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The Vox

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About The Vox

  • Birthday August 4

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    I collect minimates...

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  1. Found it! Extremely well done 2-pack. Ant-man is perfect, Falcon's wings are brilliant and Redwing is now one of my favorite all-time accessories.. (up there with Goblin's glider) Thanks DST!
  2. Came up empty at 2 TRUs in Montgomery County, MD(seeking Falcon/Antman).. but if they are in New Jersey.. it's gotta be soon. Any other sightings?
  3. Still watching TRU for the Falcon/Antman set... anyone found it?
  4. Haven't hit up Annapolis yet.. trying to find a good reason for a day trip with the kiddos and then we will give it a shot. Thanks!
  5. REDWING FOR THE WIN!! Must track down the Falcon/Antman set. That is just awesome. Hitting TRU in about a month?
  6. ya, I did try Alliance Comics in SS. They had the Deadpool wave and the dude working said, "Minimates just don't sell here". It was a great LCS and I did pick up some other stuff for my kids while there. We did, however, take a 40 minute family drive up to Catonsville, MD to Cosmic Comix & Toys. First time I have seen a wall of minimates in over a year. It was really nice, though $11 for a 2-pack stung a little (I've gotten used to TRU $$ during the past 13 months).. but I was able to snag the Captain Marvel/New Thor pack that I have been wanting so I'm calling it a win. Thanks to everyone for the help!! (even those posts that were lost.. I did see them before they were dumped) -Chad
  7. Thanks all. Sounds like I'll have to venture out of the burbs. Funny thing.. just reading the words DC Minimates still makes me a little sad.
  8. Hi all.. Just moved the wife and kids from SLC to the DC area (Northwest of Bethesda). The TRU in Gaithersburg is small and doesn't look to be a consistent supplier of minimates.. I stopped in Beyond Comics and they said they stopped carrying them quite a while back. Anyone living in the area that can point me in the right direction? Thanks! -Chad
  9. Scored! The wife found these at a TRU in Salt Lake City today (Sugarhouse for any curious locals). Fresh out of the box so she grabbed the mutigen pack as well as the few I was missing from the KMart series. Set and happy!.. but the Mutigen Leo looks so good, now I'm feeling the itch to start tracking down the other translucent ones.
  10. Series 2 packaging is done, the lineups for each retailer are set, and the danger is very real. Woot! I was really hoping this line would get legs and run! "New versions of the turtles with new gear" what the what? Sweet.. I wonder if we are talking slightly different paint jobs or something as new as sculpted heads. Can't wait to see Casey Jones!
  11. I saw a box of these at my LCS.. i groped, fondled, felt up, tested a few bags but could not tell what I was feeling.. at $5.99 per, it is too much of a risk when I just need Donny and Shredder. I will be waiting for these to hit my local TRU.
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