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toy showdown

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Everything posted by toy showdown

  1. If you want a taste of Hasbro hypocrisy, just look at Hasbro Mashers. Not a single female hero or Transformer in the mix. Then they make an Indominus rex which is female. I want to buy Indominus and mash her up with Iceman and then send that picture to Hasbro and show them how mixing not only gender but sexual preference has obviously started the Apocalypse and we should all bending over and kissing our a***s goodbye. But I don't really want to spend $40 on Hasbro when I can just Photoshop it. Give the money to DST instead, because they're not afraid to show there's nothing wrong with boobs on Wolverine.
  2. No doubt Warner Brothers will use the box office to further justify not letting anyone do anything fun. Not even Mattel, which is the weird thing. There's a pallet box at Walmart filled with made-up Avengers-themed Hot Wheels and yet a movie with great reviews and a plethora of cool vehicle designs to work with doesn't get jack? All Mattel would have to do is stamp "Adult Collector" on it. You know, so kids don't superglue spikes to their cars, rig them with flamethrowers, and go racing down the highway. Apparently.
  3. Zero merchandising licenses are being offered for Fury Road or Mad Max in general. Which sucks, but you know, it could be worse. They could have given the license exclusively to Playmates...
  4. Playing around with a Taneleer Tivan build since the Duck is coming. body from Spirit's The Octopus head from Pathfinder's Isiem hair from DOFP movie Storm and Ezekiel's staff because it looks ever so vaguely like Beta Ray Bill's head.
  5. If I had a larger LOTR collection, I'd be drowning in goblins by now. The Dogslicer is perfect as a shorter basic goblin, while Konkrud's extra height makes him look like their stressed-out leader. But I was never too fond of Pippin or Sam, and Merry's a bit hard to find, so Frodo and a few orcs are probably the only outsiders the goblins will meet.
  6. I'm sure the three or four runners-up will get serious consideration, too. So follow your heart, not necessarily the leader. And I can't help but think that Squirrel Girl vs. Juggernaut has already been talked about internally. Tippy Toes! Monkey Joe! Mr. Lieberman!
  7. I'm using the effects from Hasbro's 3.75" AOU Scarlet Witch, a figure that just doesn't deserve accessories this nice.
  8. I think it's legally possible though, because it's a Minimate of USM Stan the Janitor and not real-world Stan Lee. When you have a character named after yourself and based on your likeness that plays a large role in an episode with your character's name in the title, you have to let that character live a little. "I was a cartoon in one of "The Simpsons" episodes, and I've been a cartoon in a few other things, but in "Ultimate Spider-Man" I'm actually playing a role as a the member of the cast. I have my mop and I have my pail of water and that's my full equipment, you know. I have to stay in character. I say to myself, "How would a janitor, say this," and I try to speak just like a janitor. Like the way Marlon Brando would when he played a role, I imagine myself as that character. The directors, of course, are tremendously impressed with how perfectly I portray this janitor."
  9. I'd say sign up for a bulk-shipping account like Then try to buy as much as you can in waves/lots with low US shipping and send them to your bulk-shipping address. Have it all shipped to the UK when you're ready.
  10. I was going to vote for Zabu, but if you guys really want Stan the Janitor I'll vote for Stan the Janitor. With the first-ever Minimates mop. Zabu would still be my #2 choice if this isn't workable.
  11. I really hope this does well enough to eventually put Iron Bull on the development track.
  12. I'd say remove two of the three smaller spikes on each of Shredder's gauntlets, paint them, and glue them to the forearm. For the cape, you want web lace which you can sometimes find in blue at craft or bridal stores.
  13. I like the goblins almost as a separate line from the other Pathfinder figures. I don't know if I'm quite to the point of advocating blind bags for them, but if Series 2 is basically Pathfinder: Goblins with just goblin 2-packs, it may get enough casual attention to keep the line rolling for a while.
  14. The other alternative is to buy individually the day Luke gets his stock in. Assuming Strucker and Ultron Mk1 are $12.99 each and each Iron Legion is $6.99 apiece (two total), that's $39.96 plus around $3 for First Class - $42.96. That gives you $53 to play around with individual Ultron purchases - about seven total. So while the $96 for the box is a little painful when you think about the $9.50 shipping, you're getting 18 in the box as opposed to 11 individually for around the same price. Even if you only manage to resell the Iron Legion for $3 or $4 apiece, the box would still be the way to go, assuming you want each unique piece and it's the 1/1/4/4/4/4 breakdown. The trouble comes when you start thinking in terms of like ten blue and two red Ultron drones, which is how I tend to over-complicate my purchases on movies I haven't even seen yet.
  15. Zach called both Strucker and Ultron Mark 1 rare figures in his AOU video. So it could be 1x on each (Mark 1 taking Fury's still-advertised rare spot) and 4x on the other four.
  16. Spiral has bare arms, so she'd have an even better range of motion. I think the time has come for her to get serious consideration. Make her and Psylocke in their Uncanny X-Force costumes, with a classic variant set. Easy double sell.
  17. Skip over to the "4 Confirm Your Order" button. The Summary and Shipments sections should show the promo and discounts. If not, I would contact customer support ( for them to apply it manually.
  18. From their email newsletter: "Please use the promotional code taxfest15 for 10% off your next order. This is a one-time coupon code that is available from April 16th through May 3rd, 2015" Making the 2-packs $8.99 and the goblins $4.50 apiece. Dogslicer and Konkrud are #8 and #9 on their top-selling (other companies) And a really nice direct-link layout on the bottom.
  19. ReAction has a TRU-exclusive one out. But since ReActions are intentionally horrible, it really should be no surprise that the Minimate is better in every way.
  20. Isn't thermal just a repaint of masked jungle? I'm definitely supporting this so we can get staff and discs and trophy wall pieces packed into series 2. I love the NECA versions and their accessories but they take up so much space.
  21. The alt turtle heads in the set aren't glued together, and now I wish all the heads were like that.
  22. It was 13 on the Mohawk and 15 on the Crossborg when checked stock around 9:29. And now they're gone.
  23. Most people who dislike Minimates want collectibles with hyper-articulation and lifelike features but will never touch them or take them out of the box. They probably also think the idea of Deadpool teaming up with SpongeBob to fight Aquaman is, quote, "pretty lame." I don't. I want to play out the most ridiculous scenarios possible. If Minimates are wrong, I don't want to be right.
  24. Leo's mask is a living pizza used by Pizza Face to mind-control people (and mutants). Ice Cream Kitty was accidentally mutated in Donnie's lab. He's since become Mikey's pet. (mutation scene)
  25. Wait, we're getting Wizard of Oz Minimates? Can we get Tik-Tok? OG robot right there. Is Wicked part of the license?
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