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Everything posted by VulcansFury

  1. TRU passed on these gems? These are awesome! I think I need an extra King Cobra to cut off the armor for a Dreamscape custom I dont think I can pick a favorite, theyre all great. Anubis, Mad Cow, Giraffe, Cobra, etc. Fantastic. I think I'll be army building as well. I hope the Bear head fits on the SFxT mate.
  2. Is this the "must do" license, Zach? And are the figures also by DST?
  3. I just hope they do one-offs instead of needing an entire wave for 6inch (similar to their 4in retros), because I need that Rocketeer in 6inch! I love how their retros are available individually not in sets because I ordered 2 Rocketeers so I can keep one carded. I wouldnt have done that if he was sold in a set.
  4. Warriors Three box set with Lady Sif. Want. They already made movie Sif and Volstagg, so I'd make it a box set of Hogun, Fandral, Frigga and Kurse.
  5. I'm far more excited to see the RetroAction Super7 stuff than any of DC's offerings. I liked BTAS, but not enough to get 6in figures.
  6. I hope the Abomination pack was the correct guess Zach mentioned.
  7. I'd remind him of the upcoming Aliens stuff.
  8. Since they cant do Dogma mates, making "Dashboard" Christ is their way around that. Yay for getting Suzanne! And heres to Sissy, Missy, Chrissy and juggs!
  9. Uhhhh I recognize Nancy & Yellow Bastard, but who's mustache-guy? And is trenchcoat guy supposed to be Bruce Willis' character? Neat sculpted ears on Yellow Bastard.
  10. Man, I am really enjoying the Marvel NOW! books, and seeing your group shot makes me want more of them. I love classic designs, don't get me wrong, but a few more Marvel NOW!'s would be welcome!
  11. Just for J&SBSB, new one revealed soon. You're talking about another reveal coming soon besides the Dashboard Christ set right? Thanks for trickling out these reveals these past few weeks by the way, its made the wait for Toy Fair more bearable.
  12. Thank you. I've read a lot of good guesses here too. Planet of the Apes is another good guess I saw mentioned earlier, and as the granddaddy of movie licensing with a new movie this year, and NECAs classic line, thats a good possibility. Predator is definitely a Must Do, but I've always thought they would hold it back for a future release. When you've exhausted all the Aliens characters, then movie next to Predator makes sense. But if they want to give us Predator sooner, then great! TMNT is a desired property, but not one we've been clamoring for as a "must do" to the same degree.
  13. Did you ever check out the link I gave you in your introduction thread? Skirt - Michonne from TWD Beard - Volstagg from Thor 1 Top hat - look at the Peter Pan box sets
  14. Weird!! You actually saw a Barnes & Nobles?
  15. Only one character from The Addams Family to complement the Munsters? Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Batman 66? Other than Predator & Army of Darkness which come up most frequently in the future license thread that are the most possible. Mattel has already blown their wad with 66 Batman toys, and now we have the recent dvd release news. Minimates are the quickest product to get to market IIRC from previous discussions. DST already has a license for other Batman 66 merchandise. So Batman 66 is my guess.
  16. Welcome. What you need is if you want reference for your customs. Hail Ivan!
  17. Marty McFly Zombie! Heavy. And Military Zombie looks more like cold-sore zombie. Love this TRU wave.
  18. If they do another Villains Zombie pack, I'd love to see Rhino in it.
  19. I've been trying to figure out why the Wolvie/Reaper set sits there ? In the case of Wolverine IMHO it's his mask & the pack ought display him sans mask & with hair ....the mask isn't the best we've had (I'm being polite) . The Reaper is far more important ,the figure suffers from the lack of a moulded torso ,the 'square standard' just doesn't 'fit' the figure which would be forgivable if we hadn't seen a range of Minimates called 'Battle Beasts' where every* bloody beast had a moulded chest *the more alert will notice that I have forgotten 'Zik' .......oh how I wish I could ! The best answer: Because it's $1 more. I've scooped up my fair share of extra's, and the Reaper pack is kind of a dog. It's pricier, and not as customizer friendly compared to the other packs. Those legs and odd shaped head, along with Wolvie's claws and no regular hands make it a tougher sell at the higher price. $2.79 works wonders and I'd have scooped up a few more Reaper sets if they were at that price. Hulk & Iron Man sold out to the masses, and I found a couple since there are so many Iron Man repaints possible I bought a few. I just don't want an army of Reapers, and he's not much use for any more than making one Sauron. For $1 more, I'm not buying up the extra 20 Reaper packs lying around.
  20. Ooooh, that’s better and more accurate. I’ll edit my old post. fixed that for you. I lose track of who's trying to multiply with each other. Back in my day we would just say they were trying to f@#$ each other up, not multiply. So if I'm "lowering myself" by saying SFvT, I'll just quietly go back to tending my lawn I so diigently keep you whippersnappers off of.
  21. It's not that I have anything personal against the Golden Girls, I just don't want Blanche to spread her Herp to the rest of my mates. An Estelle Getty mate would allow us to recreate "Stop or my Mom Will Shoot" with our Stallone mates, so I guess it's not all bad.
  22. Worst pegwarmers I've seen during this sale were Capcom Wolvie & Viewtiful Joe, and w16 Wolvie & Reaper. SFvT are pretty sparse to sold out at my TRU's.
  23. Thanks to the TRU purge and the need to spend $49 to get free shipping, I got a few of the dirt-cheap Ghostbusters Video Game 4-packs. For all three of my packs, the translucent figures and the clear Chef's stands were really, really gummy. For the figure, the chest blocks,and legs weren't as bad, but the hands and feet especially were quite gummy and sticky. IIRC, the stand was originally clear, but the ones I got looked like they were yellowing and again were quite sticky. Is anyone else noticing breakdown on their older mates?
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