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Mysterious Stranger

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Everything posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. That's comedian Steve Agee, most notable for appearing on @Midnight on Comedy Central. And a face for him would be awesome!
  2. Just noticed a mistake on that first package. It should say "Captain Jack Sparrow".
  3. Aaaand, that brown Wolverine sold me on that set. Dangit. I was hoping to pass on it.
  4. Marvel Previews is different from the regular Diamond Previews (thick phone book catalog).
  5. Luke posted on Facebook the packaged pics and the news that this wave will be out 5/31, two months early. And he's doing a sticker set if you buy 2 or more sets. I went ahead and preordered a custom case. I love me some pirates.
  6. Kokomo Toys seems to have a lot of ARAH stuff. They sell through Ebay. Sidenote: Shane, I didn't know you were in the 501st. In January my wife and I officially joined the Mercs here in L.A. Star Wars clubs represent!
  7. Butch has been around since day one. Of all the characters on the show that need 'mates, he should be at the top of the list. Butch, Jerome, non-Arkham Barbara and Lucius would make a box set I'd be happy with.
  8. Pretty sure that Drax on the magazine cover is the same one from GOTG V1. He's supposed to have swappable pants so you can either have the red or blue look with one figure. I'm considering getting the new Starlord but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I like that exclusive head with the mask in mid form and the short jacket. And he has a Groot accessory that I kinda want. I did preorder the deluxe Rocket but that will probably be it for me for this film. Gamora looks okay but I don't really need another and I'm trying to cut back on my Hot Toys spending. Though I think The Last Jedi might kill that plan.
  9. I'm looking forward to Mojo just to see how the standard Minimate construction is hidden under that gloriously disgusting body sculpt.
  10. As much as I love army builders, I'd rather have individual characters from this movie. So many to choose from, why use up a slot for a nameless cannon fodder figure.
  11. These are clearly aimed at kids and not adult collectors. That's why they use the older Mega figure body and not the newer type with all the articulation (COD, newer Halo, TMNT etc). I bought all of the PR stuff and its a lot of fun. The sets are simple construction (again, aimed at kids) but a lot of fun to play with. Plus its nice to have a complete set of the MMPR team in one wave without having to wait for a second wave that may or may not happen. The only thing we're really missing here is Rita which is a surprise since she's the baddie in the new movie. Zed, Goldar, Putties, Alpha, they're all here. Oh and the Green Ranger is missing his shield. Hoping that comes with a Dragonzord release eventually.
  12. So many cool looks in this trailer. Thor, Hulk, Hela, Heimdal, Jeff Goldblum... lots of potential for a very awesome group of Minimates. Hopefully DST got access to all of these looks in time to use them.
  13. There's a new movie coming out soon so there may be a chance to revisit the property.
  14. That Joker in the Purple Man suit is giving me a strong Nicholson Joker vibe. And I like it.
  15. Picked up the TRU Space Jockey set today. I really like the colors on this one better than the speciatly version.
  16. That doesn't bode well for the likelihood of actually getting these. Is there anything we can do to help up the odds of them being produced?
  17. 4-pack for The Dark Tower movie. Jake, The Gunslinger, The Man In Black and a mystery character. You can bet your ass I'm getting a few of this set. I need at least 1 extra of Idris Elba to make a Luther custom.
  18. Depending on the variation in xenomorphs I might have to get a couple sets of these. Those white spacesuits look great.
  19. Mickey and Minnie are a lock. Jack Sparrow has good odds too. Jiminy I see as a pack-in minifigure.
  20. Yeah the eggs are specialty only. Still don't understand that decision, but that's the deal.
  21. My Nebula/Drax set (along with some others) shipped. I'll know in a few days if its the correct set or not.
  22. The listing now has store pickup available but still out of stock online.
  23. There is a listing on but it was out of stock when I saw it.
  24. There are no panels. This is an industry show for buyers. They allow fan press in a limited capacity but its not open to the public.
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