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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. That's the worst case of glossitis I have ever seen.
  2. Joe and Linus both took their favorite blanket to prom.. but only Joe had the guts to actually dance with it.
  3. Good ol' Gambitron! That Orem TRU is a great signal flair for the rest of the TRU's in the state. As soon as I see your posts, I always go hunting through the 3 TRU's in the Salt Lake area and the one in Layton. I just went in on an online order with a friend at work for the TRU exclusives, but I still need to pick up the others.. and maybe an extra Sentinel. The hunt begins! (If only Hulkbuster Iron Man was this easy)
  4. I know nothing about this Surtur dude (other than a quick wiki read). Can someone tell me how you pronounce it? Is it like Searcher or Sir-tur?
  5. I'll be buying a Vita this year. I have loved my PSP. I'm looking forward to Vita Uncharted and LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes.
  6. I don't know of any other thread in the collecting world where this would make total sense: *They're Up *They're gone *Up again *Gone again *Up *Gone Dammit! But here, with TRU and these exclusives it makes perfect sense. I'm still trying to stay positive with this one. Good luck everyone.
  7. I believe I am a little confused on the TRU Wave 2 issue. Should we be expecting these right now? I knew a few cases went out early and a few went accidentally to LCS's.. and a few sold online.. but reading the posts it is sounding like the only way to get a Sentinel is to pay more than double retail plus shipping. I thought we just had to wait until these 'officially' hit TRU's nationwide. Am I missing something? Are we sure these are going to be impossible chase figures?.. or are we just reacting with a little impatience? I'm as impatient as the next collector.. but in this case, I am confused. A little help? Thanks! Vox
  8. All of this speculation has me more interested in learning about convention box sets than I ever have before. Props to Zach for tossing out the lifeline with the possibility that ONE of those 4 could show up this summer. I know I may be in the minority here but Winter Soldier is pretty far down on my MUST HAVE list since it would be the 4th version of Bucky Barnes made into Minimate form. I'm not saying that I don't want him.. I just place higher desire towards the totally new. 1. Falcon (My Avengers display is incomplete without him) 2. Kang (his close friends call him Kangers, Special K or K-Dizzle) After that.. whatevs. I'll buy Winter Soldier and Zemo if made, hell, I'd buy Nemo the fish if he were a minimate. I'm just hoping to see these first two sometime in the next year. Also, props to the animated show A:EMH for their Kang episodes which helped get me on board as a proud sponser of the Minikang Multiverse.
  9. I like Minimates. The MvC3 look great and I look forward to tracking them down.
  10. There is not a font size big enough to satisfy my <SIGH> DC Minimates, you, like TLC's Lefteye Lopez, died too young!
  11. These Squatz remind the episode of South Park where they all got really into World of Warcraft. Add some pimples to Hal Jordan and put a bedpan under him and you have a spitting image of Cartman from the end of that episode. Absolutely horrible looking toys (figures?). <sigh> good ol' DC Minimates.. there will never be a better DC minifig.. but they sure as hell try.
  12. I like seeing those Legos.. it was a great reminder that MINIMATES are the BEST minifig every made. I can't tell what in the redacted is going on with those Lego figures.. they could be anything. My guess is that they are Mole-man's minions.
  13. I guess I wasn't paying close attention to the announcement of these.. I thought for some reason they would all be in a giant 8-pack or 2 4-packs.. I'm happy to see they are like a regular wave. I may have to pick and choose which 2-packs to grab due to budget. These do look great. I did want to see Thing with the open hand just to be different but everything else is perfect so no complaints. Cheers for web-pits Spidey!
  14. The thought of fast moving zombies kind of makes me chuckle. At that point, I would say take away the slow moaning speech as well. (Out for a jog in the park when I see Phil the Zombie) Vox: Hi Phil the Zombie, how's your run today? Phil: Heart rate is up and I'm feeling groovy Vox, thanks for asking! Vox: Cool, cool. Well, I'll have to keep in shape to outrun you this year. Phil: Darn tootin' you will, I'll be by later to eat your brains!
  15. Fantastic job! I'm one of those guys that didn't vote.. but I pretty much agree with every result. I can officially place Beak-Wolverine next to my awful tampo Spiderman on my shelf.. both of them facing the wall and hanging their heads in shame. Awesome jobe with the whole production. It's stuff like this that makes it easy to recruit new minimate fans. -Vox
  16. This is what I get for checking this forum while on vacation. My thought: wow, new mates announced?!.. Well played sir.
  17. I've decided I am going to refer to the baddies as Redacteds even after we learn their 'real' names. In fact, I may start refering to all henchmen as redacteds. MiniMEMEmates Revolution!
  18. If I could add one thing to this conversation it would be that Scar-Jo is hot. If I could add two things then I would also say that I can not wait to see thos mini-REDACTEDs. I'm looking forward to every piece of this wave.. and that is probably the first time I have said that about a movie wave.
  19. To be fair to Black Widow.. She has her own super power.. super distraction! Cuz dude, who can look away?
  20. Another shame is that the license does not cover UMvC3. Ryu has a new costume change in this version of the game where he has blonde hair and a red karate gi. That would have been a great way to get Ken.. even if he was called P2 Ryu or something. There are a few more capcom characters (along with DC minimates) that I'll never stop wishing for. Ken, Blanka and the Darkstalkers werewolf.
  21. Nice comparison pics Zach. I will say the final product looks even better! The glossy finish is pretty sweet. I have the SPM and I plan on getting the regular KITT in May. Somehow I have become obsessed with mini-vehicles. Early on I wasn't going to go for any MAX or TV/Movie vehicles.. Now I have 3 MAX jets, 3 BSG ships, 3 BTTF Cars and a Knight Rider Car. I don't even play HALO but if I find one of those ATVs on sale, I'll probably have to add that to the collection as well.
  22. Big Bad Toy Store has a picture of Wave 45 Iron Man, Captain America & Thor from the Avengers movie. Hulk is shadowed out at this point. The Iron Man looks fantastic!
  23. Is that Spiderman the same one that comes in the Disney 4 pack?
  24. I got a deformed tire on my KITT car. I'll take a photo and email it to customer service. Other than that, the car is brilliant.
  25. I picked up super pursuit mode KITT and the vehicle is very well done.. (I wish the BTTF car had turned out this nice)... with one exception. One of the rubber tires was molded bad.. so bad that the car almost won't roll. Is this something I might be able to get a replacement tire for? Anyone have experience with this sort of thing?
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