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Everything posted by whywing

  1. I like the comparison to other versions of the same character a lot, nice work! I am also jealous of how clear your pictures are, for the life of me I cant figure out why mine are always somewhat blurry.
  2. Mega Bloks: Assassin's Creed!Monday-Mini-Madness-Nothing-is-true-everything-is-permitted/cmfg/60052B79-B86C-4722-A9F9-8D73EEF5E229 Down with the Borgia!
  3. I am at a complete loss, the only thing I can see about my Santa is that they are based in SC, I tried going through the thread and checking everybody's location but so many people don't have it listed! Thanks again secret Santa, whoever you are!
  4. Merry Christmas!

  5. You are indeed correct sir! Glad you like it and merry Christmas!
  6. Star Wars Command minis.!Monday-Mini-Madness-Yub-Yub/cmfg/6695F66B-9321-4E25-A5D0-A99BBEEA8FBF "Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!"
  7. Thanks MisterPL, I love your idea of adding potatoes and desert, I haven't been too happy with the format but I was just keeping it simple. As far as pictures go I only have my phone, any tips on taking pictures would be much appreciated. I plan on buying an actual camera eventually but it won't be for a few months. The scoring system is something I have thought about before but haven't done because I don't really like reading scored reviews so I didn't want to write any. I do think scores would make sense when reviewing a wave or series though.
  8. More than a little behind on these but this set is great! Storm is very well done and young Xavier quietly stole this set! The wheelchairs are great accessories.
  9. I hope you are sitting down... Today I received quite a large box in the mail! I tried for all of 20 minutes to convince myself to wait until Christmas but I just couldn't do it My jaw literally dropped! The first thing I pulled out of this immaculately packaged gift was the Kotobukiya Aquaman statue and boy is it awesome! I tore through the rest of the package trying to find a clue as to who sent me this wonderful gift and was greeted with more toys: Thor and Aquaman are my favorite super heroes and I was more than happy that both are represented here. The Scaler is a neat little toy that is currently hanging from my blinds but I am sure he will find many a perch in the future days.The Days of Future Past sets are awesome and I am glad to finally have my hands on them. The Halo mates are also appreciated and I love the warthog, we really need more Minimate vehicles. You can also never have enough Aliens. There were also a couple of mini stockings full of Twix and Rolos The letter simply reads: "Hello Taylor, MERRY CHRISTMAS from your MMMV Secret Santa! I hope that you have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!" That's it, no signature on the note or a clue of any kind in the box. It is possible I overlooked any hints as I have been in a somewhat euphoric and dumbfounded state since opening what is probably one of the greatest Christmas presents I have ever received. My current guess is that Santa Claus literally sent me this gift. Whoever you are Santa, THANK YOU!!! I can't even express how much I appreciate this gift and I hope that you have as merry of a Christmas as I am now having, though that seems unlikely because then you would have to one up yourself and I'm not sure that is possible EDIT: Forgot to mention the package was shipped from South Carolina, should narrow it down some.
  10. Hello all! I recently started contributing to a toy website called Every Monday I will have a post up focusing on mini figures of all sorts. Today I talk about the Guardians of the Galaxy movie mates, if you've got a minute I would love to hear what you think.!Monday-Mini-Madness-What-A-Bunch-Of-AHoles/cmfg/3DE746B7-5260-42AA-83BA-A08E91EB60CD "You actually got it? I was just kidding about the leg, I just thought it'd be funny!"
  11. I bought six pack of these at Kmart, wish I would have known about the map. I ended up with Shredder, Foot Soldier, Foot Robot, Mikey, Mikey, Mutagen Mikey. Anybody need a Mikey, seeking Donatello.
  12. I think I read that Walgreens ordered another wave of proto Fetts so theoretically he shouldn't be too difficult to find.
  13. I opened 11 blind boxes of TMNT (all from the same case) and ended up with two Donatello and two Krang bots which I thought was strange. If anybody needs either of these shoot me a pm.
  14. The only two figures I am currently lacking are Bespin Luke and Obi-Won Kenobi. They are peg warming in my area so I am waiting for a sweet deal. I have an extra unopened (regular) Boba Fett if anybody is looking for one.
  15. God they better not screw Ant Man up or I will be upset. The line up looks freaking awesome in my opinion, I would have liked another stand alone Hulk movie and maybe a full length film for Agents of SHIELD though.
  16. Wait a minute, there is a mohawk Storm!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I am bummed about these also. I will continue to hope that these will eventually see the light of day. And as expressed above, I feel that wave 2 was much much stronger than the original.
  18. Completely understandable. Just know that you have at leas one customer ready and willing to buy them as soon as they become available I have really been digging vinyl minis of this sort and recently purchased all three series of OMFG and backed series four on kickstarter.
  19. Necro because I am curious if this has moved forward at all, also this thread has some hilarious suggestions. Luke is this still a possibility?
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