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Everything posted by CortherX

  1. i can't believe you all guessed it! i thought maybe we'd get Banshee, but seriously how did y'all figure it all out, swappable heads and everything. i cannot wait for this set, though i'll be somewhat disappointed to retire my custom Banshee. But now I have a real Banshee, a real Forge, and I can use an extra body to make X-Men: TAS Morph!
  2. I'm dying. SO FREAKING EXCITING!!
  3. what about in the comics? was there ever a scene of Wolverine able to cut into the Blob? I have the old issues like when the Brotherhood was in Freedom Force, but I can't think of any particular time it happened.
  4. ok first of all... i was only planning on getting the Cage/Iron Fist set, but that Spider-Man would look so good on my 'deadly foes' display. The other two sets i could probably pass on (i like the current Hawkeye from TRU and i have the Disney mate if I decide to go old school. And is the Pym really that different? I'd love to see a side by side.), but i'm curious... any issues with Iron Man's leg? Isn't this the same TRU Iron Man that a lot of people had issues with? i hope one of the comic shops in my area got these. i'm so going shopping this weekend if they did.
  5. it's all about the dollar dollar bills, y'all. toys aren't billion dollar properties. unfortunately, neither are comics. hopefully either Fox or Marvel caves soon. i want my X-Men minimates! Banshee, Sunfire and Forge would be awesome. the brotherhood would be awesome. i'm afraid we're not going to get them all - if any - by wave 60. which is sad, but as long as we get some new Avengers (and i mean NEW, not redos or updates) in 2015, i'll be ok for a while. just don't keep me waiting TOO long for dat X.
  6. can i get a reminder of when these comes out?
  7. Weren't these supposed to be out last week?
  8. yeah what the heck was up with that? he was so out of character, it SHOULD have been another character. like a no-name character, introduced just to die. i rarely cry 'shock value' but i was so underwhelmed by that. i've already dropped 'all new x-men' (i'll still be getting the mates) but even though i'm pretty over Bendis, i'm still picking up Uncanny and would love to see updated mates of the main 4, and Ali. there are a few from tru19 i'll get for sure, but i've kinda got my hopes up for wave 60. if its new, classic avengers or x-men, i'm pretty gaurenteed to buying them. let's do the big reveal, already!
  9. oh man, if we're getting a Banshee... i would be very happy. Banshee, Sunfire, Forge... probably my top three wanted mates. I would also love to see the the current Uncanny costumes for Magneto and Magic (not to mention a P5 Magic)... villains for sure Toad, Master Mind, green Quicksilver (i have the first Scarlet Witch... i think her look is good for the original BroHo so i'm not worried about another SW being made, although I do have all 3 of them...), Pyro, Blob, Avalanche, Destiny... Hellfire Club... bulked up Pocy. ugh can we just know please.
  10. Ugh the suspense is killing me. I hope we get some new X-Men mates! Banshee, Sunfire (re-do), Forge, and Brotherhood (Pyro, Avalanche, Toad, Blob, Destiny, Mastermind, green Quicksilver any of the above).... Or X-Force Sunspot, Siryn, Warpath...
  11. did i miss a tru19 announcement? ugh!
  12. i would have rather had other characters from X-Force that haven't been made. at the moment, i wouldn't care if their costumes were from different runs, as long as i had all of the characters on display. i actually like this set - aside from Cable - and will be fine replacing the older version of these characters on my X-Force display... but yeah really hoping to see Siryn/Sunspot/Warpath soon.
  13. a quick reply that doesn't sound promising
  14. I'd replace Kang with Miss America or Kid/Teen Loki, but its perfect i'd like to see the original team completed before we got into the newer run... maybe a Kid Loki/Miss America 2 pack for tru? but let's get real... these will never happen.
  15. i would like a New X-Men Search for Magik (was that the name) set... Or really just any New X-Men characters Rockslide/Anole (with interchangeable arm) Pixie/Magik Belasco/Prodigy Hellion/Mercury also a Young Avengers set would be awesome... Patriot/Hawkeye Wiccian/Hulkling Speed/Stature Iron Lad/Kang
  16. Zach, are there going to be any other Marvel mates besides best of w3, GotG and X-Men?
  17. ugh i really want to hear about Marvel minimates!
  18. i feel like i have seen request for Rocket Raccoon to be mini for a long time, and now that it's confirmed he is, people are upset. go figure...
  19. We really don't need another Psylocke. They've made most of her looks. Same with Storm. If any X-Women were gonna be updated, I'd like to see a Marvel Now Jubilee, Rachel Grey, or Rogue.
  20. maybe Kang with an Uncanny Avengers Rogue... i know that's a costume a lot of people would like to see her in.
  21. oooh another Kang, that's not a terrible idea. especially since he's being featured heavily in Uncanny Avengers. could pair Kang/Wasp... or maybe an updated Havok? i know we just got him in wave 48, but i would like a mate represnting a more current look, since the previous 2 are of the same costume.
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