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Ultimate X-Men/Spiderman


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Well with the release of Ultimate X-Men #100 and Ultimatum #3 comes a rash of more horrifying deaths. And so we go:

Every single EU hero (Captain Britain included) They found Xavier's Body and Dazzler is officially dead. Everybody except Havok at Emma Frost's school is dead. Havok is unconfirmed. Maybe he's dead. Lorelei, and Madrox Prime ae dead (Madrox Prime is the original Multiple Man which means all of them are dead.) That's just Ultimate X-Men. In Ultimatum, Giant Man bites the Blob's head off. O-F-F. Gone. Yeah, blob's dead. Jan MAY come back due to something Hank made called the "Jocasta Project" Nightcrawler confirmed dead, Hank confirmed dead, Valkrye was saved, but only because Thor consented to die to save her. So Thor's gone. Hank takes on an army of Multiple Man suicide bombers, He gathers them on his body, walks into the sea, and is blown up. No more Giant Man. Died in his finest hour.

:(. And now, the Ultiamtes, what's left of them, are pissed and going to gather all of the heroes avaliable and kick MAgneto in the ass. Oh and in Ultimate Spider-Man 131, Spidey found Daredevil's body. Daredevil's dead.

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going to gather all of the heroes avaliable and kick MAgneto in the ass.

Yup, all five of them.

Good point... there aren't that many left.

Let's list: Hulk, Spider-Man, and some X-Men. Reed is going to find Nick Fury, Namor and Doom are going with him as is Zarda, Sue and Ben are going to what looks like Ultimate Mephisto's Realm and basically everyone else is dead. What a fun ride this will be.

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I didn't get to my LCS this week. I'll go next week when I get USM #133. If I don't get a f^&%$*g goodbye, so long, don't let the door hit you on the way out, I'm going to totally scream. WTF is up with Marvel? They killed Jan but not Hank? (that I know of) Seriously? A least USM, being relatively it's own creature, keeps most of the characters safe. Right? RIGHT?!

Also, I put this together. Not really much there, is there? It gives me hope that maybe we can beat them with Minimates. Give me a USM wave for #31 or something and I will be crawling the walls. Wall crawling. Heh.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, that's it folks. The run of Ultimate Spider-man has ended, with it wrapping up all of the other titles besides the final issue of Ultimatum, which i am highly anticipating. Then, of course, the Requims, and the launch of Ultimate Comics. Yay.

And i just have one comment on Ultimate Spider-man's finale:

Willing to bet Bendis got paid a whole lot for writing this one. ;)

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Well I figure as this has come back I'll do another death toll. But only of Ultimatum #4:

Dr. Strange had the best death yet next to Hank. Gotta love it when he's squeezed so hard that his HEAD EXPLODES! And Angel is ripped apart by Sabertooth. Magneto's right arm is a casualty as well.

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This all sounds pretty stupid and over the top to me. But then, at least it is happening in "Ultimate-verse" and not the real Marvel Universe. Hopefully the next time they want to kill Captain America, they will realize that there is a place to do ridiculous things like that, and it is the "Ultimates" "Elseworld."

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I would like to congradulate the Ultimate Universe in officially becoming this decades 2099.

Both were anchored by initally strong Spider-Man books, both got worse the more they expanded, and both tried large, cataclysmic crossovers to attempt to rekindel reader interst.

History really does repeat itself.

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I'm surprised you guys are so upset... it's the ultimate universe, it's like the 616 but ultimately no one gives a crap!!

I give a crap. :sad:

Seriously, I only just got into comics a few years back, which was when the Ultimate Universe was starting. It was a lot more approachable for me, because I wasn't working off of decades of back story and history for each character. Since then, I've learned more about the regular universe, and I can say that some of the Ultimate books were in decline, due partly to authors who were using the gig as a chance to tell 616 stories instead of doing new things with the characters. All that said, they could have turned things around by just showing the characters a little love.

Then, Loeb comes along and ruins the Ultimates, which were the only consistently good characters outside of Spidey, and now they drop Ultimatum on top of the mess and wipe everything out.

Those who have been in comics for years can complain about how things have changed for the Avengers or the X-Men or Spider-Man or whoever. Us who invested our money, time, and interest in the Ultimate Universe have every right to complain about this. Loeb is figuratively, sometimes literally ripping the characters we love apart just for shock value, all while spouting horrible one-liners to make everyone sound "cool".

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Sorry you guys feel that way about Ultimate U. I still love it. And after the relaunch, I'm not going to be reading 616 anymore. All Ultimate baby! And everything Ultimate will be mine! Way I see it, Ultimatum was nothing more than House of M to the extreme: Major Spring Cleaning. But this time, with bigger names going bye-bye.

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I'm surprised you guys are so upset... it's the ultimate universe, it's like the 616 but ultimately no one gives a crap!!

I give a crap. :sad:

Seriously, I only just got into comics a few years back, which was when the Ultimate Universe was starting. It was a lot more approachable for me, because I wasn't working off of decades of back story and history for each character. Since then, I've learned more about the regular universe, and I can say that some of the Ultimate books were in decline, due partly to authors who were using the gig as a chance to tell 616 stories instead of doing new things with the characters. All that said, they could have turned things around by just showing the characters a little love.

Then, Loeb comes along and ruins the Ultimates, which were the only consistently good characters outside of Spidey, and now they drop Ultimatum on top of the mess and wipe everything out.

Those who have been in comics for years can complain about how things have changed for the Avengers or the X-Men or Spider-Man or whoever. Us who invested our money, time, and interest in the Ultimate Universe have every right to complain about this. Loeb is figuratively, sometimes literally ripping the characters we love apart just for shock value, all while spouting horrible one-liners to make everyone sound "cool".

This is exactly how I feel. When I think Spiderman, USM leaps to mind, because Spidey selling his soul and his wife to save his aunt is just inconceivable. I thought Ult Spidey was safe from shenanigans like that. Guess I was wrong.

I haven't been reading comics for years. USM was my one Marvel title I never took off my list. Even Transformers and GI Joe weren't safe from trimming the dead wood. But USM and Invincible have been there as long as I can remember. And now I lost USM to a crossover of all things.

And my comic guy wonders why I only hold one Marvel title...

Edited by TM2 Dinobot
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Yeah, i agree with Trekker. Ultimate U has quickly become one of my favorite Universes of all time; i love how far it's willing to take things, and i love the idea of retelling everyone's stories in unique ways. I'm trying the same thing right now, working-entitled Marvel: War, with all heroes w/o powers but still using there names, all the while retelling everyone's backstory differently. Coming along nicely. ;)

But yeah, USM was a very nice run, and the silence of the final issue totally added to the overall theme the creators were trying to get across. I can be sarcastic as hell, especially when mocking other great scribes/artists, but it was a marvelous ending to the title. I'm impressed.

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I'm trying the same thing right now, working-entitled Marvel: War, with all heroes w/o powers but still using there names, all the while retelling everyone's backstory differently. Coming along nicely. ;)

Oh hey, yeah, I did something like that once. Turned out pretty awesome too. My favorite part of it was the X-Men where I really screwed around with Magneto and Xavier. Basically they were opposing religious groups. And Magneto only was known as Erik.

But though digressions are fun, I do not like to start them. So instead I will announce that I finally completed my Ultimate collection with the last TPB I needed to get (involving series I care about. IE: No Team Up, no Daredevil/Elektra) Ultimate Galactus Trilogy.

Woo hoo!

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Let me try to be more clear... I'm not trying to poo-poo the Ultimate U. I am just saying that as a method of attracting new long term readers, this sort of cataclysmic crossover rarely works. Usually, you end up ticking off fans of the characters you kill, and still didn't "simplify" things as cleanly as you planned.

I like elements of the UMU. I think Spider-Man is the only book that Bendis has written that I thought was great. While I liked Ultimates 1 and 2 a lot, my enjoyment is tinged with frustration when elemnets of from Ultimates started bleeding through into the Avengers. (But then Bendis blew my team up completely) But Ult. X-men was mostly disappointing, and Ult FF... I was turned off at Satyr-Doom and they lost me with the attack of the giant mother-in-law. And eventually, the whole thing was rapidly becoming "Everyone takes turns fighting Magneto's guys" and ends with "Magneto kills almost everybody." Which is a shame.

But then, I really liked the whole 2099 thing up to a point too.

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Miry, i can totally see what you mean. You definitely make good points, and no one is going to castrate you for "poo-pooing" the Ultimate U. I personally hated Ultimatum #1; i didn't like how the villian was revealed so fast and how so many key characters died in the beginning stages. And

Blob eating Jan was nasty...

However, i feel that it's come a long, good way in the last three issues, and can't wait for the finale...and the Ultimate Avengers title. :blush:

Trekker: Hmm...i never would have thought of religious groups; nice job!! For mine, which was going to be a seperate "title" called Marvel: War X-men, but still find a way into the main titles, they're still the orignal team from way-back-when, and are all British shipyard workers for Xports. Kinda dissapointed when i read Wolverine Noir though,

because it totally used my idea of Logan always carrying a knife instead of claws.

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  • 1 month later...

Well the final Ultimatum came out today. And I have to say that some parts amazed me. But overall, I'm glad it's over. Now we can get to the good stuff. Like the mercifully Loeb-Free Ultimate Avengers. Or the mercifully Loeb-Free Ultimate Comics Spider-Man. Or the mercifully Loeb-Free mostly anything. It seems that he's not going to be nearly as involved, thank god. I thought he was a good writer. But this and Hulk proved me wrong... The art was good, the violence great, but there was too much going on at once and they didn't finish some plotlines in this one. Most notably, the Dormammu one. I guess we have to wait until FF Requiem. And they finished it how I figured they would and hoped they wouldn't.

Magneto is dead. And so is Wolverine, Cyclops, and Doom.

But there is a bright side to this rather sad and silly ending of Ultimatum. Ultimatum Requiem Spider-Man 2. It's a good story with another encounter with the Hulk being the centerpiece. But it does not leave Spidey's fate ambiguous. That's right my friends: Spider-Man is


And I like this.

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The art was good, the violence great, but there was too much going on at once and they didn't finish some plotlines in this one. Most notably, the Dormammu one. I guess we have to wait until FF Requiem.

Yeah, for this to be the "end" of the Ultimate Universe as we know it, there were plenty of holes in the plot. Also, pretty as the art was, I wouldn't say it was good, because I had a problem following some of the action in the panels because characters would just up and disappear.

For instance, in this issue alone, they're all aboard Magneto's Citadel, yet Captain America and Valkyrie are not with everyone else. Maybe they're recovering from last issue, sure. But at the end when Fury is getting everyone together to get the hell outta dodge, Cap shows up but not Valkyrie. She didn't die, according to the list at the end of the book. Maybe she took a different flight?

Or in the engine room, where Hulk and Colossus are tearing stuff up. Mystique shows up trying to stop them, which prompts Hulk to say he's going to eat her. Then he magically vanishes, leaving Colossus to deal with it.

Or, when Fury shows up in Magneto's Citadel, he has Doom, Mr. Fantastic, and Power Princess with him. None of them talk or even do anything, which brings into question why they came along, but even more troubling, when Fury gets the gang together to get out of there, Doom and Power Princess are just gone. Maybe they took the same bus as Valkyrie?

Hopefully, the Requiem issues of FF and X-Men will cover some problems with those books. Like what happened to Firestar and Havok, how Psylocke got her name put in the list at the end of the book, how Johnny Storm went from being a nice necklace for Dormammu to being at the gathering in Washington with Kitty, etc.

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Yeah, I mean if they're gonna have that kind of scene at the end of Ultimatum and the answers in the Requiem books, they should have had the requiem books come first. And did anyone see a similairty between the Washington scene and the ending of season two of Heroes? It was more or less the same damn thing.

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