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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Bad news for anyone hoping that we'd get a Banshee out of a possible Days of Future Past series. It's been confirmed the character will not be returning for the sequ-- er, preq-- ummm... next X-Men movie.
  2. I'm assuming the extended box set will be a TRU exclusive. As with many things, I expect the contents of the set to be dictated by price point. That's kind of a "chicken or the egg" kind of question when it comes to collectors. I could ask, "How much are you willing to pay?" and most would reply, "What am I getting?" So the question really becomes, "What price point does TRU think they can hit successfully?" TRU's Minimates exclusives range from $7.50 2-packs to $25 vehicles with three 'mates. Given how the Halo Warthogs have done, I don't see TRU going higher than $25. That's about six entirely new Minimates in a single (hopefully kick-ass) package. According to my Magic 8-Ball™, we can expect: Nightclub Armor (Mark 16) Striker Armor (Mark 25) Silver Centurion Armor (Mark 33) Redsnapper Armor (Mark 35) Igor Armor (Mark 38) Gemini Armor (Mark 39) I'm hoping to see a second exclusive offered since there are more where that came from. Man, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in everything these days.
  3. YES! M'ress and Arex confirmed for Star Trek Legacy Series 56! (Until then, I'll keep reminding Chuck.)
  4. I'm actually a bigger fan of movie toys in general than the comics, largely because I like more realistic costume designs. I was never a big fan of Marvel growing up (always a DC boy thanks to Batman) but I got hooked on Ultimates and started following that because it seemed like a movie adaptation. I buy them all now, movie and comic, and both are pretty endearing to me in their own ways. The simple, brightly colored costumes of the comics really suit the Minimate aesthetic but the movie 'mates translate surprisingly well and allow me to display the crossovers the studios can't/won't. (Amazing Spider-Man vs. Incredible Hulk? Coming up!) If DST offered a series based on previous Marvel movies – kind of a cinematic "Best of" wave from Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and Blade – I'd be all over that. Otherwise I just want Man-Thing, Uatu the Watcher, and more Inhumans. I can't even accurately name half the Marvel Minimates I own.
  5. Yeah, it seems like half the 'mates being offered are from these damned Marvel movies. Just be glad no one is clamoring for 'mates based on the cartoons. Next year will be better. The only Marvel flicks being released in 2014 are Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Well... that's actually more than this year. No, it's 2015 that's looking lean with the Fantastic Four reboot, the Avengers sequel, and Ant-Man!
  6. Like Rictor and Boomer are still Marvel characters. Just saying that if there's room for characters like them in the Marvel line, there should be room for M'Ress and Arex in the Trek line, especially if you're looking for some unique aliens in Starfleet uniforms. I know Arex has three arms and legs but M'ress seems like she'd be a lot simpler. But if you just want to give us this guy, I'll shut up:
  7. Like I say, nostalgia is a powerful drug. I remember the first time I watched the show as a teenager and thought, "Holy shit. This was awful. Why did I like this so much?" I was embarrassed that I was so enamored of it. Then I watched it as a nostalgic adult and, while it still made me cringe a little, I did manage to rediscover plenty of that childhood joy I experienced. And it's no different with Lost in Space or Buck Rogers. My favorite is probably The Adventures of Superman. One episode made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe, an adult reaction that would have really pissed off the 8-year-old inside me. Regardless, Yvonne Craig's Batgirl helped me through puberty.
  8. The fan base is literally dying off. I'm not sure the show is getting any more endearing with age. And that's coming from someone who used to watch it religiously.
  9. I won't rest until my hunger for Man-Thing is satisfied.
  10. This mystery "extended" set may be all kinds of awesome or it might suck. If it's all new armors, that's cool with me. I'll buy it. If it's all old armors, that's cool, too. New collectors can catch up and my wallet can take a breather. But if it's a mix...
  11. NO, it's a fun analogy! A battle-damaged Enterprise would be a milkshake then? And I totally understand any apprehension about offering anything from the animated series. It's just that among Trek fandom, there's a bit of pent-up demand for product based on that little slice of the franchise. I wouldn't say it's as large as the tsunami of interest in the 1966 Batman property but I'd be surprised if those two specific characters performed any worse than a number of other very obscure Marvel characters. Maybe when the animated series comes to Blu-ray, M'ress and Arex could make a couple interesting pack-ins for Best Buy and get the Minimates brand some additional exposure.
  12. Well there's whole milk, skim milk, 2%, 1%... And chocolate flavoring is something that goes into the milk like the Shuttlecraft goes into the Enterprise. So there. That would be a crime. We're talking about one 2-pack of characters who have never been offered as action figures before despite being featured characters on an Emmy-award winning animated series based on one of the biggest pop-culture franshises in television history. Just offer them to a retailer as an exclusive. It'll be fine. Some packaged pics would be cool, too. I'm curious to see what packaging solution you've come up with for this little monster. From what I can tell, the first Enterprise and the Tribbles Enterprise are identical. The only difference I can see from the pictures are the pack-ins. The Mirror Universe Enterprise has different deco and new tooling for the raised bridge dome, the nacelle spikes, and a larger navigational dish. As mentioned earlier, the sculpt is what could be used for a pilot episode version with Captain Pike or "The Menagerie" episode version with Kirk in Dress Uniform. Is that accurate, Zach?
  13. If chocolate milk = Shuttlecraft, then I'm all for it! I'm just surprised to see these variants being released at the same time though it makes sense from a production POV.
  14. What are the dimensions on these? I ask because I just started a Minimates project and these might be just the thing I need.
  15. I'd say when sales of the current Enterprise justify it. And you'll see variants on that one, too, I'm sure. Hopefully one will be battle-damaged with a blood-stained Kirk from TWOK.
  16. A friend of mine became a state trooper last December so I have an idea of what you went through. Congratulations, be safe, and a sincere thanks for choosing a challenging line of work that helps others.
  17. These variants would be a lot easier to justify purchasing if they came with decals for different starships. I doubt the Constellation and Commodore Decker are ever going to make it into this vehicle category (although I hope I'm wrong) but that would be the best way to get collectors to build a fleet. Personally I'm most interested in the I.S.S. Enterprise. If I get another it will probably be the AFX exclusive if only to get the Tribbles. And I have to say I do appreciate the level of authenticity on these ships, especially the modified saucer, nacelles, and larger navigational dish on the Mirror Universe Enterprise. You can see the love. Now I'm wondering when we'll see the Enterprise from "The Menagerie" with Kirk in dress uniform. That's all that left, correct?
  18. Another Enterprise variant has surfaced over at AFX. It's not so much an Enterprise variant as it is a Kirk variant.
  19. I'm interested in that answer too. You sure you weren't being handed a line? I was looking over her shoulder as she pointed to the part of the screen that read "ELIGIBLE: NO." She was baffled, too. I'll just ask a higher-up and see what they say.
  20. As I recall it was The Wolverine that was iffy for a Minimates line because of the tight turnaround, similar to X-Men: First Class. Hopefully there will be plenty of time for a line of 'mates from Days of Future Past because I'd like to fill out the ranks I already have.
  22. Gotta love how Spider-Man fashions a sex swing in order to keep June at bay. First he figures out a way to keep her hands busy, then he hangs her from a branch... Wait 'til MJ sees this. Seriously, though, I don't think we got the whole picture here. I think June's just misunderstood. Seems like Spidey was cutting through her yard (again), she was a little hangry and snapped. Dude should just chill.
  23. That is paper magic. I LOVE the Frost Giant diorama and the class picture of the X-Men is pretty sweet. I'm impressed and inspired. Thanks for sharing!
  24. I'd just like to know what criteria they're using to determine which stores get them and which don't. I asked at the store and the young lady didn't know. I'll try asking a manager the next time because I'm really curious.
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