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Everything posted by NerdyTrev

  1. Zach has said that there aren't any plans to cover Cubed and Resurrection. There are still a ew figures missing from Aliens that we need. Clean Bishop comes to mind, perhaps a business suit Burke, Ripley from the first half hour of the film with her Jean shirt and LONG HAIR . I can see a fourth and final wave looking something like an amalgamation of the first two films similar to the TRU waves have done. I feel fulfilled with this line otherwise.
  2. I still have a spare Man-Thing set and will trade anyone straight up for Jubilee/Destiny from wave 60.
  3. Congratulations to everyone and a happy holidays for these next few weeks to come!
  4. I guess Executioner/Grandmaster is the TRU pack, then.
  5. What about the Grandmaster? I want a Goldblum!
  6. Mine arrived last week but I haven't been able to open it yet. I don't know if I'll have time this weekend either. We'all see how things play out.
  7. Tough choice. I've gotta say Classic Batman from DCD wave 7. Before anything I was a Batman fan and the Adams/O'Neil run from the 70's. Add the Animated Series (and Timmverse in general) and the influence the character's had on me has led me down the path I currently walk. It only seems fitting that my favorite iteration of the Dark Knight Detective is my favorite Minimate. Without further adieu, Batman: (Hail Ivan!) As for charity, my family partakes in the Adopt-a-Child every year. The program is set up through out Church and it's fun to pick what gifts to give each kid based on their interests.
  8. Hopefully we'll be getting another Shocker and a Michael Keaton!
  9. If we get a classic, blue Iron Monger, I'd be happy as a clam!
  10. I was trying to have each pack reflect a single era so I don't think Archangel would work with Marvel Girl. As for Iceman, I feel like we've seen enough love for Bobby in the past few years, and I think I speak for everyone when I say I don't want that horrid yellow outfit Angel had in the 60's. Like I said, I'm not too sold on Mesmero either, I just needed another prominent character from that era that would fit with Marvel Girl. EDIT: Maybe Mimic would work? Factor 3 Banshee? Unus? Mastermind?
  11. Maybe something like an, "X-Men Legacy" wave? Four sets from different eras that capture the characters essence well enough. It'd be a good way to incorporate re-releases of wanted characters. Maybe something like: 90's Rogue/90's Gambit All New Cyclops/All New Storm Claremont Professor X/Juggernaut Marvel Girl/Mesmero This way we capture three influential eras in the X-Men Mythos (60's, 70's, 90's, 2010's). I don't know how well this would be received, but I think it's a good idea. Maybe Mesmero isn't the best choice, but he's a classic 60's foe that was an important character more than once.
  12. I really hope this wave goes well so we can similar waves in the future. I dont expect three in a row like this, but every ten or so it'd be nice to get some classic looks. Hopefully enough to round out the West Coast Avengers.
  13. Stumbled upon an extra Man-Thing if anyone needs one.
  14. The tiara just looks like a tampo on the head with a Therese hairpiece over it. Not ideal, but acceptable given the context of the show.
  15. Oh I absolutely love the Austin Powers flicks. I think they're all too funny to pick a favorite. I know that I'd love a set of Minimates, but I'm not sure how well the masses would react. It seemed like a franchise that people were satisfied with and didn't necessarily want anything extra from. Maybe on some parallel Earth Austin Powers became the next James Bond and we're still swimming in his fame. On another note: Thought this was gonna be a completely different thread from the title alone.
  16. I'm a little disappointed about the lack of accessories with these guys. I was hoping Kaecillius and the Zealots would come with a translucent sword like they use on the film, Ancient One would have her wicked cook fan weapons and Mondo equipped with his staff. The figures do look fantastic and I hope I can pick them all up, but I was expecting something a bit more in the accessories department.
  17. Just did a double fist pump in the air. I don't care if the entire library gave me weird looks, I'm FLIPPING EXCITED!!!!! I wonder what direction they'll take this one in. Since there was a large time gap between the first two season, will this pick up right after the invasion? Will they do the time jump again (which I'd be fine with as long as there's good reason)?
  18. I can't believe that we've never discussed this before! Pirates would be a great line for Minimates. Seems like a property that Hot Topic could pick up.
  19. Maybe a repaint of the Jarvis Tetch body. It could work with the big coat he's got.
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