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Everything posted by SCW

  1. I've bought some cool Minimates stuff from Shapeways. But I am guessing it would be cost prohibitive to design a bike or something larger.
  2. Is it me or do the Sonic Minimates look better? They all looked pretty wonky to me when first revealed, but now they look better. Did they modify the heads?
  3. I think there's still a Mego market. It's small, but arguably bigger than Minimates. It's been proven to have a pretty decent niche market and the figures must be relatively cheap to produce, which is why people keep making them. There's quite a few companies that make Mego stuff. ClassicTVToys has made a ton of stuff, including wrangling major licenses like DC and Adam West Batman. NECA does some Mego-esque figures, DST had some success, etc. I think the new Mego has a shot. But I am starting to question their choice of licenses. I realize they only have what's available to them but right now most of what they have announced is old TV show licenses. Which isn't really going to set the marketplace on fire, no matter what kind of figures they make.
  4. No, I don't think so, but I think Classic Who is an easy sell. With the first female Doctor on the horizon, there's really no way to gauge if the show will reach new levels of interest or plummet to the bottom of the ocean. And frankly, since Matt Smith's Doctor came on, new Who merchandise has struggled to make that connection with a lot of audiences. Even though there has been a ton of it. Much like Polarboy said, it's hard sometimes to figure out what characters from the new seasons would make good figures to have and often by the time toy companies do, the pegs are clogged with pointless characters. I think if you started with the 4th, you'd see great sales, you could do some other Doctors and villains and eventually work into "New Who" with Tennant and such if need be and by the time they got to the "current" stuff, we'd know if it was a hit and what characters to choose from. Let the 13th get a few seasons under her belt before trying to make characters from that time frame. But as I understand it, they're two totally different licenses as well. And I suspect Classic would work well, even though lots of places want to push what's new and current, I think with Who you should start in the middle and work both directions.
  5. Doctor Who does seem like a property that would do well for this format. So long as it wasn't current Who, but classic. But it seems like that ship has sailed. I wish Minimates could get into Target. Boggles my mind the stuff they sell there but Minimates can't get a foot in with something. Hopefully we'll get some kinda good news coming out of SDCC.
  6. To be fair, the new Mego is working with EMCE, so those "Official" Mego Sulu and Chekovs will be the exact same molds as the Mego Wannabe versions.
  7. Sadly none of my Walgreens have gotten any of this wave yet. They're choking on old product.
  8. Look at the insane stuff that Jon Peters was trying to do to Superman. Bay does that kind of heavy handed producing on all his big budget blockbusters. I think he's far more to blame than the director or anyone else, he's setting the parameters. And the director for TMNT is someone who works with Bay all the time, it's not like he was fighting for his own vision or something. Eastman's name being on the film is a paycheck for him. He had about as much to do with that (or almost anything TMNT aside from IDW) as Stan Lee does with Marvel. Edit: Had a larger response, but it's kinda silly to go over in such detail.
  9. I collected, but never saw much past Series 4. I think I saw series 5 once.
  10. Kinda odd when they refer to it as a 3rd movie, when it's supposedly a reboot. Of course, Michael Bay still has his filthy hands involved, so I get it on some level, but it's supposed to be completely unrelated to those last two abominations. Out of the Shadows was better than their first TMNT movie, but both of those films are terrible, with the original Bay TMNT flick being JUST about as terrible as you could do, so I am hopeful that it's gotta be all up from here. But then again, Bay has a way of making things even worse somehow, so who knows.
  11. Definitely been larger gaps between shows. Next Mutation ended in 1998 and the next cartoon didn't happen until 2003. Generally speaking this is a pretty quick TMNT turnaround, as the last show just went off the air in 2017 and the new one will start later this year. In terms of gap in quality though, no, lol. And this is arguably the most radical redesign of the series. But it is what it is. I wonder if DST still has the license and has any interest in doing stuff for the new show? Maybe there could something decent come out of it, as the designs might look better in Minimate style.
  12. Your Toys R Us still has employees? All the ones around me fired all the employees ages ago (or they left to get different jobs) and all that's left are these weird scab teenage workers who don't even wear TRU outfits and just barely ring things up. Seriously, they wiped out all the workers a while back and it's just temporary workers.
  13. SCW

    DC Vinimates

    That classic Superman SDCC 2 pack looks awesome... Kills me that we're not getting it as Minimates. I would be ALL over that!
  14. I preordered and subbed, but haven't gotten a PayPal order form yet. Anyone else? Just want to make sure mine didn't get lost or something. If it's taking a bit to process all the orders, I'm cool, just don't wanna miss out!
  15. I think there's room in the market for a K*B return, but I have absolutely zero faith that guy is selling anything other than vaporware. But I'll be happy to eat those words if stores pop up across the country.
  16. It's almost like they don't realize that the only reason the ONLY good Predator movie worked was because it was the Predator versus a bunch of absolute badasses that in any other movie would have been unstoppable and yet this crazy hunter alien was able to take them out. Predator 2 was okay because it was at the height of Danny Glover's "action" career, but even it was a pale imitation to the original which really set the tone. Everything else has sucked. This looks to continue that trend. It looks like an okay "alien" movie, but doesn't feel like the Predator at all. It's such a shame that this really unique, absolutely awesome creature has been continually watered down in so many bad movies. I guess there's no reviving it at this point. Once Dr. Olivia Munn and the Hardy Boys are fighting the Predator, it's pretty much past the point of no return... Then again it's kinda been that way ever since the "spear" scene.
  17. I had faith in him, but that crowdfunding thing kinda soured me.
  18. The good news is that Boss Fight is making it. So you know it'll be good quality and will actually happen. The bad news for me is that it's another Kickstarter and I probably have a grand worth of toys in Kickstarters that have yet to deliver, most from trusted companies, but the constant delays, changes, etc have put them months to years behind. So I'm kinda done with KS as well at least until I start getting more stuff. I've had some great KS experiences, but I've also had some that have left me kinda "blah" to the whole thing.
  19. Super sad I missed this one. Looks AMAZING. If anyone drops out for some reason, please put me on the backup list!
  20. Does this Hobgoblin not use a glider? (Not a critique of the pack, I have no idea info about this character)
  21. Went to 3 different TRUs over the weekend. Stores are basically a wasteland now. Nothing left, crap all over the aisles. And yet incredibly... No deals to be had. Almost nothing is more than 10% off and with their prices raised, it's more expensive than it was when they were in business and running sales. When people hear a store is "going out of business" they come in and buy everything up, demolish everything else and rip packages open. I was hoping Minimates wouldn't be effected, since they are such a niche item, but sadly outside of a few Dark Tower sets or other less popular sets, nothing is left.
  22. That makes sense. I am curious, did you guys ask for the option to make SD Godzilla figures? I know Bandai released some in the states, so maybe you were blocked, but it would have been cool to see what DST did with those.
  23. Always boggles my mind that wooden pinmates and such have landed at Target in their collector aisle, but Minimates aren't there. Seems like everybody can get into Target but DST.
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