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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. I've never been a fan either* but the more colorful franchises seem to do well for Minimates. The costumes could be printed from the neck down leaving the only sculpted bits to be helmets, hair, and accessories. I'd only be concerned about getting complete teams. (*I did like that last Power Rangers movie though.)
  2. It doesn't matter who the army-builders are packed with so long as Luke's Toy Store can offer the same kind of exclusive that was offered with Marvel Series 78. Personally, I'm expecting 4-packs. So if the first one happens to be Duke, Scarlett, Destro, and a Cobra Trooper, Luke's could offer 2-packs (or 4-packs, if the license insists) of Cobra Troopers. Just make sure there's marketing to let folks know where they can get their armies.
  3. Besides Transformers, GI Joe, and Power Rangers, there are three other licenses included in the agreement yet to be announced. PLEASE let one be Micronauts! That just makes too much sense for action figures this wee!
  4. So that's happening, too, apparently. Go go, Power Rangers!
  5. Whatever army-builders DST decides to offer with main characters, I'd love to see Luke's Toy Store be able to offer as exclusive 2-packs just like they did with Multiple Man. Load that shop up!
  6. Full disclosure: I rediscovered the Transformers franchise when my 4-year-old got hooked on Beast Wars. We watched that together. If DST ever decided to make those into Minimates, I'd probably get a set just for the heck of it.
  7. I hope you had a cootie-free birthday, Mr. Porter!
  8. It's funny that I have no problem with other cartoon characters morphing (or inexplicably pulling anvils from behind their backs) but for some reason my standards are a little higher for this property. Maybe because I think it's rooted in the real world despite the medium in which it was produced. It's silly but it's enough for me to pass on a property. Even Tony Stark's animated armors have been getting a little ridiculous over the past few MCU flicks. It's just a pet peeve, like firearms with infinite ammunition. I'm fine being in the minority and honestly envious of those who can suspend their disbelief the way I used to. After all, these are toys. I shouldn't be overthinking them this much but... well, here I am.
  9. Non-transforming Transformers isn't a dealbreaker for me at all. My issue is scale. The appeal of Minimates to me is that multiple properties can exist in the same scale. Knowing that Optimus Prime is supposed to be the size of a truck makes me more interested in a Vinimate of him. But knowing that Transformers vary in size from cassette tapes to PLANETS has always been enough to keep me away from Hasbro's line let alone forcing the likenesses onto the same 2" frame. That's just my OCD nitpick. I'm not a GI Joe fan by any stretch but I'm totally on board with those sight unseen as long as they fit in with Marvel, The Walking Dead, Silence of the Lambs, Aliens, Predator, et al. All that said, this is an exciting property to add to the brand. I hope it does ridiculously well and leads to other Hasbro properties like Micronauts, ROM, and Power Rangers.
  10. I've never been a fan of this franchise but the toys always looked like fun. I can see myself being a completist for this line, especially if any of Hasbro's vehicles scale better with Minimates.
  11. Dang, that's a good swap, too. I may have to haul out my DC 'mates and give this a try.
  12. That's a nice 3D print but I'm really impressed with the graphics! Well done.
  13. Based on the number of Administrative Assistants I've seen come and go through DST, it might be a dream job for a fan but pretty thankless for anyone else.
  14. Since it's an umbrella license with a variety of properties, I'm leaning toward King Features Syndicate (Flash Gordon, Phantom, Popeye) but hoping for Hanna-Barbera (Jonny Quest, Scooby-Doo, Herculoids, Blue Falcon, Birdman, Space Ghost).
  15. DST offered blind bags, not numb bags. Both are evil. I need to know what I'm buying without molesting the packaging.
  16. There's only one thing that could get me interested in that property and it would be MOTU Minimates. And while Mattel might be happy with their Mega Construx minifigs, I'm sure they'd be perfectly content with additional revenue from (ironically) block figures.
  17. Asked and answered. Happy not to have more blind bags in the Minimates line, though.
  18. Funko's already all over this with Pop! figures, of course.
  19. I'm thinking a WandaVision Halloween costume set might do nicely around Halloween.
  20. Anyone want Mortal Kombat Minimates? Because they're in development so make sure to preorder ASAP and as many as possible.
  21. I'm excited about any new license that's applied to Minimates. Hopefully pre-orders match your enthusiasm.
  22. Okay, so while there are still plenty of other Minimates I’d prefer to see from the MCU, the end of episode 5 was jaw-dropping.
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