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Everything posted by Gmonkey2k

  1. Well, I talked to you a lot about it already...But for me, it has to be the diversity of the 'mates. The fact that you can team up Spidey, Scully/Moulder, and the Ninja Turtles, to find Killer Croc in the sewers is really cool!. The fact that they're all proportionate to each other really helps that too =)
  2. Haha, I got ya. Zero was as good guess. Forgot that he was in the show!
  3. Honestly can't tell if you're sarcastic right now or not... But, looking closer at TRU 25, it looks like spider-sense Peter will have an alternate hand with a spider on it!
  4. At least :/ Looks like my Pariotbuster was right. (Lol, kinda was a have assed guessed on my part )
  5. That sounds like a GREAT idea. 100% support from me!
  6. Oh, shoot. I didn't know we had to follow up with a picture....Noting I live near anyone would be able to guess! D:
  7. The Grand Canyon Nation Park, Arizona?
  8. A new license, or just don't want to reveal your trade secrets Anyways, great shots!
  9. Thanks Tenime. Yeah, I order from him when I get the chance. Haven't tried BBTS yet.
  10. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support I think setting myself some limits it what I'll do. It still keeps me relatively in the game, but not clamoring over every release. I'm thinking....X-Men? Their waves aren't always popping up, so it gives me some time to financially get my bearings again.
  11. Thanks Luke, I'll take that to heart You know Deadpool is always my goal, and you helped me get my "holy grail" in terms of him.
  12. *Sigh* Here goes.... I'll start at the beginning...I got my first Minimate about 7-8 years ago...A couple years went by, and I rediscovered it. After a bit of confusion, I found out what it was and I tried to get more. The AvX TRU boxset. Fast forward to now... I haven't gotten a new Minimate (or any figure) for at least a month or so. The last Minimates I got were from Luke (Thank you, again) The last Legend I got was the Tech Suit Spidey, in June/July. Collecting figures has started to becoming more disheartening, the fun and fulfilling.. I live in Maine. A small town in Maine. I need to drive about an hour to get to the closest TRU or LCS that carries minimates, or at least keeps getting new Marvel Legends. Whenever SDCC, Toy Fair, or NYCC rolls around I get excited, but I'm not sure why... For example, The newest Wolverine wave. When I saw Mojo and Spiral, I thought "Holy shit, I'm buying this as soon as these hit!" I haven't seen those once. Anytime I see a new figure or wave, I getting super excited. This excitement turns into disappointment when I realize that I'll never actually find them. I have a job, but most (if not all) of my money, has been going towards saving for college. Unfortunately, I think my time has come. I'm just hurting myself whenever I see new stuff be revealed, and I just can't afford to ship them from all over the place. Thank for reading my incoherent rant/ramble. I'll still swing by here and there (Probably all the time, because I'm stubborn like that) Thanks for the good times.... -Gavin "Gmonkey2k"
  13. Because people are starting to find these...Can I throw my hat into the ring for a Gwenpool, if nobody want's theres? My closest TRU almost never stocks Minimates, and I don't want to drive an hour for a disappointment. Thanks. Thanks for clearing that up, Zach Was kind confused on how a pink and white 'mate would turn into a black and red 'mate!
  14. I don't know how, but I just noticed the "Turn's into Deadpool!" tagline. @WookieFodder could you explain what it means?
  15. If anyone can PLEASE send their unwanted Gwenpool my way, I would appreciate it more than I can express.
  16. RUMOR: Apparently the Infinity War trailer is going to drop between the first and second episode, on the 29th.
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