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The Toys R Us Sucks thread

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I've had way more luck finding Minimates at TRU than the Walmart exclusive DCUCs and MLs. I think Walmart sucks worse than TRU! :lol:

yeah, at least its possible to find some toysrus employees who can look up inventory at the store and warehouse level. Good luck even finding someone who can tell you what we have is out at walmart.

To be honest I'm surprised most Walmart employees can find their way to work everyday.

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Toys R Us exclusives are not meant to exist as little collectors items or badges of honor saying "I was there".

They exist to make you shop at TRU.

Many of us see a failure in that logic since we have to resort to trading with others or buying them on the secondary market since we cannot find them in TRU stores. Fact of the matter is, TRU doesn't care, because they are still getting that money. What difference does it make to them if they're selling 1000 exclusives to the scalper market rather than the target audience? They're still selling 1000 exclusives. There's no way they can get the 200-300% markup prices that the scalpers are pulling in, whether they sell it directly to us or not. So, why should they care?

At least it seems that DST is starting to come around, since Marvel series 5 has a balanced case ratio, which should make the exclusives less rare, and thus less desirable. I'm wondering whether this will impact sales in stores. If they are more readily available, will the scalpers leave them alone to rot on shelves in those regions where people aren't looking? Will cases not move as quickly now that there is more per case to go around? Questions I'm sure we'll never see a clear answer to, but good questions nonetheless.

Now, if we can get them to start putting these back on the website for those who can't find them in our neck of the woods, I think most of us will drop the whole argument against TRU.

Speaking on the SDCC comparison though, there is a difference:

SDCC exclusives are available to those who walk in the door at SDCC. In addition, they can be purchased (usually) from AFX, BBTS, and several other online retailers. Leftovers become available through Previews, meaning if you wait a while, you get your hands on them through the LCS. Then, if all of that is too much of a hassle, you have eBay.

TRU (Marvel) exclusives are available to those who walk into select stores. Should your local TRU sell out or otherwise not carry them, they are available on eBay, for a substantial markup.

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As a non-US collector who buys everything on-line I find it incomprehensible that is just.....forgive me....f*cking pathetic. I love words & treasure their meaning .....incomprehensible...pathetic.

Am I likely to stride into TRU & buy some 'gerbils' or 'hamsters' as an 'impulse buy' whilst scurrying for the non-scalped Minimate pegs????.................some f*cking fat chance :no:

Would I buy a case & pay the shipping to the UK :yes:

.......Sorry not allowed ! :sad: Non-US citizens can't buy them unless they have a US bank account. :angry:

It's funny really.

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But here's the flaw in your logic-they have to have new Minimates on-line for you to not be able to order them. The last waves the stocked were the Origins waves. And what's funny is every other Marvel wave has sold out. You wouldn't want to sell thing son-line that definitely sell, would you?

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But here's the flaw in your logic-they have to have new Minimates on-line for you to not be able to order them. The last waves the stocked were the Origins waves. And what's funny is every other Marvel wave has sold out. You wouldn't want to sell thing son-line that definitely sell, would you?

Why can't TRU just offer the new mates on-line at their site...that way everyone can have access and (I would believe!) sales for them. The Secret Wars Box Set was there for pre-order about a month or so ago and then just disappeared. Also if it ends up "sold out" on-line, then they would know how many more they need to order. I would think they invested in mates to make money not to just send collectors and Ebay predators to their stores to fight over one or two available specialty mates!!! Seems simply ludicrous...

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But here's the flaw in your logic-they have to have new Minimates on-line for you to not be able to order them. The last waves the stocked were the Origins waves. And what's funny is every other Marvel wave has sold out. You wouldn't want to sell thing son-line that definitely sell, would you?

Why can't TRU just offer the new mates on-line at their site...that way everyone can have access and (I would believe!) sales for them. The Secret Wars Box Set was there for pre-order about a month or so ago and then just disappeared. Also if it ends up "sold out" on-line, then they would know how many more they need to order. I would think they invested in mates to make money not to just send collectors and Ebay predators to their stores to fight over one or two available specialty mates!!! Seems simply ludicrous...

Because it's a loss leader for them. They'll say that they'll carry a product many people will want at full retail or a product with a huge discount, and then sell out of it and hope that you'll buy something else. It's almost bait and switch but there's nothing we can do but boycott them and the scalpers.

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I think the online store is hesistant to stock the Marvel stuff since they seem to get burned by all the pegwarmers no one wants (Hulk/Domination anyone?). Also, these waves are being released one after another pretty quickly. That doesn’t help much since they can’t clear the old stuff out fast enough and the computer doesn’t differentiate between the different Marvel waves. But since the last of the regular TRU wave stuff is gone, I just have a feeling that these may pop up online again. They took a few weeks after initial in-store reports of the first wave if I remember correctly. However, I’m not holding my breath.

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****ing toys r us's in canada dont have minimates and the one's in florida{i got there every year for a trip}have stupid staff whenever i go.i say"do you have any minimate's?""they ask there manager"do we have any minly tates?"the staff member comes back and says"we dont have any minly tates,where not some grocery store{or something like that they always screw up the name and say something stupid like where not some grocery store}so i reply"i said minimates not minly tates,can i talk to the manager"they reply"NO he/she is in the baack!"they always piss me off

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Minly tates......a star is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: do you always make your posts so funny :blink:

He drinks his Ovaltine.

After bathing in it :sick:

i think i know why you are bathing in it,you are eating too much baybel,baybel makes you do things you dont want to do,things you shouldn't do

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Honestly, TRU kind of ruined the hobby for me. Not once have I walked in and found an exclusive Marvel set. The only good that has come out of TRU is Ghostbusters, BSG and T2, because there weren't any shortpacked sets. I'll never beat the scalpers because they do this for a living, and I'd have to wait in line every morning before they open which is not an option.

At least there's no shortage of Secret Wars box sets.

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Honestly, TRU kind of ruined the hobby for me. Not once have I walked in and found an exclusive Marvel set. The only good that has come out of TRU is Ghostbusters, BSG and T2, because there weren't any shortpacked sets. I'll never beat the scalpers because they do this for a living, and I'd have to wait in line every morning before they open which is not an option.

At least there's no shortage of Secret Wars box sets.

That's the complete opposite of me. I've found all the TRU exclusive sets, but have yet to see the Secret Wars set...

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I have all the TRU exclusives too... thx to the kindness of board mates. (being not to proud to beg helps immensely)

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