is awesome.
  4. What is it about Texas? Do you think it's that you get more stock, or that you just don't have as many obsessive "scalpers" and hoarders as we seem to have just about everywhere else?
  5. I personally haven't seen any of these in the stores yet, but here is a review with some pics:
  6. I figured that out, but it took a pretty long time, and a couple of really bad experiences in college involving hard liquor. . .let's just say that there are tapes in existence somewhere that ensure that I can never run for political office. In America, excess does seem to be a virtue. . .
  7. Huh, I am completely unfamiliar with Octane. I didn't know they kept doing the triple changers after Astrotrain and Blitzwing (I guess that's after I stopped watching the cartoons as a kid; now I see that there were a whole bunch of them). I will also be thrilled when the movie figures temporarily leave the shelves (until TF2 *yawn*). I can't believe how popular the movie figures have been, flying off the shelves. They look so butt-ugly.
  8. I personally like some of the new classics, and dislike others. I think the Powerglide is awesome (just wish his paint apps were more toon-accurate--I guess we'll have to wait for the Japanese release like we have to do for Astrotrain), and I think that Prowl and Sunstreaker are pretty good. Good enough to buy, anyway. I don't care about the new characters that they are creating for this line at all (Tankor?). The one disappointment to me is Onslaught. I think the prototype looked terrific, but the paint apps ruin him, taking away nearly any resemblance to the original character model. I like a couple of the animated character models, and will probably try to get a hold of some of the Dinobots, Soundwave, and Bulkhead figures (I see him as an animated Hound, which is the only reason that I might get him). However, I think that most of other characters fail big time, and I'm indifferent to Prime and Megs. On the whole, I like these better than the movie figures, not as much as the classics or Alts.
  9. Wanted to share these pics of Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth, and didn't see a thread for this film, so: I think Schreiber is a terrific actor (I still wish they would do John Clark spinoff movies [Debt of Honor; Rainbow Six] from his awesome, yet understated performance in the Sum of All Fears). However, I don't quite envision him as my ideal Sabretooth. I initially didn't care much for this movie (didn't we already essentially get 3 Wolverine movies?), but with this casting, I'm curious to see how it all turns out.
  10. That's awesome. I'm going to definitely look for a Black Manta Pocket Hero next time I go to the LCS.
  11. Those are great! If they could do a CGI Avengers film that way (similar to what the Incredibles was), it would be a true geek dream come true. . .too bad we didn't get to see Cap, though
  12. Probably the closest thing we'll get to a Minimates video game now has a trailer:
  13. That dead Six makes for an awesome, understated zombie. I will definitely try to get a hold of that one.
  14. Let me add another voice in support of the Arrested Development figures (with the rumor of a movie being made floating around now, that would provide a great excuse to go for it ). I think that we should get a GOB with magical casket, and an entire series of Tobias's with Blue man paint, the Mrs. Featherbottom get-up, never-nude Daisy Dukes, and "Pirate" outfit from the first episode, amongst others. How have we not yet had figures from this show?
  15. My favorite "wave" of 2-packs would actually be the Target exclusive "Group D" figures, including figures from the Giant Sized X-Men boxed set, Iceman, Prof. X, Dark Pheonix, and that cool Sandman. However, if you are limiting this to official "waves," then I guess I would have to go with wave 20 (even though my figures haven't actually arrived here yet) due to its inclusion of Hawkeye (probably my favorite Marvel hero), Vision, and Havok--great action figure representations of three great, iconic, secondary Marvel heroes. (regarding TBT's hoarding of the Iron Man, I do this with Flint GI Joes, and could easily see myself doing this with that awesome Hawkeye )
  16. I think that Sawyer, Sayid, Charlie, and Hurley are pretty good likenesses. . .but like others here, Kubricks don't much do it for me. I'm also a big Lost fan, but I'll probably pass.
  17. Zombie Wolverine appears "battle damaged" . . .
  18. I can already see all but Dr. Jones warming pegs around the country.
  19. Thanks. Those sound like some neat ideas (I think the Hank Pym suggestion is a particularly clever way of overcoming the deficiencies of not having a suitable head for Ant-Man or Giant Man). I may try some of those out at some point.
  20. Very excellent, though following from Mystery Man's post, it would be even more excellent if we had Hank, Janet, T'Challa, and, in my mind, the non-Astonishing blue Beast.
  21. I grew up watching TNG, so those figures are a no-brainer for me. Let's hope that we can at least get the whole TNG crew before the license runs out for this one. . .that's the other side of the coolness of mixing up various shows' characters in the forthcoming waves.
  22. Sadly, I don't think they will, but not for the reason that you are referring to. Though I'm not familiar enough with that situation to know either way, I don't see how Moore could keep figures based on his creations from being made while not being able to stop people from making movies that he doesn't want made with the exact same characters in them. I actually sort of expect to see figures released for that movie. I mean, how many action movies with colorful characters don't get action figures made nowadays? If you couldn't market and exploit those characters, then it seems like it would be harder to justify all the expenses. . .though admittedly, targeting kids would be a bit difficult for a potentially hard-R Watchmen, and this ain't no Transformers. But I digress, I was only trying to say that I would be more excited about figures from that movie than previous movies that have spawned Minimates, because they would actually be characters that weren't already released in superior Minimate form (as opposed to most of the X-Men, Spiderman, Hulk, and in my opinion, Iron Man minimates), and would still look pretty comic accurate (based on what I've seen), which, again, can't be said for all the other released or proposed movie-based 'Mates.
  23. "Flame on!": This would be the first comic-related movie over the last few years that I would really be excited to get Minimates for. . .
  24. It seems like I saw a picture of him somewhere with the blonde hair and no hat, but I'm not positive. I'm thrilled to finally get a pro-wrestler Minimate (I would go ape shit for Minimates of Bret Hart, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ric Flair, and a number of others), but the facial expression is a little too angry for my tastes. Hulk's anger was never his most notable trait. I won't complain too much, though. I don't know if anyone else is familiar, but with this set, you've got one half of the main event of Wrestlemania I, which was Hogan and Mr. T vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff: Say your prayers and take your vitamins, brother!
  25. I guess I should have read this thread before I sent off my expletive filled hate mail. I've never been a very good negotiator
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