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Everything posted by wallbreaker2.0

  1. I don't remember anything like that at all.
  2. Yeah all I got was a blank page with an angelfire logo in the top corner.
  3. I'm tempted to purchase a masterpiece Grimlock. Anybody have him or have any educated opinions of him? Also does anybody know a good ebay seller that would have him?
  4. This better be a friggin' joke!
  5. Not that I have a problem with Spider-man variants but do we really believe the line wouldn't survive without out them? On a side note Amazing Bag man would be awesome!
  6. I have to agree with you I thought it was creepy(not the good kind).
  7. Video not availible in my region :sad:
  8. ....when you've read all the reviews at minimatescentral.
  9. Cool pictures Punisher I especially like the Mighty Avengers.
  10. Happy birthday! Also Happy belated birthday guys and girl!
  11. Playing Gears 2 multiplayer gamertag: wallbreaker2 Just let me know you're from the verse
  12. I just want the whole Dark Avengers thing to blow over, I don't like it at all Norman Osborn in charge of Shield which has been renamed Hammer . All I want from this whole thing is for the New Avengers to kick the door down and let Norman no what's what and who's who. I'll pick up the boxset but I won't be happy about it.
  13. Yeah he sent me a friend request as well. Hey Trekker are you part of the Facebook group: Minimate Fanclub?
  14. In Buttheadsmate's defence it has been a while since we've seen some really nicely displayed collections. Which if I'm not mistaken what this thread was meant for. Then again Buttheadsmate could very well be drunk who knows.
  15. Speaking of the rrod a buddy from work had this happen to his 360 and apparently he found a vid on youtube with instuctions on how you can fix it yourself. This is especially helpful in cases where warranties have run out.
  16. One of my favorite scenes from the Simpsons
  17. They did a better job of spreading the word last year they dimmed the lights om news shows and stuff. I participated last year kinda. It's a good idea not so much that it actaully makes a difference but it makes you think about all the energy we use and where it comes from.
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