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Everything posted by you_will_forget

  1. That's right folks, topics of nothing but links, so probably a bot. Just thought I'd bring it up as I wasn't sure where to let people know. Ok, mad rush is now on to get your porn before the mods get rid of it Thanks, Jo
  2. Yeah, same here - though I'm not sure what the Punisher would sound like as a Yorkshireman. Nevertheless, I'd look forward to playing it. Your other game, as mentioned earlier - is it available and where from? Thanks, Jo
  3. In no particular order Jay Garrick - I loves me some Flashes Green Arrow - the guy that got me reading DC trades Deathstroke - I always loved Slade from the Teen Titans cartoon Blue Beetle - Bwa-ha-ha Booster Gold - Bwa-ha-ha-er Power Girl - well, there are two big reasons... Chief Tyrol (flight deck) - one of my favourite characters from BSG over the three series so far (I don't find Starbuck as likeable any more) Harley Quinn - her hammer is as big as she his Hawkman - avatar says it all Nearly all DC, but I'm looking forward to the Avengers Marvel wave as well Jo
  4. Oracle and Nightwing Superboy and Wonder girl (conner and Cassie) Ion and Donna Troy Arsenal and Cheshire (with Lian as an extra minifigure) Huntress and Question Lex Luthor and Mercy Ralph and Sue Dibny (from a period when they're both alive - otherwise we're moving into zombie territory again) Kyle Raynor (not Ion costume) and Jade Jay (being made) and Joan Garrick Cowgirl and Rocket Man (from GL) Cinnamon and Blackhawk Hal Jordan (being made) and Arisia Scarface and the Ventriloquist Tim Drake (already made) and Spoiler Catwoman (already made) and Slam Bradley Jack Knight and Mist II Flash and Linda Park-West (because we need an easier to get hold of Flash ) Jonathon and Martha Kent The Waynes Kathy Kane and Renee Montoya Plastic Man and Woozy Winks Grace and Thunder Big Barda and Scott Free Granny Goodness and Darkseid John Stewart (already made) and Hawkgirl/Vixen (animated styles) Lobo and Fishy Stargirl and Jakeem Thunder Black Adam and Isis That's all I got for now. I know, I suck. Jo
  5. It did make me chuckle a bit reading through this thread. Not at you guys in particular, because it's obvious that at the time there was very little product going around, but at the mental image it brought up of the forum sitting around and worrying about a drought when there's a tidal wave coming. Ugh, that was crappy writing. It is interesting to look back over such a short period and see how different it was. I was sucked in by the first DC announcements, but didn't really start doing any reading up until November time. Now I'm having to carefully pick which of the lines I'll buy to avoid bankrupting myself. Take care, Jo
  6. *Getting* them in the UK isn't too hard, places like Forbidden Planet sell them at about the time they come out in the US and webistes such as and forbidden planet again (there's two seperate companies by the same name, both in the UK, that both operate websites as well as storefronts selling comics and stuff. Just to add to the confusion). Getting them *at a sensible price* however is somewhat more difficult. Your standard cost will be the $ exchanged for a £ - in other words, twice the price. You may be able to do better by bulk ordering from the states and selling the extras. Just thought I'd weigh in. Jo
  7. Yeah, it's really annoying when people keep adding comments after the contest has finished... I like these random ones. I have no appreciable artistic talent, so customising or designing wallpapers are a little out of my reach, even though those contests are a little more worthy of winners. So, uh, yeah - gimme a prize Jo
  8. From the pictures, the Hawks wings are attached to their "vests" for lack of a better word. In other words, they can be taken off. Don't know if they'll have any detailing underneath though. Jo
  9. Girder (from Flash) Solovar Soloman Grundy Big Barda Giganta - JLU version (though she'd do better with a 6" version as well) Jo
  10. Your wish... Jo
  11. I'd personally just like to thank Ady and the rest of you for the forum you've built here. I wasn't around for all the nastiness that happened in the past, but I've not been made to feel like an outsider for having not lived through it. On other forums I have been. I'm not talking about the AA one here, just to clarify, but I'm a member of a few different ones and I'm often made to feel like my opinions don't matter. So yes: thanks all of you here and welcome to Brandon in his new status as a member. He's like a butterfly emerging from his chrysalis. Or like a guy going from moderator to member. Take your pick. Jo
  12. It's got to be said, but I'm really glad I got into this hobby late. Jo
  13. To be honest, I'd be happy with a wave made up entirely of Green Lanterns Corps. There's over 3600 to choose from. Jo
  14. I've given up buying trades from Forbidden Planet, I'm now buying them from Amazon - which means I'm waiting until March to get last week's books, but it's costing me about half. Other than that, I'm relying on the waning numbers of Transformers (I'm not interested in the movie toys or titaniums) to keep me in enough cash. Mind you, I could do with losing weight, so the not eating method might work as well. Jo
  15. Just thought I'd bump this as I was reading through some older threads and this was pretty interesting. The avatar is Hawkman because, well, I like Hawkman. The name comes from an email address I set up a few years ago when I was playing a Ventrue in a Live Ac Vampire game - the email was my in character one. I eventually went on to use it for everything as other emails got clogged with crap. I use you_will_forget on any boards (but sometimes you-will-forget, especially eBay, which wouldn't let me use underscores when I set up the account). As you can probably work out from that, my real name is Joseph. Tada! Jo
  16. I hope they aren't - I don't get paid 'til the 28th. Mind you, those lovely people at Forbidden Planet want me to pay the massive overcharge cost, so I'm sure they'll keep them a week for me. Maybe. *starts worrying* Jo
  17. Yes, podcast would be great. Just chiming in for fun, really. It'd be great for those of us who can't ever in a million years get to an American show like this. So yeah, gimme. Jo
  18. For fans of late 80's/early 90's pop music, someone is now OBLIGED to make a set of Salt 'N' Peppa minimates. OBLIGED, I tell you. Jo
  19. What's the best method for contacting them? I have the same problem but I'm in the UK. Thanks, Jo
  20. Will adding Black Canary to that list send you into convulsions? Jo
  21. Looks wierd - kinda expected the more "grandmotherly" figure from JSA, but I suppose this makes more sense. *sigh* still be getting it though, if just to slowly assemble a full JSA. Still need a Stargirl, Sand (or Sandman) and Alan Scott though. Oh, and Jesse Quick. Jo
  22. Oh, I'd love that. Add in a Pied piper, Grodd, Heatwave and Top and I may as well just set up a direct debit to DCD. Jo
  23. Hey, he'd make a great playset. If you want obscure, how about Ted Knight's girlfriend as Starman? Jo
  24. Nah, you know what we really want: Mogo. Jo
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