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Pedro Pablumo

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Everything posted by Pedro Pablumo

  1. DST have said on thier Facebook page that there will be a full wave.
  2. DST made a Select figure of Uatu, although I believe it was only sold in comic book and speciality stores.
  3. Mine was the Walking Dead. I remember receiving the first three hardback books a couple of years ago as a birthday gift and was hooked. I suppose that also makes it the first comic I ever followed since each book has 12 issues in them.
  4. I haven't had a bath since last year... (Get it? That's funny, right? Right..?)
  5. Hasbro have done it before. R2, Yoda and Roket Raccoon have all been sold at that price.
  6. Toy Story would be awesome. Speaking of animated liscences, I'd really like to see Telltale's The Walking Dead games Minimated.
  7. I'd like a wave centered around either Spidey or the Guardians of the Galaxy. It'd be nice to get some updated Spidey villains like a classic Electro, Kraven and Black Cat. And a wave of comic Guardians would be awesome. I realise though, this doesn't fit with what's been said.
  8. So it's kid-friendly, non-action/violence, no adult/mature subjects, Yea I got no idea. If what you said is right I'm hoping for Adventure Time.
  9. Here's my first review in over six months- hope you like! I apologise for some of the low-quality pictures of the Sentinel. My camera would focus on him to save my life. Here's some of the pics I took...
  10. All I need are some Stromtroopers, Boba Fett and Darth Vader. I don't watch Rebels but I'm betting they'll probably make an appearance.
  11. Well, I was actually using my iPad for those pictures. I made sure I had lots of lights focused on it. With the iPad, you can tap on certain areas and it will focus on it, that's how I managed clear photos. Hoped this helped!
  12. ... All those made me immediately think My Little Pony. But then I remembered... Hasbro... so we dodged that one. Coupling main characters and villains, Scooby Doo has a butt ton of characters. As does Dragonball Z... but wishes are dreams and dreams are pretend and science and reason win out in the end... Much as I want Dragonball Z, we'll never see them. Adventure Time is a great guess out of yours and Archer makes a lot of sense but I think Family Guy is the most likely. It won't be Family Guy as K'Nex has the liscence to make block-style figures of that liscence.
  13. Actually, that link above is to one of the reviews. Here's the one for the actual site-
  14. Is Wave 61 the Age of Ultron wave? I think out of this list I'm most excited for the new liscence. And are the the four-pack and two-pack assortment the same liscence?
  15. I started a review website back in May, I did two reviews as well as a discussion on a wave. However, due to things happening in real life I found myself with no time and I haven't been on it since. I'm thinking about doing some more now my life's freed up a bit, so here's a link to the site- I'd really apriciated a bit of feedback!
  16. Are you in the UK? There's two or three selling on eBay for pretty good prices.
  17. Those are some really great picks. Especially the Luke Cage and Iron Fist one. Haven't got round to picking up the TMNT wave yet, but it does look pretty incredible. Definatly right about the Pulp Fiction one. :-D
  18. 2014 has been a fantastic year for Mimimates. But what were your highlights? More specifically, your favourite boxset, two pack and wave. My favourite boxset of 2014 is definatly the Luke's Toy Store exclusive Deadly Foes of Spiderman boxset. Just an overall brilliant set with little to no flaws. I think my favourite wave was the Guardians of the Galaxy Movie wave. Although, the Cap Winter Soldier wave was also a very solid set. They were both in my top 5 favourite superhero movies of all time and the figures also reflect upon this. My favourite two pack was probably the All New Xmen Iceman and Sentinel. I haven't read the comics and so the rest of the wave seemed a bit meh to me, but the Iceman two pack really stood out to me. What were your favourites? (I hope you all had a good Christmas!)
  19. I'm not into the Pathfinder liscence and originally had no intention of picking them up, but some of these figures and thier acsessories are starting to win me over, especially this two-pack and the four pack.
  20. Yeah, I had looked into that one. It's costs a pretty penny, though.
  21. Thanks, that looks to be just the right size I was looking for.There's already been a thread on this topic, with pictures of the mighty muggs Galactus.
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