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Everything posted by cylonchaney

  1. I heard that issue was doing well initially and then sales really fell off.
  2. Just to follow up on this. Dave kindly took me up on the offer and created a Bishop face for me. I used my technique of printing on clear sticker paper and painting the backside of the eyes white. It didnt\'t come out great. I'll post a photo once I get a chance to print on white sticker paper. Thanks Dave!
  3. You could reach out to Ivan. He still has an account here and checks messages from time to time if you don't mind maybe waiting a bit. I could create this model easily enough when my project queue thins out a bit. The only problem I have with uploading to Shapeways is that I'd have to order at least one myself and make sure it actually fits with Minimate parts. And if it doesn't then you gotta update and order another one. Not very convenient for me to help you out this way. I'd prototype on my own FDM printers. If that quality is good enough for you, we can probably work something out. But maybe try Ivan first. I've got lots of projects on the go and his is already done if you can get him to share or put on Shapeways.
  4. Hi Folks, Starting a new thread for custom figures. I've made a few Minimate customs that I'd like to post but it will be mostly 3d printed stuff of my own design. My first customs come with a bit of a story. Some of you may recall from my vehicles thread that my initial Cylon Raider was actually too small to hold a Cylon Minimate. I hate to be wasteful and this really bothered me. Soooo close. LOL But what to do with the 3 I had already printed? I have an idea. Lego minifigs are smaller than Minimates. How about a Lego minifig? There is no Cylon minifig. OK. There are lots of minifig parts on thingiverse. There is a helmet I can use. All I need is a torso. So I made a torso and completed a Lego Cylon. Problem solved. Right? Well not exactly. Can you guess what the problem is now? Seated, he's basically the same height as a Minimate. Grrr. What if I design my own Minimate-like Cylon figure. Maybe I can get some kind of speed boost or something. Well, that doesn't really help either does it? But if we can upscale the Raider to fit a Cylon Minimate, we can downscale a Cylon Minimate-like block figure to fit a Raider. This time, problem solved once and for all! The end.
  5. That's a bit of a leap isn't it? Wouldn't be the first time you jump to conclusions.
  6. This is what I like about designing and printing stuff. I be he had a Eureka moment when he decided to make one peg longer than the other. It just works so well.
  7. Somewhat inspired by the toy linked above, some preliminary work on a new model.
  8. Ivan was successful. Look a bit down this page. Or is there a more recent effort you're thinking of?
  9. Now I wish I wasn't a tinfoil hat wearing crackpot with no instagram account due to concerns of being tracked by "Big Brother". LOL
  10. They were priced well enough that it won't hurt too bad if some stuff doesn't scale well. Interested to see how they work out for you.
  11. Nice find. Sadly it looks to me like a mix of 12" scale and probably 3.75" scale figures and accessories. All of which will likely be too big for minimates. You never know though. I find some oversize stuff still looks pretty good. Playmobil horses for example.
  12. If you are don't want to delete old stuff to make room, get a free account at a photo hosting site. Upload your photos there and then link to them. All my photos posted in the last couple of years are hosted on flickr.
  13. or did you mean Hamm ...? They should give them all pointy finger hands and package them in a circle. 🤣
  14. Sorry. This isn't about Minimates but you guys are the only ones I know who will appreciate this. I was out walking this afternoon and I saw a guy who looked just like the Krang exosuit from the classic cartoon. LIke a live human version. I almost did a spit take. Kind of a pointy head with a buzz cut and squared off oversized glasses. It would be such a great Halloween costume for that guy.
  15. I dig what you're saying man. It's almost like if Baskin Robins had 88 flavours, all bad. PS Though I think most of us would put our faith in Luke if he did one.
  16. Some of these could have been licensor decisions. But that's quite a pile of seemingly poor choices. DST should take note.
  17. Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm wondering what people would think of a Blackbird styled like the one in this link. It's only a two seater. But I think a four or six seater could be created for mates with a somewhat similar look.
  18. For me it was Catwoman. I hated Michelle Pfeiffer in the role. Like worst thing in the movie for me. Didn't like the costume or her performance. But this custom is an awesome likeness and really struck me. And again, well done to all the contestants!
  19. Well done to all the entrants! So much Adam Baldwin love for one contest. LOL
  20. Holy fox in the hen house Batman! That would be like Andy Garcia inviting Clooney and friends to spend the night in his hotel.
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