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Questions at SDCC

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"Hi Chuck,thanks first of all for the sensational year we've had with all the new Minimate releases........."

Thanks for......."

"........but can you perhaps seek some improvement regarding the distribution....or lack of it....of Minimates from TRU?"

"I'm afraid that once we supply Minimates for retail-distribution then it is out of our hands :) "

"With respect ,I suggest you offer TRU an opportunity to sell Minimates exclusively online via your new Minimate-Website without compromising their existing store-sales . "

"These are already on sale on-line :) "

"Yes I know.....but not everybody wants to buy them on ebay for inflated prices :lol: & surely you would prefer to help eliminate profiteering & promote your loyal fan-base?"

"I actually meant :blush: "

"I knew what you meant ......but thanks for your time :biggrin: ............

.....Oh Yeah!..........any chance of Kang?"

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Okay, so DST Matt was nice enough to honestly answer a few minimate questions, and he tried to run off when the first thing I brought up was street fighter. He was cool though. I also asked about some dead horse subjects that I never saw/thought had a clear explanation, like why things really disappeared or didn't come out. So here is what I was able to ask in the time he had available:

1. Who will Kang be packaged with in wave 34?

2. Street Fighter?

3. Whats the street date for the new resident evil mates?

4. Speed Racer?

5. Can you give us a lineup hint for the next 3 or so "Bring on the bad guys" box sets?

6. Kellogs?

1. Dr. Bong (Howard the duck villain)

2. Street Fighter, just didnt sell. His point was that it sounded like a good idea, and other companies that had the same idea seemed to have trouble too. I accept this as the final answer and am ok with it.

3. doesn't know

4. speed racer was the same deal as street fighter

5. I think he said it wasnt a bad idea to do more, but no definite answer yet, plus I need to attend the panel for more.

6. deal fell through, he thinks they were originally intended to end up as a mail away, which would have been awesome.

Will we see more 4-packs to round out 'teams' that have been started with 2-pack releases?(i.e. classic x-men, x-force,other avengers, sinister six.) Please ask him to release future non-repack TRU exclusives (like Bullseye/Moonstone) 1 per every 4 or 5 cases. These were just way too easy to get. Nothing like the hunt!

Probably not 4 packs, but more likely as 2 packs to fill out the rest of the teams.

Who leg do we (the collectors) have to hump in order to get DST to convince DC Direct or some other company to get DC minimates flying onto shelves again?

someone other than matt said george brewer.

Also, is there any progress on the Star Trek line coming back soon?

Yes, but didnt say what kind.

will there be any marvel playsets

more gb2

Probably not marvel playsets, but more generic sets like a firehouse.

Yes, more GB on the way and I think I got a Viggo confirmation

Ask Chuck/Matt WTF happened with the distribution of wave 25 and online stores?

They base production on pre-orders and comic shops didnt order enough. If there is a shortage in your area, then its the comic shops fault for not getting enough and trying to order restock and there isn't enough to go around. This answer is making me order ahead for everything I want.

Ask Capcom to pull their heads out of their asses and make Street Fighter IV/Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Minimates? Same with DC. And will we get army builder boxsets?

Couldn't find a capcom rep that knew jack about this, they were knowledgeable about their games though.

Boxsets - I suggested a box of singles like T2 and he said that singles and 4 packs had been talked about. He said we will definitely get more army builders. When he brought up the 4 packs being talked about, his example was 3 AIM soldiers and a baron zemo. I said awesome and what about modok. He said do we want mojo and sugar man too? I said you guys have done amazing things and it could work. I think he silently agreed with me.

Ask about the possibility of releasing that Mark II Viper for the BSG miniflyers line.

Depending on how well the other flyers sell, they would love too.

Finally, T2, Ghostbusters, and BSG are all selling great now with GB definitely in the lead. I'll try and think of more too ask before the panel tomorrow, where I would like to meet some of our multiversers. I will also be posting pics of all the minimates available and anything DST booth or mini panel related on monday.:)

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Ask about the possibility of releasing that Mark II Viper for the BSG miniflyers line.

Depending on how well the other flyers sell, they would love too.

Finally, T2, Ghostbusters, and BSG are all selling great now with GB definitely in the lead. I'll try and think of more too ask before the panel tomorrow, where I would like to meet some of our multiversers. I will also be posting pics of all the minimates available and anything DST booth or mini panel related on monday.:)

Oooh, thanks so much for asking my question arnim zola! You're a doll :)

I guess it's pretty obvious that the GB mates are a huge hit, but hearing that T2 and BSG are selling great as well is wonderful news :D If I wasn't broke all the way across the Pacific I would've surely helped things along.

But please guys, ENOUGH WITH THE DEAD HORSES ALREADY! Making peace with the pause/demise of a potential-laden line is one thing (I'll never forget you Street Fighter 2 :(), but having their ghosts hog valuable panel time that would've gone to asking more productive questions (like, say... "Can we expect any more Battle Beast-esque generic animal mates in the future?" ;)) is just not funny. I'm tempted to say the same for the inane "Make Kang!" requests, but DST is already giving me my Black Bolt mate so I guess the pro-Kang (or pro-villains-in-general) factions deserve their much-needed moment in the sun too.

Edited by NorthRaider
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Wow, that's more info than what I would've expected to hear from the panel itself. Thanks az for asking.

And now we can officially beat the Star Trek dead horse again. Or phaser it or whatever.

Oooh, thanks so much for asking my question arnim zola! You're a doll :)

Geez, you're such a girl. :rolleyes:

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Either that or I'm a horrifyingly convincing actor... and for that, I apologize in advance to arnim zola for the awkward come-on :ohmy:

If the not-so-subtle hints given out during the Q&A are any indication, looks like we'll be getting Baron Zemo and Viggo mates!

And if the Trek dead horse is safe to beat again, I'd love to see more waves focusing on TNG next :) (Been on a TNG kick lately thanks to those SciFi channel reruns. So sue me.)

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