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Everything posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. A low quality phone picture of my classic Avengers roster. I could really use some redos of Wasp, Vision, Black Panther, Hercules, and the like.
  2. I wasn't a huge fan of Morrison's run on New X-Men, but I thought Whedon's Astonishing was fantastic. I also quite liked the first trade of Amazing X-Men, with the quest for Nightcrawler storyline. It used Azazel, a character I wish didn't exist from the abomination that is The Draco, but it sort of redeemed him for me. I still don't think his character fits with Nightcrawler's identity, but the book was entertaining enough and the writing good enough that I could look past it.
  3. These would have all been very interesting points. I love the idea of Secret Invasion so much, I just wish they'd pushed it a little further. Also, the event could have erased Chuck Austen's X-Men, which I wasn't a fan of. Angel, Azazel, and the Church of Exploding Communion Wafers could have all been Skrulls...
  4. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them are right.
  5. No, Nighthawk is 2.5. Hyperion, who's also in the Squadron Supreme is wave 3, however.
  6. I don't believe so. They just knew him as the leader of the Thunderbolts.
  7. This wave didn't show up at my LCS, although apparently they did order it. I haven't been down recently to ask about it.
  8. I think the pre-mutation/scarring Shredder and Splinter make perfect sense as one per case figures. They're limited appeal variants of previously made characters. Stockman would make sense too, if we had a Stockman Fly. I don't think two chases is a good idea, but DST has chosen reasonably well. Making Space April a chase does seem odd, though, unless she has a majorly reduced role when they're in space? I don't watch the show.
  9. It must be a case-by-case issue. None of mine had any joint problems.
  10. I haven't had any major QC issues with newer mates, but there seem to be less of the minor ones lately. Waves 59, 60, and 62 all had stuck and messy paint on some figures. More recent waves have been better, with the only problems I can think of being paint alignment on my 66 Cap and 68 Wolverine, not enough yellow on my 68 Cyclops and X-23 Wolverine, a stray bit of white on Space Venom's shoulder, and some paint rub on the elbows of some of my 69 minimates, oddly only on one elbow per pack.
  11. Assuming you mean comic Falcon, I believe that is Mac from Predator.
  12. How about a regular Tiger Shark? We are supposed to be getting lots of Marvel villains.
  13. The box does display them, and IIRC they're also on the back of the pack itself. I think it could definitely be more prominent, but it is there. Also, I believe the Hulk TtA set got a second run fairly recently. The only difference I know of is the packaging and Maestro's IM helmet is a more modern design.
  14. I read a New Avengers book of his that wasn't... awful...
  15. I'd guess DST will be saving an official announcement for NYTF in February.
  16. Is that the current customer service address? I sent an email a week ago and I haven't gotten a response. I don't know if the address has changed or if it's just working its way through the system. Back on topic, if DST can't help, you could try to salvage the minimate with a similar hip piece (assuming it wasn't unique). Dipping the leg in hot water should make it easy to pry the broken peg out. You could try to glue the peg back on, but it would be very fragile.
  17. That... could actually work. It wouldn't be too elaborate or expensive, and it would be pretty easy to hide. (Maybe the figures could have removable heads with the pencil sharpener inside?) I know it's unlikely that it would ever happen, but I'd really like to see DST pursue something like this. It could be marketed as a companion line to the Vinimates. Each wave could have a couple of "Best Of" minimates in the Vinimate style and one "fanservice" character. The early Marvel Legends BAFs and the Gigantic Battles sets would be a good start.
  18. Unless there's been a new message, I don't think it does. IIRC Zach said it wasn't a new game and that we hadn't seen minimates of that license before.
  19. I don't think they are. If you put the fist on the opposite arm the thumb will be underneath instead of on top.
  20. I got a similar selection to MS (although I picked Venom instead of Logan). I feel pretty much the same way about them, but I have a few notes of my own. Iron Man is a pretty great figure (even if I did end up with two), but I wish we could have gotten the upper-arm paint and repulsor hand seen on the artwork. Some manner of flight stand would have been nice too, but maybe it wouldn't have fit. I do quite like this Tony Stark head, however. I agree about the yellow of Wolverine's chest block being too pale. Also, the blue/black of her body and limbs seems a little dark compared to the comic art. It is Inconsistently coloured, though, and the highlights/shadows issue has been around for quite a while. Venom is a great figure, and he has enough alternate parts that it's very easy to display Flash and Venom at once. I love to see the "transforming" minimates, since I almost always have a spare minimate so it's (sort of?) like getting two for the price of one.
  21. To be fair, if the first 14 hadn't sold at $24.99, I can't imagine the 15th would have gone up for five dollars more. It's still pretty scummy, though.
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