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DC Variants - How do you like 'em?


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Just wondering how Minimates collectors would like to see the inevitable character variants handled.

One of the things that is KILLING interest in DCD's standard figure line is an overabundance of DC's most popular characters in contemporary, artist-specific designs. They've offered Superman in the same classic costume about 16 times over seven years. Some of these were artist-specific (Frank Miller, Michael Turner, Ed McGuinness, et al), others were generic and simply featured resculpted noggins (stern, angry, or just plain different), while one was a weird hybrid (John Byrne head on an Alex Ross body).

I understand that newbies should be able to start collecting a line like this at any time. A year or two from now anyone should be able to go into a store and find DC's most venerable characters in Minimate form and start collecting from there. Popular characters NEED to be available and they NEED to be recognizable. But how does that impact us, the veteran collectors?

Personally I'm all for costume variants. Some can be significant (Modern Age Superman Red & Blue), some subtle (Silver Age Superman Red & Blue). So long as they're based on existing source material – preferably comics – I've got no problem with a change in costume. Likewise when a different character is in the costume, it can make a difference. Green Lantern, Flash, and even Batman have had other people donning different suits to play the character. That's cool, too.

What I'm not cool with are artist-specific versions. I'm NOT looking forward to seeing another Superman Minimate but this time with line art on his face and torso lifted from art in the last story arc of Action Comics. I've little interest in collecting a line of modern Superman characters wearing identical outfits but inspired by the Artist of the Month. I'd much rather see the above costume variants.

If DC really need to infuse more Superman (or Batman or Wonder Woman or Green Lantern) Minimates into the line for late-to-the-party collectors, let it be in the form of a catch-up boxed gift set, an instant collection starter. Otherwise gimme a Black-suited Superman over a Jim Lee version any day.


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I agree MisterPL. I would much rather see a significant variation than a subtle art change. I also think Minimates collectors are a bit different breed of collector from the usual standard figure collector. Standard figure collectors obsess over "likeness" and "accuracy". Minimate collectors obsess about "character diversity" and "character depth" rather than likeness. A bit off the mark and we are still fine with it. Off the mark on a standard figure sculpt and the fanboys whine and complain like there is no tomorrow.

I would add that I would like DCD to take a page from DST's playbook and re-release popular/iconic figures into the mass market. This would make Superman and Batman available to new collectors down the road. I think Minimate collectors for the most part understand the need to re-release figures to boost sales.

I would love for DC Minimates to fill the gap in Target and TRU that the JLU figures are about to leave.

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Agreed as well. I have no problems with variants like a Gotham By Gaslight Bats or a Red Son Superman popping up now and again in waves. I'd rather they do this with the Mates than try artist versions or anything like that. I even get a little tired of battle damaged versions, especially when doen so many times like Spidey in the Marvel Mates has been

I don't even mind the occasional re-issue wave of standard Bats or Supes (like the Reactivated wave of DC Direct figs). I could handle if say a best of DC Mates wave was put together, and it had re-issues of popular characters likes Supes, Bats and GL. Doing it in one whole wave doesn't bug me as much for some reason. Maybe it's because I can skip the whole wave.

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Speaking for myself as someone who only came to Minimates late in 2004 (IIRC), I thrived on some of the re-releases through Target. They helped me cheeply get the missing characters I would have probably otherwise payed out the ear for.

That said, if DCD does varients, give me the ones that make sense from a story perspective, not an artist's one. And, I will echo Mr. PL's wish for the gift set re-releases, those will be a huge asset to newcomers, especially at the rate these are coming out! By mid-2008, you could concievably have enough of a character backlog for multiple box sets on Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, JLA, JSA, and perhaps even more beyond that if they so choose.

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I agree on the artist specific versions. Make them costume variants that are comic accurate. That said, I don't want to see a Tim Sale (or Kelly Jones) Batman with really long ears vs a Jim Lee Batman with short stubby ears and have that offered as a 'costume variant'.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a translucent red body + Jay Garrick's helmet = KC Flash. A translucent Green Lantern - similar to the Wizard exclusive offered for GL series 1. A Killing Joke Joker (in Hawaiian shirt and flip flops) vs the purple tux. Even a Wally/Barry Flash and Prof Zoom repaint would be fine by me.

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Has anyone considered that we're getting 'figure varations' such as cyborg supes etc instead of 'artist specific' becuase it's extremely difficult to do on a minimate scale & sculpt.

I pretty much echo everyone here, different 'characters' i.e. Red Son Supes or Azreal Batman are perfecly justifyable in my eyes and I thought we'd see at least one or the other of the superbats per wave. DCD gets Kudos for not adding either to wave 5.


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Yeah, I agree. Artist Variations are not the way to ago. Especially when we are talking about Mini Block Type Figures. There is just not enough of a Canvas to pull it off.

There are plenty of Variations that they can do with the main characters those. Batman will never run out of things because, in effect, he's just human, he's James Bond with Attitude. Aqua Bat, Camo Bat, Bio Bat, etc. While they may not all be comic inspired, they are practical ideas. You can do the same with Supes. Lead Suit Superman, Space Suit Superman, Red Kryptonite Superman, Red/Blue Supermen, etc. Then, after you have exausted all of those types of suits, they are always elsworld stuff. KC Bat, Red Son Supes, Silver Age GL, etc. Honestly, there is plenty to pull from without having to change the size of Batmans ears to make another figure :). neo

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Has anyone considered that we're getting 'figure varations' such as cyborg supes etc instead of 'artist specific' becuase it's extremely difficult to do on a minimate scale & sculpt.


I did consider that, but I'm so down on DC Direct in general (and I was a HUGE fan for the first few years) that I wouldn't necessarily put it past them to try and render artist specific version in the 2 inch form. If there was anyway they could do so and tie in the Mates t stuff like Long Halloween or Public Enemy, I believe they would.

Pessimistic, I know.

It probably has made them more profitable overall (the artist versions and numerous Bats and Supes) but I got tired of it very early, and recently gave my son most of my collection and have sold the rest on eBay.

He enjoys some of them more than I did anyway.

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Have we EVER gotten an artist specific versions? I really can't think of one off hand. Oh wait, there are two; joker and batman, who were both released in the cartoon and comic version through the chemical warehouse play set. But apart from this I really can't think of any, and don't see it as a huge problem. I fear what AA will do is make crazy version of Batman and Superman the why Mattel has.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great discussion. I agree that in block figures you can only go so far on making them "artist accurate". There have been so many versions of characters over the years that I look forward to seeing what direction they take this line. I am keeping my fingers crossed that when it comes time to do Ion that we get the 90's costume and not the current one. hah heh... I know that is a long shot.. but in the GL line they have SOO many versions/characters to choose from.. why not do them all? :) As for Supes, I'd love to see some versions that have not been done in other figure lines yet. What ever they choose.. i think it's a safe bet that Superman and Batman will show up in some form in every other wave or so...

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Otherwise gimme a Black-suited Superman over a Jim Lee version any day.

I hate that curly mullet.

This may be completely beside the point you've made, but I was under the impression, what with the colors and facial/chest detailing that the Batman we're getting with Series One is the "Jim Lee/Hush" one...

Anyways, I don't want to see any more variants. From either Marvel or DC. There are too many characters from each that there should never be a need to redo the same character in a different costume.

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I completely disagree!!!!

Okay, I do agree, but I was surprised not to see anyone give a rather negative opinion.

As someone who came into Minimates late, I can stand back and look at the Marvel line, and shake my head at all of the Spider-man variants. I am sure some of you long time collectors are doing the same thing... but at your MM shelf at home. I would rather not end up with a plethora of Supes or Bats, since there are sooooo many dynamic and awesome characters that DC could go with. I am very happy with what they have done so far with the first 5 waves, with some strange characters thrown in there, but that is what will make the collection better.

They definitely should not need to bring out the same character too many times. A simple re-paint on some will make a drastically different character. Look at how many Supermans there have been in the last 10 years alone. That should keep this line going for a long time with no repeats.

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They don't need to go overboard with the variants.

A clear example is the number of Spider-Men and Wolverines that have been put out by Marvel... yet only now are we getting Thor, Quicksilver and those characters.

New characters before variants.

Some variants are okay. But I wouldn't have been cool with "Grabline Spidey" and "Unmasked Spidey" had I known there would be so many other Spider-Men made over Sub-Mariner, Quasar, or Havok.

I'm all for the characters being available to late-comers. So keep them available at mass market stores. Or something. I don't know. But I hope they won't include old figures with teeny little paint changes in place of new characters in the line. Nearly a third of my minimate collection is variations on people I really would rather have waited for to get later on.

That make sense?

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