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Everything posted by undeadpool

  1. I am 100% sure one member has . We must find this person and torture them until they provide answers. this keeps getting funnier and funnier Until we realize BHM must have been referring to Zach
  2. I am 100% sure one member has . We must find this person and torture them until they provide answers. this keeps getting funnier and funnier
  3. here are some better pics, detailing his new duds more and under the coat (Renner is as graceful as a real life Clint Barton) anyone else think the jacket looks like Swordman's from the Fraction run?
  4. I love Ultimate Cap, not for being Captain America, but for being a fun to read commentary of public perception of the character prior to the films and he does have a few lines in that run that i ABSOLUTELY want him to say in the films, even if its jokingly or ironically
  5. most im guessing, went to one of the fan screenings that was held on the 20th
  6. I am 100% sure one member has . also on the wishlist side, id love to see a ton of the lesser known villains (Boomerang, Jack O Lantern, Crimemaster, the Spot, Tinkerer, Molten Man, etc)
  7. YESSSS, what i want is a Fraction Hawkeye, one who has his SHIELD connections but still maintains his circus background, and i feel Marvel knows thats where to take him
  8. im sorry...i dont see anything that bad about the trailer? (aside from Megan Fox but i mean, thats a given) the turtles looked a little odd, but with the task of creating humanoid turtles that not only look believable but can believably kick ass, i think they did alright, plus its not like they're supposed to be attractive they're turtles i think Shredder will be a lot more fan-pleasing than people expect, though i cant speak for it, i just have a sneaking suspicion
  9. I really just want a Quentin Quire, more than anything on that list, hes been around 11 years, i think hes a big enough X-men character to warrant a minimate Id also love a modern Storm, Magneto and Cyclops but Quire is higher on my list
  10. this set is gonna be awesome with all the wishlisting and speculation happening, i just thought id add in a message about the set itself i am SUPER pumped for it, especially the new Ock and Sandman
  11. misspoke, i meant 9 films...though at marvel that equates to about 9 years
  12. i think re-casting could work if it had some comic reasoning, such as the character being reborn or remade through cosmic forces, but I also want the films to feel like a more concrete aging system then just endless stories of the title cast. And while I dont want to lose Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, i do want to see new characters get the spotlight
  13. Sebastian Stan does have a 9 year contract so there is that, but I doubt Chris will leave soon, hes gotta stick around for Cap 3 especially since its going toe to toe with Man of Steel 2/Superman Batman also id wait to see the actual full Ultron before judging it, also remember that Ultron tends to redesign himself quite a bit, so this could be the initial Tony design that later gets swapped out for something more sinister looking
  14. i think my most wanted Invincible version is *Spoilers*
  15. as i said, ill be buying the ASM2 Rhino, simply for Bro's
  16. depends on how they wanna go with the series, if they wanna follow the TWD model of going in chronological order of events then your line up would be perfect Lob, but if they wanna take some of the bigger characters than i imagine BD Invincible Robot Angstrom Levi Monster Girl Blue/Black Invincible Conquest Thragg Young-Omni Man
  17. a little over 8 hours before i begin my live stream, as you can see, im almost ready
  18. Don't be a stick in the mud. DST wood not leaf us hanging. I'm sure we'll be satisfied after we root around in the packaging. Or maybe I'm just being a sap. But even if not, flora movie figure, you have to con-seed that Groot looks great. you sir, are a poet
  19. that conners shot is marvelous, kudos to you Zach
  20. INFAMOUS SECOND SON LIVESTREAMING AS DELSIN ROWE (cosplay) alrighties! here is my live stream schedule for Infamous Second Son! Friday 3/21/2014 1:00 AM — Whenever I get too tired to play Friday 3/21/2014 12:00 PM — 3:00 PM Friday 3/21/2014 7:00 PM — 12:00 AM Saturday 3/22/2014 11;30 AM — 4:00 PM Saturday 3/22/2014 5:30 PM — 12:00 AM *this is subject to change, ill update my facebook and here with new times if this changes* Please please PLEASE share this if you’re even remotely interested in tuning in or know someone who may be, I really wanna spread the word because i am super looking forward to this!
  21. while i love all of this set to death, i will say, my one complain thus far is, I wish Drax's face was angrier, more of a warcry shout face
  22. the thing is, you cant look as the comics as relics, because like EVERY OTHER SUPERHERO EVER, the comics have gone through thousands of iterations and the core theme of them is "a family who sticks together, has powers, and explores the unknown" and not to over simplify it but The Incredibles used the same basic foundation and Pixar ended up with a critically acclaimed superhero movie. Im eager to see what this film will look like, if it follows a similar method to the Spiderman reboot, ill be happy also I love Michael B Jordan as an actor and hes extremely charismatic, so im excited to see him play Johnny. Lastly, yes FF would fit so perfectly into the MCU its sad, but hopefully this will mean the writers will up the ante and make this a great series in its own right im also not sure how you can say Doctor Doom is a hard to sell character as hes appeared in probably every marvel franchise to ever exist (other than the MCU)
  23. LIVE STREAM AS DELSIN ON THURSDAY NIGHT/FRIDAY Alright guys! Thursday night Infamous Second Son officially launches, I will be at my local gamestop picking up my collectors edition in my Delsin cosplay! (though it will be unfinished until i get the props within the collectors edition). After this I will begin an awesome livestream…as Delsin! so tune in to or Undeadpool1 or Delsin Rowe Plays Infamous Second! (which will be the name of the stream) I will be playing for as long as I can and hope to stream Thursday night, Friday and Saturday, Ill post a more detailed schedule on Wednesday, stay tuned and tell your friends if they are excited for the game and need a stream to watch
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