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Everything posted by Padrino

  1. I meant the minimates. Sorry for the confusion
  2. I can't wait for these! When are they being solicited?
  3. I think its an excellent question. Minimates are advertised as modular. this would be an amazing add on
  4. anyone able to design the awesome new hood/cape combo for doctor doom? I need one in every color.
  5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 4 pack that looks like a VHS box
  6. Marvel Boy was an add on from the Runaways, I think. He had his own series and then became a love interest/foil for Karolina. Somehow he got absorbed into the Young Avengers (I barely remember the storyline but I think it was something about Hulking's royal bloodline). The way I see it, if I want him to be Speed, then he's Speed, and no one can stop me, dangit!
  7. That's what I thought. Apparently, its Marvel Boy
  8. These new designs are amazing!!!! I love how they are tooling new pieces. Wiccan's cape (from the new FF set) is beautiful. So are Hulkling's wings. And a Lucky!!
  9. What is happening here? I think we need to all step back a bit and recognize what we are arguing about. Certainly, we can disagree without personal attacks. This is the kind of toxicity that kept me out of many other boards. I’m sure others feel the same. Collectors are a passionate group for sure but let’s not implode because we’re disappointed in a product. Echoing BHM, the cost of everything is skyrocketing right now. I’ve dropped all collecting except for Minimates as a result. Do I love every design? No. No one has to. Buy what you like. Don’t buy what you don’t.
  10. I cannot wait to see these figures!!!!
  11. I will be skipping any merchandise that contains Chris Jericho. Just sayin'.
  12. You’ve just made an old man very happy!
  13. I'm thinking What if? is most likely but WandaVision is my top choice!
  14. You mean this Advanced D&D:
  15. ?????????? I can't wait to see these!!! thank you @DSTZach!!!
  16. This the show where the wrestlers wear comic-inspired outfits, correct? They always make a big deal about this on
  17. This is an... interesting looking group of people. I'd be ok with these as long as we get some cool looking female characters, which would make up for this line. Did they announce the 180 degree opposite license?
  18. no one owes you anything. I know I am not laughing at you. you sound very angry at the messenger. you are with likeminded people who are all passionate about this line. I've personally been collecting since 2003. trying to drag Zach for decisions out of his hands will not increase the productivity of a company that has been slammed by our current reality. please rethink this.
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