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Everything posted by CBMM1

  1. What!?!? Is that a confirmation? Harry Potter!Wait you were just kidding again, weren't you? Or.....are you actually Sirius?
  2. Here is my custom Flash Thompson. He is made using the Agent Venom head with a BTTF Biff body. I hope you all enjoy it.
  3. I understand those that don't want "Just another Iron Man armor", but at least he is a totally new variation with a cool design. To me Captain America and Hulk are drab and look too similar to previous releases to warrant new 'Mates an a space in this set.
  4. Here's the way I see it... I, as a collector of Minimates, am extremely excited for this. DST seems to be doing everything right: (Small number of figures per case, making all figures available in one case, etc.) I also don't know what the license is, so I might not even care when these come out. The idea intrigues me though. I personally think that all of the analysis of whether or not this is a good decision for DST should be left up to them. All of the posts predicting the future of this line and the possible prices of figures on the second market are ridiculous given we really don't have any details. I am a firm believer of never counting something out until you can truly take in the subject in person. I am sure DST has given this a lot of thought and they are not just making this decision on a whim. They can't afford to risk a new line on a gamble. Trust them! When was the last time they failed us? If this ends up being TMNT, even better for me! Given that I am not a die hard fan of the Turtles, something like this would probably cause me to jump on board and buy at least a few 'Mates. I would not be interested in the line otherwise. (Hmm, maybe I am part of the target audience.) I any event, I am VERY excited, and thanks Zach for giving us the stream of information that you have. I'm sure dealing with all these comments can be taxing at times.
  5. I am so excited for these! I voted: -Iron Man: Awesome new armor -Thane: New obscure characters are always a plus -Ronan: I have been waiting for the comic look -Thanos: Come on! It's a no brainer
  6. Hello Everyone, I have been a member on here for over two years now, and I finally decided to formally introduce myself. My Minimate addiction started when I was much younger. I was an avid collector of 6" Spider-Man figures but had limited knowledge of the comics they came from. One day my family took a day trip to Monterey, CA and we happened upon a comic book store. In a store filled with brightly colored toys and collectibles, one display caught my eye: A beam in the middle of the store stocked full with shelves of Marvel Minimates. It was around the time of the earlier waves and box sets. I snatched up as many as my parents would let me get, and eagerly anticipated our next trip back (Being young and naïve, I didn't get the concept that there were other comic shops closer to home). Every time we went back, I bought more, and thus began the addiction. I loved Minimates because they had all of my favorite Spidey heroes and villains, and my parents loved them because they were small and cheap. I attribute my wider knowledge of MARVEL and comics in general to the variety of Minimates that I have purchased over the years. As I have grown older, my interest and appreciation of the line has expanded, and I love the different licenses that Minimates encompass. (I am having trouble finding space for all of them) I joined the Multiverse in 2012, yet I haven't posted much. I find that my life is so busy that I barely even have time to lurk anymore. As summer approaches, I anticipate that I will have extra time on my hands. I look forward to getting into more conversations with you fine folks. See you in the Forums, CBMM1
  7. That contest was a lot of fun! I'm so excited to get the 'Mate! Thanks for the contest and thanks to DST for making the 'Mate!
  8. >sniff sniff< Uh Oh. I smell blind bags/boxes. Actually, I'd be totally down for it but I know some others around here won't.
  9. Ok. Did anyone swipe the entire case from the Dublin, CA TRU? I just went in and they said they got in a full case a couple of days ago. No one could find them on the shelves or in the back. Oh well, time to try another.
  10. They are revealing the Batmobile tomorrow! Teaser image can be seen here...
  11. I'm going to try to get tickets when the returned ones go on sale ( missed out the first time ). I am hoping for the best but not holding my breath.
  12. One plus that I can see is that the websites for these stores will probably be more cooperative than TRU. Just food for thought.
  13. Carnage has almost always been drawn with a pink mouth, at least as far as I am aware.
  14. I am not as concerned with the length of the contest as I am the time of day that it is posted. I have not been able to participate in any of the past couple contests. Perhaps later in the day would be better.
  15. Well I feel like given the fact that 2099 is getting his own series this year, the chances of getting him are pretty high!
  16. Thanks for the quick replies. I couldn't remember what blister packs were called. It's been a long week. Great ideas!
  17. This is probably a strange question but: How do all of you open the "full window" (The Walking Dead, Star Trek, etc.) while minimizing damage to the packaging? Just curious.
  18. At least you could get yours on. On my figure the pegs wouldn't even pop in!
  19. I am not a huge Godzilla fan but I have seen some of the films. I will be picking up this set and can't wait to see what's next. I have a feeling someone will hunt me down for saying this but how about a Zilla mate from the 1998 movie? I know the movie is crap but the design is really cool. I would rather have some of the classics first but I'm talking a bit down the road if the line does well.
  20. I love minimates because they are small, easy to store, fairly cheap, and have all of my favorite characters.
  21. He's not the only one that seems to be having this problem Zach. One of my TRUs got in TWD wave 5 but both have had zip zilch nada of anything else. (Marvel 17, 18, Tomb Raider, etc.)
  22. Here they are.
  23. Do the shared sets have any variations to them like the ASM2 sets do?
  24. So I went to my local TRU in search of either wave 16 or 17. There was absolutely no sign of them, but I did see something rather odd. There was only one peg for Marvel Minimates and it was totally comprised of Punisher vs. Spider-Man sets. There was at least 12 packs of just those and nothing else. Has anyone else ran into something like this before?
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