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Everything posted by thereasonsy

  1. I use to think that I was pretty MCU ingrained until I started noticing that there are franchises I have minimal to zero interest in. Spider-Man, Hulk, Dr. Strange being some of the key highlights to my purposeful ignorance.
  2. The top part doesn't come off? It looks like it does, Dang it! Although I do love that they add in a female torso into the mix so you can have a guy or a girl person.
  3. Am I the only person that is buy Mass Effects just to make a purple girl/persuasion Minimate for Alpha Flight?
  4. I would love another build them set for the Muir Island X-Men but they are basically the New Mutants costumes. Although a larger form chest piece for a Sunder would make me happy adjacent for a spell since it could benefit Beast and etc.
  5. Agreed. I still have a head and hair piece sitting around waiting to put on Vance to get a Marvel Boy for Firestar.
  6. What I've done is gotten a Marvel Unlimited membership. and stay off of spoiler boards. For 10 bucks you get all of the comics digitally and then I buy the titles that I literally can't wait for like both Inhumans which aren't the best titles but with Crystal/Medusa at the helm I'm going to keep buying it until I get my mates out of them.
  7. Hey Guys/Gals: Since the success of Wave 60's Strike Force I've been trying to think about who else could do this type of multiple figures in one pack swap. I can only think of Gen X (need one girl body and one guy body), and the comic versions of the Agents of SHIELD. I can think of quick swaps for individuals i.e. Banshee/Syrin Vance Astro/Marvel Boy, Thunderbird/Warpath but really strugelling for a team unit. Can you guys think of anyone else?
  8. Oh Patch! I used him for an upgraded Nick Fury for years.
  9. Hey Guys: I looked in the Database but I swear I remember a figure that had a white jacket. Am I making this up? I want to kitbash a Gen X Emma.
  10. Do you guys remember back in the day of the X-Men Toyline when they did a specialty order She-Force? That was an exclusive line that did well for about the first 2 lines and then fell apart. I think it had to do with Character selection ( toward the end. Look at the Alpha Flight Team, which I personally loved, which now is basically cannon fodder for customerizers. Also, not to be a nag but Luke's did that awesome Deadly Foes Set and that didn't sell out instantly either even with a great lineup. I think it is about three things: the demand for the character. the popularity of the character (which is different than demand), and lack of the character. For example: Ms. Marvel Kamala. People want her (at least on here), she is not A list but she isn't completely obscure, and she doesn't have a mate. Make sense? With that all being said I'd love a Con Exclusive or a Luke Exclusive Hall of Fame type set boxset of 60's Jean, Medusa, Crystal, and Kamala. If it had to go to a more broad audience I would actually do a Ms. Marvel thru the ages set and pick: She-Thing (points if they had her other costume underneath), Kamala, Carol as Binary in her Red costume (swap out head), and then Carol in her Ms. Marvel Costume but with the Binary powers. If I could cheat I'd get a Dr. Minerva in there sacrificing powered up Carol.
  11. Since this is a family friendly board. %#(*Y# blind bags are you %#(* kidding me with that (#&^#(@? UGH, it's like they WANT me to quit collecting.
  12. Maybe a chest block that is male? I mean it isn't a perfect match but it is close.
  13. Here is my take on the this image of the Scarlet Witch. I used Electra's arms, Falcon's legs with some alteration to the tops of each, a black hip piece, Electra's belt, Belinda's torso, not sure who's head but I think it is Phoenix/Jean Gray's hair and then two green energy blasts. Well done!
  14. Thats one happy sentinel He's from the Superhero Squad.
  15. PREACH IT. I loved Wanda's, Pietro's, Natasha's, and Crystal's the most. some were a miss. I mean poor Janet.
  16. Hey team. I have hated every Scarlet Witch Minimate that has come out. I have been thinking of how to modify her into one that I like but that lead me on google searches that reminded me how much I loved the Crossing Costumes. I have no painting skills and never understood how stickers work. Anyone have any suggestions for a quick kit bash to get closer to this:
  17. Am I the only one not excited for this at all? I only want Falcon Cap and even then it is like ugh what about the other Falcons I have?
  18. I'm more team new character as well but every now and then an outfit demands a redo. Look at Capt. Carol! Also, just tell me what I have to do to get my Crystal and Medusa Inhumans and I"m set.
  19. Ok first off this is a different continuity than the original 3 X Movies. Basically they didn't happen. So we have to kind of forget the rest of things similar to the Star Trek movies. I hope they do a basic uniform for a guy and a girl and then give us multiple heads. Below is quoted from an e-mail I wrote to my best friend griping and complaining about this movie: (Please note, no insults are directed or aimed at you specifically, I wrote this over a week ago, before you even made your post, I'm just copy/pasting it because it illustrates my feelings on this matter.) Jubilee and Psylocke (AND possibly Angel, AND possibly other characters) appearing the same age or older in the 80s than they are in the present day previous X-Men movies they already appeared in, makes no damn sense, whether the past has been altered or not. I will not accept "Altering the past in DOFP forced their parents to bang and conceive them 30 years earlier, for unexplained reasons" as a plausible explanation. The parents are theoretically 30 years younger too. Would Jubilee's parents even be of banging age? Frankly, for the age they are in Apocalypse, wouldn't their parents have to have conceived and birthed them BEFORE DOFP? I mean they're all fairly grown young adults in Apocalypse? How many years before Apocalypse does DOFP take place? Quicksilver, Magneto, Mystique, Beast and Xavier all look exactly the same, so it can't be many. For as little sense as it makes assuming their alternate birth is a result of the altered timeline, it makes ZERO sense for these characters to have been conceived BEFORE DOFP, because up to DOFP, the past should have been unaltered. These characters would NOT have been born already before Wolverine mucked with things. There's a completely alternate reality, where anything goes, and then there's altering the past of a reality that already exists. This is the latter, not the former. It shouldn't be SO drastically different that characters are born three whole decades earlier. I could accept that certain events change, but that several characters parents would conceive them WELL before they should have been conceived, "Because reasons!" is not plausible, and poorly told. Even if DOFP did muck with the past. PS. And I can't wait to see what kind of plot holes that new Colossus in Deadpool who seems to look completely different, and be of a different age at a different time than Cudmore's Colossus creates. (Though he does already look 10x better than Cudmore's Colossus, I admit). No hard feelings, I just honestly don't care as much as others do. I just hope they make some cool mates out of them.
  20. Ok first off this is a different continuity than the original 3 X Movies. Basically they didn't happen. So we have to kind of forget the rest of things similar to the Star Trek movies. I hope they do a basic uniform for a guy and a girl and then give us multiple heads.
  21. I could see that. With a bit of modding Nancy could turn out good. Personally, I've already made her, The Cull Obsidian and The (current) Cabal, since I don't think DST will ever get to doing them. Pics?
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