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Everything posted by kaipo

  1. I'm digging this look, might be my displayed look for mr. fixit.
  2. commander rogers is friggin sweet dude..... getting 2 nick fury packs for sure, that means for the second pack I'm making commander rogers and putting the Nick Fury head on the shield agent body.
  3. Oh man luke i am so jealous. any chance of getting a shot of mark 42 with the faceplate removed?
  4. u could even do a loin cloth sauron with the extra reaper! *maybe.
  5. the third base would be sweet, then it would look like a continuous row. I think just displaying 7 per series is fine though.
  6. Priceless! Kudos my friend
  7. Pretty sure Zach said no armor for pepper. But personally I'd rather get lingerie pepper. Wink wink
  8. Awesome. Thanks Zach, Iron Man 3 Minimates hit stores. and/or box set revealed?!?!?
  9. blue and gold goodness...
  10. I've got 7 for the pre-army builder waves and 8 for post-army builders. A few of the army builders can be displayed different ways so I take advantage of that when possible. (Hydra agent, Shield agent, etc) Of course there are TRU waves, some have 4 exclusive minimates, some have 2 (earlier waves) and some have 8, then you've got box sets which usually come in 4 so if you've got 2 together it makes an even 8. I think 8 is the way to go which is why I'm stoked for Luke's 8 figure stands (see the thread in the "max blanks and other minimates" forum)
  11. I agree with that assessment & some of the paintwork on these look superb & thereby an expensive part of the budget .....give me detailed paintwork rather than an accessory any day. I think we all realise these days that .....for example....we wouldn't have gotten a fantastic Minimate such as Hulkbuster who 'dripped' with paint & sculpted parts.... without getting Gamma Hulk who fantastic. I'm not however knocking ol' Green Jello I just accept the logic of why we didn't get Mega Rage (for example) in that pack. good point. Hope we get bulked-up gamma hulk one day!
  12. the control art showed the clear stands...
  13. Loki's cape and hairpiece might've been new, not 100% sure.
  14. ok thanks for clearing that up. now the question is how much to buy... muahaha
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