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cabin in the woods!


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Review of “Cabin in the Woods”

The movie starts off like any other horror/slasher movie; 5 friends: Dana (Kristen Connolly), Curt (Chris Hemsworth), Jules (Anna Hutchison), Marty (Fran Kranz), and Holden (Jesse Williams) all go off to the woods for some much needed r&r. Things take a horrific turn when the group “accidently” summons the cabin’s prior residents, a family of back woods, blood thirsty zombies! And so proceeds the plot of what must be 100’s of slasher flicks; teenagers run, teenagers die, often-in horrific and bloody ways, right? WRONG! Drew Goddard (director and co-writer) takes you on a wild ride with many twists and turns and just when you think you have the movie figured out, the cell doors open and, quite literally, all hell breaks loose.

I have to confess, I am not a fan of horror movies. The only reason this movie made it on my Netflix queue is because nerd god, Joss Wedon, co-wrote it. If not for Wedon, I most likely would have said “another horror movie, pass.” Thankfully this was not the case. As stated above, the movie starts with the same plot of every other slasher flick, with a few odd quarks that make you think something is going on with this movie. By the time the big reveal comes, you have traveled so far down the rabbit hole, that it is only icing on the cake. This movie takes the genre, and tips it on its head and then spins it around in a dizzying array of monster and one-liners that I have come to expect from Wedon and Goddard. There is not much I can say about the story of this movie, without giving away crucial plot development, since so much of what make it great are the twists and turns. The acting is great; all the actors do a great job of establishing themselves and the role they will play in the movie. I did not realize that Chirs Hemsworth who plays the brain turned alpha jock was Thor. Jesse Williams, who I recognized from Grey’s Anatomy, does do a terrific job, even if his role seemed to be the same in both Grey’s and Cabin. Fran perfectly captures his role as the loveable stoner, who somehow seems to figure everything out and have a wealth of pop culture trivia. If there was one thing I did not like about the movie, it would have to be that it was a slasher and with it comes a copious amount of blood. In the case of Cabin it was done in such away where, unlike in most slashers, it did not seem needless, and often times was presented with a joke or one-liner that seemed to lighten the tone. This amount of blood was over shadowed in my mind by how smart this movie was, in taking everything we thought we knew about the horror/slasher genre and turning it into something new.

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I havent seen a "good" horror in years I think the last one I really enjoyed was the first Saw movie. that being said I did really enjoy Cabin it took nearly every horror cliche that you could think of and both took a swipe at them and gave a reason why they should be there in this movie.

I too would recommend if you are a fan of any modernish horror movie from the video nasty era to now have a watch because Cabin gives a casual nod to nearly every famous horror that has gone before it.

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I liked the movie. Very interesting and somethig new, instead of another retread. I kinda wish more screen time was given to some of the monsters. You get a glimpse of many, but thats all. Overall, I really liked it and after renting it, I now own it.

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This movie scores big points for originality. My friends and I didn't know quite what to make of what was going on at first, but then one of us figured it out before the big reveal. I just love how CITW basically deconstructs and explains the "horror movie formula". I just pray that the studio leaves it alone and does not go forward with a sequel. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I feel that a sequel would just seem tacked on and unnecessary.

Edited by MINI_MYTE
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