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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. Amusingly the vest is based on one from a MGS2 generic soldier Kubrick. As for the color scheme, I had a substantial number of Rhino's lying around so logistics said that I went with a slightly lighter grey than I initially wanted, but the more I look at it the more I'm happy with tha choice it makes the darker parts more contrasting. I want to eventually make a bunch of these types of guys, more terrorist/bankheist/villian designs, SAS , SWAT & general Spec Ops type guys. Personally I think there's huge potential that isn't being used here as kids love to play toy soldiers, and there's no licensing issues as they would be generic figures. If they wanted to they could swap equipment and weapons etc between them. I also think that there's also the video game market where guys are out there playing CounterStrike, Rainbow6 and CoD4 who would love little versions of the soldiers they play online. What does anyone else think? T. Brilliant custom TBT & I know, only too well ,your awareness of the Kubrick Special Forces Series 1-6. Series 5 was sub-titled Enemy's Posse & 6 out of the 7 figures were ...loosely christened West & East Gang. The recent Sgt. Rock obviously lends himself to the 'toy soldier' role because he um... a soldier & will be a template for many future military- type customs I'm sure, Sgt. Nick Fury for a starter.
  2. Logan has 'creamed' most of his foes.
  3. I will answer your question but not yet. Like yourself ,I want to see other peoples' reactions first !
  4. I put this in another thread initially but I've decided that this should have its own thread . Kubricks are always being compared to Minimates which is, I feel , like comparing cats to dogs,they are so very similar but oh so very different. They are both block figures different in size & articulation , Kubrick is a hybrid word of the Romaji (Japanese) 'Ku (9) '& bricks . Kubricks are generally bigger than Minimates. My favourites in the Marvel line of Kubricks are Logan & Cap. My favourite in the Minimates Marvel line is the Symbiote Spiderman, simple .. iconic. The Kubrick version of the little black guy, like all there Spider-Man versions, are just ....sad. Kubrick Iron Man really grows on you as would the Hobgoblin if it didn't keep falling apart,an Osbourne family trait! Colossus (MM) would be awesome if he was Kubrick-size but he's not because of the Marvel licensing restrictions...come on Marvel ,sort that one out. Finally check out the Minimate version of Doctor Doom which in my opinion is stunning compared to the Kubrick Vicvondoodoo .....terrible. What do you think?
  5. Maybe you could get me one whilst your there....
  6. I've tried it & liked it . I initially found that downloading a comic was very slow which is always very irritating but I'm sure that is my system. I have one of those 'CD Rom Complete Spiderman' efforts which ,when I loaded it, went down as one of the biggest disappointments of my entire life. I mention this because Marvel has finally done it the right way by remastering the originals & not just scanning & pasting old comic pages. I think there are a few things that have 'been lost in translation' with these digital comics but I have waited years for this format. Thankyou Marvel.
  7. Minimate Central says it all, but in a nutshell they are all different from the regular versions . Captain America is probably the true variant,he has a different expression & the lower part of his torso costume is different i.e. white/red /white etc. not red/white/red etc.
  8. I'm notoriously inept at many things (including posting pictures here) but would anyone like to see pictures of some Marvel characters in their Kubrick form. If so, give me a little encouragement & I'll take some pics & try to post them.
  9. what browser are you using? I bet its Yahoo...oo...oo...ah (PYOW PYOW) oo...oo...ah..oo!
  10. K-Mart exclusive ,very collectable esp. outside US. Minimate Central describes it in more detail but the main difference is that it has a later copyright date . Definitely one for the packaging freak.
  11. Can I suggest you maybe take a a look at or maybe T. Thanks for the links TBT Try www.mypantshavebeensoyledentirelygreen . Thanks for the advice Rad .... Rad suggested that if I sit more to the RH side of my PC everything would be fine . All the best from Rick O'Shea's ....
  12. Just tapped in Nanomen on ebay ,no luck with that. The search engine gave me Nanogen which is a hair restorer.....I just thought I'd share that wonderful info with you!
  13. Typically 2 whipped egg whites & 113g (4 oz) of caster sugar added to a blender containing one fresh monkey. Blend ape-proximately for 1 minute or until (PYOW PYOW) you can no longer hear the monkey. Bake in an oven for a very long time. Enjoy. .......... Meringue-utan!
  14. Typically 2 whipped egg whites & 113g (4 oz) of caster sugar added to a blender containing one fresh monkey. Blend ape-proximately for 1 minute or until (PYOW PYOW) you can no longer hear the monkey. Bake in an oven for a very long time. Enjoy.
  15. Could somebody shoot that bloody monkey.
  16. Would you be prepared to waive copyright (or turn a blind-eye) to a limited production of Minimate Multiverse T-shirts/sweatshirts which would only be available to 'Verse members? Would it be possible to recognise that your market extends beyond N.America & promote it for mutual benefit of DST & 'foreign' consumers? Would you consider the Maschinen Krieger licence? In the meantime ...Thanks for a brilliant product.
  17. Superb subtle packaging. I look forward to receiving them.
  18. That's because they are an AFX exclusive and the only place to get them initially is AFX! T. I emailed today about my shipment & the reply was ...they will be shipped with the Rocky 2 pack at the end of the month! I am trying to like AFX but its not easy.
  19. I think some of the guys here aren't quite ready for pictures like that ..... so please PM them to me so that I can personally make sure they're OK
  20. .....a spot thats gonna get distorted and stretched....???? I am extremely worried where this is all going.
  21. Can we have a thread ,any thread , where(PYOW PYOW) I'm not (PYOW PYOW) being shot at (PYOW PYOW) by a monkey :o
  22. Yeah sorry this threads already up the way where's Liverpool ?
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