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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. Kang and Ultron Electro and Vulture Red Skull and Mandarin Variant: Instead of Ultron, pack Titanium Man I would push a priest down that flight of stairs if it was the Sinister Six in their first incarnation. Doc Ock, though, could come in a white labcoat instead. And Sandman... um... could be replaced with Hobgoblin for that version of the team. You can't spit without hitting a Sandman minimate these days.
  2. My Target reset and got rid of all the old clearance minimates they had. Maybe something new will arrive soon?
  3. That's neat. But when do we get a regular Giant Man?
  4. I think it's stupid that they're doing this instead of maybe tweaking the regular Symbiote Spidey a little bit and letting people who missed the first one get one for themselves. More reasons why Marvel mates are ho-hum.
  5. I got a Cylon elf that I really think is super cool. I'm happy with what I got and very thankful. My two friends are still waiting on the mail for Monday to see if they get there's in yet. -M
  6. I hope that the DCD stuff stays as awesome as it is. Don't mess with it, please, it's perfect just the way it is. I wish they'd change the Marvel stuff to reflect the versitality that the DCD line is championing. And if it means new liscences, that's neat. And if it means they'll get to make larger figures in the Marvel stuff, that's even better. But I hope it doesn't mess things up with the DCD stuff. Right now this, to me, is the only thing "minimate" that I'm 100% interested in because it is being handled so beautifully.
  7. Where did you get the magnets you use? What is the brand specifically?
  8. It kinda looks like it. I just got mine in the mail. Is it?
  9. These remind me of DC's Pocket Heroes. I really do dig them, actually. And that vehicle set with Nick Fury and ULTRON?! Too cool!
  10. BLACK MANTA! BLEEP YES! Bare-chested? Use Gollum. I did. That's why I have a Ka Zar and a Namor right now.
  11. SO When do you guys think we'll hear something about this set? Because it's this and the Avengers for me this year.
  12. Would you support it if DCD re-released the C3 characters in a boxed set of some sort? The paints apps could change or they could stay the same and the copyrights could be changed. In this way they wouldn't take up regular slots in the series for new characters and everybody would be able to get these characters again. Martian Manhunter, Flash, Riddler, Nightwing, Batgirl... there's a good 5-pack boxed set already. What do you all think? -M
  13. If it was God giving me the choice, then I'd figure he was going to let me have it. And I'd pick Hawkeye.
  14. Yay Defenders! Actually, they could split it in half and give us Dr. Strange, Namor (in green trunks), Black Bolt and Black Panther. That would kick THE most ass.
  15. I tried the prongs without painting them, but they're too flimsy. The sword could theoretically be cut to suit but I only have one and don't want to maim it. I'll just have to keep thinkin, I guess.
  16. So has anybody thought of a way to do this yet? I have absolutely no leads on this one, I'm afraid. Usually I can remember applicable parts from other lines that might fit and work but this one has me stumped (ha ha). I've got long hair for him. And I've got a water hand version and a yellow-gloved version. But there's gotta be a way to put a hook on his hand for that variation. -Matt
  17. I tend to agree. DC is curb stomping Marvel in my opinion right now, as well as the opinions of the other guys that buy these that I'm friends with. If Marvel would stop with the movie versions... or release them alongside the comic books line... that'd be fine. But as it is, the Avengers wave is the other one Marvel has coming out that can even compete with DC's stuff right now. Plus, figures with accessories is nice... even a spare hairpiece is better than jack squat. The more money I save from Marvel I pass right along to DC.
  18. I did the GA hair-cut just fine and am thinking about doing the Deathstroke lobster bib as well.
  19. That was the only problem that I had. I did just what you said and it works just fine now. I haven't opened any of the extras in my case yet.
  20. Did anybody ever build a Batmobile with the big bat head on the front? I'm thinking about it but have no idea how to execute it.
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