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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Unless you're the largest toy manufacturer in the world selling these: Mattel might have an issue with "LittleMates." If not, great! Then there's nothing holding WB back from letting DST go balls-first into the mass market with DC Minimates!
  2. No images of Aliens or Lost in Space Minimates? That's more than a little disappointing.
  3. I understand the overlap between the last line and this reboot so I'll accept another Gul Dukat and add him to my Cardassian army but I'm really hoping that the TOS Kirk & Khan aren't a straight repeat of this set: (Hail, Ivan!) A Kirk variant we haven't already seen would be difficult but Khan had plenty of costume changes. And yet, how long has it been since we got a decent Spidey with full tampos? To be fair, we're talking about heads. Has there even been a Spidey noggin that didn't have the webbing wrap all the way around the head? That makes perfect marketing sense. Better perceived value when you can show the extra face in the package.
  4. Behold, the latest "F@$% YOU!" to DC Minimates! Granted, this may be more of an art license with adorable versions of classic DC characters plastered upon a variety of plastic tchotchke but whenever I see other little DC figures – especially with the word "mates" in the name – my blood boils with the fire of Vulcan's furnace! I tried checking out their website but it's still under construction. Nothing like granting a license to a start-up company promoting a website that isn't even ready yet, huh WBCP? That's brilliant marketing!
  5. Here are the relevant quotes from Zach regarding the mysterious retailer exclusive boxed sets and vehicle available any moment now: I would say that a Greek high school student is probably NOT gonna nail this one, but it's actually internationally appreciated, I believe. (Sorry it's not God of War.) It's by one of those movie studios, yes. Older. Not that old. I was tempted to say "IT'S ROGER RABBIT!" and see if I could make your avatar explode. You are at least thinking along the right lines of timelessness, fame and universal love. Bravo. Still wrong, but bravo. I love that Jeff is upset that a toy that we aren't making might not glow in the dark. Muppets were created in 1955. Winnie the Pooh was created in 1926. The first Disney featurette ran in 1966. Even though they originally ran in theaters, I wouldn't consider the Looney Tunes movie-based material, as their full-legth features didn't start until they repackaged the shorts as movies in the 1960s or 1970s (right?). Also, like Winnie the Pooh, another TOUGH adaptation to the Minimates body type. But the Muppets movies all came after the tv show and Zach's earlier post about the Wizard of Oz suggests that the source material is from a similar time frame as the Wizard of Oz. The Muppets were on tv in an early form in the 50's but not in the movies. Zach's most recent posts suggest that it's a movie-based license.I said it was a movie on page three! PAGE THREE! GRAHHHH! [Head explodes.] I have no idea what Capricorn One is, but I would like Minimates of the rest. Can't imagine any of them would ever be likely, sadly. You can never have enough Hugh Jackman Minimates. Next: Kate & Leopold. Oh, God yes. I mean, I still think the license is a big one with lots of fans, perhaps even among you all, but you've gotten so worked up thinking about Mad Max and the Batman TV series that anything else will seem lame. My hype has backfired. RULED OUT! GAHHH! [Head explodes.] I've said it before, and I'll say it again: HELLPOP GETS IT. This exclusive assortment has not cancelled a series of Minimates you wanted. It is IN ADDITION to everything we currently make. It is NOT a long-term line we will be putting all of our manpower on. It IS outside of our normal wheelhouse. It WILL (I hope) introduce more people to Minimates. I have a great respect for completists, but I know there are relatively few of them here. I see plenty of people who go out of their way to say they WON'T be buying a series/set/what have you. I hope all of you can restrain yourselves when you see a product you absolutely don't want on the pegs/shelf/Internets. Or wait until February, see what else is coming, and make a decision then. I doubt they'll sell out instantaneously. And then there's this: Fine, it's not Peter Pan. So yeah, we're still waiting patiently for the announcement of the Peter Pan Minimates.
  6. Of course there's kinky underground stuff we don't want to know about. That's why it's underground. And Andrea is no virgin. Shane can attest to that. (At least on the TV series.)
  7. Oo. Yeah. Forget about them. Yeah, I'm with Lobsterman. LCS owners will take Invincible 'mates but it might be a little soon for Thief of Thieves. Besides, I really want these.
  8. I get the feeling that this is as far as this line is going to go. I hope I'm wrong but every year we see art or even prototypes that don't get the retailer demand needed to move forward. I think we're looking at one now.
  9. That would be SUPREMELY disappointing. I understand this "2-inch Rule" when it comes to Marvel. Contractually DST only has the license for specific sizes of action figures (2-inch scale for Minimates and 7-inch scale for Marvel Select). But this ain't Marvel. There's no reason not to be able to put a 2-inch Ripley Minimate inside an appropriately proportioned power loader. If DST can get away with making Hulkbuster and Phoenix Killer armors for Tony Stark, they can do this for Fox. And if they really don't want to use the 2.5" body for the Alien Queen then they're just going to have to get really creative because that bitch should be huge. I want to be impressed, not disappointed.
  10. Is anyone looking forward to a "battle-damaged" Michonne?
  11. My nearest Disney Store is two hours away. Haven't been there since I was looking for the Kang set and ony found a beat-up FF set instead. I've been checking irregularly online, too.
  12. In the past, they've made it seem like the difficulty was in aligning the faces, one opposite the other. But they've managed to successfully print a spider-web pattern around that cylindrical head and get the back to match up beautifully. That problem wouldn't exist with two faces, assuming they were part of the same tampo. I understand the difficulty if they're printing one face at a time but why do it that way? I'd print it just like Spidey's mask; as one tampo, not a separate front and back.
  13. Zach was replying to my comment that there weren't any duplicates/chase figures in these assortments. There are army-builder characters but only one each per assortment. The "variant packed with a duplicate army builder" formula does not apply to this line. I was surprised to see a Cardassian, too, but only because the last line left off with one. A double-faced Cardassian woudl be great but I've read that it's somehow harder/more expensive to get that tampo to line up on the head than it is to include a seperate head. I can't say I understand the mechanics of it but I'd love to try. I hope not. I know some characters are more popular than others but a one-per-case chase would just piss me off.
  14. Re: Ghostbusters. All Zach said was "Make more room" as I recall in reference to someone's GB display. I'm pretty sure he was referring to the Ghostbusters firehouse rather than more Minimates.
  15. I hope interest in LiS Minimates exceeds expectations, eclipsing pre-orders for B-9. I want oodles of unexpected success from both corners. Don't forget Chavo!
  16. But... we're not the press. We're DST's favorite consumers. I thought we were special.
  17. I see a removable captain's chair with that Minimates Enterprise. That's a good thing!
  18. I just picked up the first trade paperback not long ago and enjoyed it. Count me in for the Minimates.
  19. I may rewatch the whole quadrilogy. Funny thing is my daughters are familiar with Lost in Space because of the family-friendly movie but they've never seen any of the Alien films. My youngest hasn't even heard of it and she's eight. My 20-year-old son has no excuse.
  20. Zach, give Chuck a HUUUGE hug for me! (And make it a good one. Don't embarrass me.) I'll take Minimates from any installment of the Alien franchise, from Prometheus through Resurrection. Thanks. Since the Narcissus shows up in the beginning of Aliens, any chance we'll get that ship soon or is it better left as a vehicle for the inevitable Alien assortment? Speaking of vehicles, PLEASE check out what Galoob did with the Alien/Aliens ships in their toy line. The bar has been set pretty high for a small-scale vehicle like the APC or Narcissus. And is the plan for Lost in Space to offer them as two 4-packs and a vehicle (as with Peter Pan) or are you going to be a little more ambitious and expand beyond the main cast to some of the aliens as well?
  21. Yes, Lost in Space and Aliens seem to be the "astronauts" 'mates Zach alluded to. So Space:1999 will be revealed later in the year. Actually it was Disney or WB but, yeah, a Disney exclusive seems more likely.
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