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Everything posted by CBMM1

  1. YES!!! I can't wait to get home and see if mine came. These look great!
  2. My order tracking shows my set as being only a few cities away. I expect to receive it tomorrow. I'm so excited for these! I just hope the packages aren't smashed like my past few orders from TRU.
  3. Are videos (stop motion) allowed?
  4. This was definitely one of my favorite episodes so far. It was superior to even some of the best episodes from last season. The pacing was on point and the story tied into to the larger MCU well. The new cast members fit right in and Absorbing Man was awesome. I can't wait to see what this season brings!
  5. So did mine. Can't wait to see what I get!
  6. I'm currently reading everything 616 Spider-Man: - The Amazing Spider-Man - The Superior Foes of Spider-Man - Superior Spider-Man - Edge of Spider-Verse - Spider-Man 2099 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl (1.x's) All of these together easily make the best Spider-Man runs in recent years. The new Spider-Verse story arc is great so far and the connectivity is spectacular (pun intended). My least favorite is Learning to Crawl. I'm only reading it because it's five issues. All it is is Slott bastardizing (retelling) Spidey's origins in the modern day while connecting it to some early issues.
  7. I went to my TRU and had them order me this set and the PvZ (with free shipping). We'll find out which set this is in about a week I guess. Even if it's the B&W set, it's still a darn good deal.
  8. I would imagine it has to be. All of the other box sets that had LCS releases are $19.99 or more. Seeing as it is only $14.99 (like their PvZ set) it's probably their exclusive. They just used the wrong pic (also like the PvZ set).
  9. CBMM1

    TRU 19

    I'm loving this wave so far. Quicksilver desperately needed a new face and darker shorts. I've also always wanted an Ends of the Earth Spider-Man. The first Mysterious never really did much for me. The colors were a bit too muddled for my taste. Anyway I hope Vision is the last reveal!
  10. Yeah I agree with the above comments. Full wave for sure. The only thing I'd change is the Hope Van Dyne slot. Just speculation on my part, but I'm almost certain she'll put on a Wasp suit. I don't know maybe I'm stretching a bit, but you can't have an Ant-Man without a Wasp.
  11. You made it on!
  12. Ok thanks! This definitely encourages me to buy the TRU set. Even though it's just a $5 difference, that means an extra $5 goes to another Minimate set.
  13. CBMM1

    Wave 60

    I know most of you probably want Multiple Man, but I'm content with the version we already have. I want Spider-Minions!
  14. Hey Zach, Any particular reason that the TRU set is $15 and the specialty shop set is $20. Was that TRU's choice?
  15. Were these confirmed to only be $15 before? I was under the assumption that they would be the standard $20.
  16. Those are the supposedly rare Shane/Punk Zombie set. They are hard to find now and fetch between $50-$80 on ebay. I was just happy to be able to get one set at SDCC this year and about flipped out when I saw them on the pegs at the DST booth. Zach told me he found one last case of them somewhere and brought them along. That alone made my day. But over twenty of them is just crazy! I don't even know how to process this!
  17. Lackluster is putting it nicely. I agree that Vulture could use an update. Perhaps include a second head for the Blackie Drago version. I personally would like another Mysterio. I found the coloring on the first one way too muddled. I would go with Hydroman for another foe. Some updated parts would be seriously cool for him. And I guess Beetle would be cool to finish out the set.
  18. 1. Spider-Minions 2. Mandroids 3. The Public Eye (Spider-Man 2099)
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